
1 Post – 269 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Cattle will stampede if you piss them off enough.

Patsy Parisi over here.

Nope. Not mad at all about not having state income tax.

This is the stupidest fucking thing I've seen all day, and it's been a long day.

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Suck another cock?

Its not as bad as living in India, but it does suck.

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I got curious so I duckduckgo'd that shit.


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Coup. COUP! It's not a fucking chicken house!

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That's not how you spell l33t. You fucking n00b.

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I don't give two shits about taking down reddit. I just want somewhere else to go, and Lemmy works for that.

Got this today, I have to use chrome for a couple things every month, and they conveniently turned on all their tracking and ads and bullshit. Had to turn all that crap off again. Not that they'd glean any useful information from my paltry chrome usage, but it still pisses me off.

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No matter how hot an individual may be, somebody, somewhere, is tired of fucking them.

*deluded. We're not watering people down for fucks sake.

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Good, stop eating that crap. Learning to cook was the best thing I ever did.

Probably one of the admins alts.

And she got street cred, and hangs out with snoop dog now lol.

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"Western religions?" West of what? India?

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Calm down Heisenberg.

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Yeah no kidding. Why else would anybody vote for the dude?

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You're goddamned right!

In Texas we can shoot 'em from helicopters with fully automatic weapons. (Seriously) 🤠

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How educated you want to be is entirely up to you.

Its 2024 now.

Do you want to be crucified? Cause that's how you get crucified.

Hugh Jackman has a wider range.


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Is your sister even real bro?

I choose to believe that you are the real spez, and that's why you're such a fuckwit.

What if they decide you're a terrorist? Governments should not have this power period. Anybody can become an "enemy of the state" at any time.

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Is that new? When I cancelled last year a couple months into my year long subscription I got the money back for the unused months. No problem, easy too.

My daughter has the super eyes. She looooves pointing out different colors that "daddy can't see!" Lol.

Or you could get a thermometer and not fuck your shit up.

That's alright. I've already taught my kid how to pirate anything she wants.

we have this at work, utterly useless. water bottles and tape measures routinely set it off, and knives get in "accidentally" all the time.

I appreciate your username 🍻

I'll be damned if I'm going to a frozen hellhole sober.

You should quit letting Jakes rub you.

Well lah-di-dah for you.

Motherfucker, he didn't rape the building. He didn't make a bomb out of his cock ffs. What are you on about with your castration?

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