9 Post – 180 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


I'm a nonbinary Canadian Blender artist! You can find my work here: Galleries, commissions, prints, and more!


Going to quote something I said on another account a while ago:

"A mixture of people voting with their hearts instead of their minds, and people being very ignorant about politics.

The end result is a voting population that will vote based on knee-jerk emotional reactions and are very gullible and lead astray by false promises, lies, and misinformation. Basically: They are extremely easy to manipulate.

A lot of Canadians feel Trudeau is a shit, do-nothing politician and PM and that he has to go, and I frankly agree with them. The problem, though, is that they let their hatred of the PM (and his party) blind them and they end up voting for a party which has no functional solutions to everything they hate Trudeau for. The problems that Trudeau has neglected DO need to be taken care of but the CPC doesn’t have a platform or policies to actually deal with them. Voters don’t care though; they just want Trudeau gone. They just want red party gone.

Two or three years from now when PP is prime minister - his ratings are going to tank and people are going to start hating him. The scandals will start stacking up and media pressure on him and his corrupt ministers will continue to grow, and many who voted for him will be crying that they got betrayed. Maybe some day people will learn to stop voting for con artists but I doubt it’ll be in my lifetime."

I am so very tired of ignorant, naive, and irresponsible voters.

This is a taste of what you can achieve when regulatory bodies actually have the guts to stand up to megacorps.

I think we're starting to see the beginning of YouTube's end. The algorithm is actively choking the life out of the platform, they're forcing viewers to pay fees that seem to keep getting bigger and bigger, and they're making life miserable for creators while also paying them less and less.

Once another platform comes along that ticks enough boxes to satisfy people then YouTube will be absolutely screwed. The only reason we all use that wretched site is because there is no viable alternative. More and more creators are moving to premium platforms like Nebula that offer better deals for viewers and creators alike. I'm likely to jump ship myself once more people I watch also join up.

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The Google Graveyard grows ever larger. Nearly at 300 now.

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Good! Meta has proven time and time again that them and their services are not to be trusted. Deplatforming that trashfire before it even starts is a smart move.

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The title made me think they were responding to users that needed customer support, but no. This:

Meanwhile, when another user lamented the amount of loading screens, the support team replied imploring the reviewer to "consider the amount of data for the expansive gameplay that is procedurally generated to load flawlessly in under three seconds".

is just pathetic. This is nothing more than low-effort damage control. Which, funnily enough, is rather fitting for Starfield in general. It's not a terrible game but it absolutely fell flat on its face on its biggest selling points. Procedural exploration will always have drawbacks but No Man's Sky absolutely smashes Starfield in this department and it came out nearly 8 years ago and made by a team a fraction of the size. And I don't expect Bethesda to put in the same effort as Hello did and make Starfield live up to its promises

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SEO and AI-generated clickbait have basically ruined most search engines. I've yet to find one that can really tackle this properly. I believe Kagi offers higher quality results but I can't really verify that myself as I don't have an account with them.

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I give it a year before it's shut down. This is Google, after all.

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I'm not normally a huge fan of defederation but in this case I very much support it. Fuck Meta and its services. They are one of the most actively malicious companies towards the health of the internet and its users that exists today. This was seen immediately with Threads' privacy policy the moment it was made available.

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This. Twitter is now under ownership and control of a spoiled fascist richboy and this is absolutely 100% transparently clear. This is how the platform is now and it is not going to change. Twitter as we knew it is gone. It's dead and not coming back. Move the hell on, people, please. Stop supporting this absolutely wretched waste of oxygen.

court staffed entirely by old people

Isn't that most courts?

Good. I wish more games went back into the oven for more time instead of being forced out.

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They’re cheap. That’s as far as some people think about it.

I cannot trust any publication that "reviews" a product like this without taking at least a little time to go over the legitimately harmful business practices against the customer.

I don't know if this is hilarious or pathetically sad. AI has become the current "must have" craze in the tech world and it's baffling watching every company try and find a way to shoehorn some form of it into their products and then try and justify its existence.

Cerence Chat Pro from technology partner Cerence Inc. is the foundation of the new function, which offers a uniquely intelligent, *automotive-grade *ChatGPT integration.

Why the hell would I want this?

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Spez is trying to tie up what he thinks are loose financial ends to make (what he thinks) is an appealing IPO.

Elon is feeling the pinch as Twitter continues to bleed advertising partners and users and it becomes more apparent it will not make back either his purchase cost or Twitter's existing debt. He's the spoiled son of a rich mine boss and has no idea what he is doing. He is used to having far more capable people running his companies for him.

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I feel for those who have had Twitter be such a part of their income but the writing is on the wall for the platform and it's time to start looking for alternatives. Xitter is going to be circling the drain soon if it isn't already and there is nothing Muskrat will do to correct that.

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Yes. Especially when it’s only like 2 or 3 years after first release. It’s just double dipping at that point.

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This. Defederation should be used as a last resort or if an instance has been a significant problem.

This gets asked every time Tumblr is mentioned online. It's still around and has a large, thriving userbase. It's one of the last slices of old-school internet that exists today and, because of that, is very resistant to modern monetisation tactics and enshittification which makes shareholders cry in their sleep.

Reddit is a very hostile and selfish place where people only ever care about themselves and how they can one-up other people. There is no sense of cohesive community there and even people sharing the same subreddits as you will treat you like trash.

I deleted all my content and then my account as well back during the big migration and I haven't looked back either. It is an awful site and does nothing but promote toxicity.

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15 hours/month is... pretty awful. An avid reader (or listener, in this case) will chew through that in no time at all. Another thing that concerns me is payouts. Spotify is notorious for having atrocious payouts to creators. I wonder how this carries over to their audiobook offerings.

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Good! I wish them the best of luck.

People with lots of money want even more money. Less employees means less money that has to be paid out which means more money in the short term. Makes line go up for a while. Makes suits happy.

On one hand this just means further consolidation of an already oligopolic industry. On the other hand, Activision is a terrible company run by a terrible man, so it's not like things could get much worse.

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I'd never use a Microsoft mail client anyway. I use Thunderbird.

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Cool. I'll just piss along the exterior wall of your building then or on the fence at the back of your parking lot.

I do not have hope that this developer will make another good game let alone one that respects the TES IP or in any way lives up to expectations.

It makes a lot more sense if you have multiple emails. Especially emails with numerous aliases.

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I haven't purchased anything from a Best Buy in many years and don't intend to any time soon.

Yes please.

"Huge environmental challenge" It's actually quite simple. Stop using single-use plastics for absolutely everything. Regulate the creation of plastic post-consumables. Regulate companies that disallow repair and/or create products that are designed to fail prematurely. etc etc

We need less plastics in circulation, not encouraging the production of more. We need regulatory bodies that actually have the teeth to go after these big companies and force them to comply.

It could, but I bet it won't.

Even busy urban centres here in North America are struggling to add basic bike infrastructure and transit options, let alone major bicycle networks and pathways. NIMBYism and self-centred drivers often axe these projects before they even break ground. Once you get outside of dense urban cores then you barely even see things like sidewalks for pedestrians and certainly not even the most basic of bicycle gutters.

The damage that car-centric urban planning has done to North America is absolutely catastrophic and there is still enormous resistance to altering anything even on a basic level. Fixing such poor urban design is going to take a lot of work and money and even putting in basic things like accessible sidewalks is constantly being fought against.

I have absolutely zero confidence that Apple will allow this to exist once they get enough wind of it.

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7gb inflated to nearly 40gb. That's absolutely absurd holy crap

Oh god no, not again

Well, most people already use Chrome.

Appeasing shareholders and investors.

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Rat maps! Those were so fun back in the day. Some real good ones for CS and HL1.

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It really needs to be more socially acceptable to name and shame people that allow their cats to roam free outdoors. I'd also like to see some changes to pet ownership laws to prohibit/discourage it as well. A cat found outside a home (and not on a leash or in an enclosed cage) should immediately bring considerable financial repercussions down on the owner as well as removal of the cat from their "care". If I get caught killing wild animals with my own hands (especially protected ones) then I am legally in deep shit, yet cat owners can get away with it with impunity. They're basically letting a super predator roam free to slaughter wildlife while also putting it in incredible danger from other predators or cars.

People that let their cats roam outdoors are absolutely fucking atrocious pet owners and should be treated as such.

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