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Rich people's flesh is the most climate-friendly meat

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This Shelly thing appears to be the typical cloud SaaS platform. What does exactly make it open?

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It absolutely is Apple's place to policy the content in their store.

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Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.. a long time

I was curious so I looked it up but everything I could find said 0% protein for Tazo English breakfast, so I went to my box of tea, another brand English breakfast, and alongside the table with the information for just the tea infusion (calories are specified as less than 4kcal, <4kcal) is another table for a serving with 30ml semi-skimmed milk with 1.2g protein. Could you post maybe a picture of the labeling?

That's very cool, or maybe not it seems it could only allow other stores to install software and not 'whatever you want', but are they going to apply this rule to Nintendo or Sony, whose consoles aren't a very different case to apple iOS devices, as well? No mention in the article

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Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no

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The technology will never be ready

I think you are right, I hope they don't push it in a half assed state.
Achieving the accuracy is not the major problem here, but keeping it accurate. You have to make it robust enough so it doesn't fail at random (sensors in general are a bitch in this regard) and it has to hold a perfect calibration for long enough (a assume chemical detection sensor, which again, are a super-bitch regarding calibrations), while also making it at least a bit hard to bypass. The other problem is the privacy nightmare this can be, analyzing fluids or cameras pointing to your face... are they gonna sell this data to insurance companies (just as an example, it could be other companies, your employer..)? Of course they are!
The only thing I would expect from this is a lot of people pissed or worst because of malfunctions while all the drunktards stay on the road by simply filling a ballon before they start drinking.

Mother Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

Aaaand of course this is been pushed by some Puritan-Americans lol

I don't know mate, I wouldn't replace my electric tools–drills, grinders, saw... with gas ones. But these outdoors tools are a different kind of beast. I've only used an electric chainsaw and it was an absolute crap, maybe there are better ones but it was crappier than the smallest and shittiest gas chainsaws I've used, and a cord around you in that setting isn't great either.

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This 'related organization' is Mozilla Corp, for-profit owned by the Mozilla Foundation that has Baker as its CEO as well.

I'm a lifelong Mozilla user, but these things stink a bit. I find even more concerning the dependency from google

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I agree this is propaganda but it can also be true, in fact there are many other sources telling more or less the same worldwide.

A lot of propaganda is true, just half the truth, telling the good things of this side and bad things of the other. I would say there's no news just propaganda, everyone putting out a piece of information (be it state or private owned media, independent sources, a blog, a post or a stream on social media...) does it with the intention of getting people to think a certain way.

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For me the difference between a cli and a gui is like asking someone to do something speaking in a language they can understand and doing it just by pointing at things and doing gestures. It's enough for ordering at a restaurant, but for more complex tasks it gets ridiculous, even at a restaurant you'll get better results if you can ask for some information and understand what the server says

Nope, if we are talking about the actual speed of the signal optical fiber is relatively slow at ~1/3 c, compared to air or copper where it's almost c. They're using 'speed' meaning bandwidth. A van full of sd cards would have a massive bandwidth, but a very slow actual speed

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I just wanted to add that you can run gui applications through ssh with x11 forwarding, options -X or -Y (untrusted/trusted but at least in Debian back in the day they behaved the same). So if you wanted a gui file manager you run it in the ssh session on the remote server, sudo if you need but NEVER logged as root, and the window will pop on your local DE instead of having to run an entire desktop on each server

Lol I left with the APIcalypse, and I was an official app user, no regrets and never looked back. Why would anyone go to that shithole when you have the fediverse?

I see lots of confusion here. Android IS NOT Free/Open Source software, at least not the one you get with your phone. It's true that the bare bones OS is FOSS, but the same is true with iOS and Darwin. But they have a lot of proprietary crap on top of them.

The reason for offering a longer or shorter period of OS updates is a business decision, not a technical matter. There's at least one android phone (fairphone that I know of, not an ad or anything) with 7 years of updates, which is longer than the iPhone.

These arguments of costs of development and having to support hardware fall apart when you take into account that some smaller vendors are offering longer support than bigger ones like Samsung or hwawei, and when you look at which hardware they mount, it's basically the same. Same processors, very little variety in cameras and screens...

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When in Rome do as the Romans do

I've seen cops doing most of the shit you've seen American cops do on the internet, in real life, in Europe. Haven't seen any shoot out but that's because they don't need to, no one here has a gun. But recording cops is illegal over here, in other places you only can record them if they are engaging you and you can't share the clip. The situation may be a bit worse over there because with so many guns perhaps the cops are more wary, but you see so many videos because their freedom of speech is more protected than ours.
Russia and China are not the only ones with very well oiled propaganda machines

He's an idiot. He was screen sharing during a joint project with his former employer (Valeo) and had the stolen code behind the powerpoint, that was then minimized or closed, it even was in a dir called 'valeoCode' or something like that

I see, typical trap from this fuckers. You can use this as an opportunity to learn to flash firmwares to things and to not trust proprietary software, specially nothing in the cloud for your home automation

For the user? Not at all. For the companies that want their spying/tracking apps to run and take your precious data 24/7? Yes, this way dozens of apps can track you even if you open a hundred more afterwards and forget about them, they can live forever deep down those 24gb

Cooking meth with your British girlfriend lol

I can't watch the video now. Was it or not? Honest question, not op btw

I agree to a certain point, I have Linux on all my computers because of the freedom. But I have an iPhone, the only apple thing I own, and one of the main reasons is the AppStore and how restrictive it is.

I would say that for the average end user being able to install software from anywhere is a liability and causes a lot more issues than it solves, I've seen lots of computers running like trash because the users kept just typing 'download \ free' on google and going along with any random shady site that popped. Apple cater more to these average users than to power users, and honestly the google play store is a dumpster fire. A walled garden doesn't sound that bad when it's the wastelands outside

Everyone's hair is different so you'll have to find what works for yours, but there's three things you have to do: washing, conditioning and untangling, how often and in what order you'll got to figure out.

My hair's curly and dry so for me is washing, conditioning and untangle with lots of conditioner applied. If you have straight and more greasy hair maybe you'll condition first, with more conservative quantities favoring the tips/avoiding the scalp, and wash after, untangling with a daily dry brushing.

Hair ties are ok, just don't go for too long with a very tight pony tail or bun. I keep my hair tied most of the time and my hair line is not the same as when I was 20 but I would say that is better than most of my short-haired peers (maybe improved uv protection).

And then you have styling products, there's a whole world of them. I use leave in conditioner and/or gel, or nothing, or whatever shit I just got to try and see if my hair likes it (spoiler: the fucker usually doesn't, and they're not cheap). I would say in general foams and mouses give a dryer look while oily/waxy products give a more wet finish.

First the king will ask the leader of the party with the most seats (Feijóo, PP, conservative right) to try and form a government, they can refuse if they see it unlikely or impossible. Then they vote, more ayes and there's a president. More nays, back to step 1 with the leader of the second party (Sánchez, PSOE, centre-left~centre-right). If no one can achieve a coalition big enough there will be elections again

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A CEO that brings lots of money and consistently gets to lower the share of your flagship browser seems like a good candidate to destroyed from within. How can Mozilla stay independent when most of their money comes from these 'royalties' and most of it is from Google? We're talking hundreds of millions agains 7 mil in donations that barely pay for the CEO. How are they gonna push back against this webDRM shit google is trying to pull (or any other thing)?

I feel the same as you, I've been using Mozilla/Firefox since forever, because I felt they were doing things I'm aligned with. But I don't know anymore. I don't know if they are doing it or they have started to become just muppet opposition.

Enshittification spreads fast, once it takes roots its to late. But it sure seems like, lately, it's an all out attack on any freedom left on the internet

I am European and I don't cross them, or any other character (except 't' and 'f')

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keyboard and mouse cables converted to fiber optic

Well now that doesn't make any sense

Edit: format

I'm using the Kbin pwa on an iPhone and it works much better than I expected it to, I don't know they must have better support now. I think the functionality should be more than enough for many companies and much cheaper than a custom native app

There's this saying 'would you jump off a bridge if all your friends did?'.
Well my friends are lovely people, they're smart and wise (some one thing more than the other). They're great friends. So if I imagine myself in a situation where all of them are jumping off a bridge I think my best option, nothing else known, would be jumping too.
So call me a fucking lemming if you want, I was starting to hate that bridge long ago

The parties have talks before the vote, and they make clear their intention of supporting or not this or that candidature so there's usually no surprises the actual voting day. I think a rejected candidate has another opportunity, not sure. When there's no more (reasonable) candidates left the elections are called for by the assembly itself and/or the king (even tho arguably in an honorary role, everything goes through the monarch).

Feijóo, even with more seats, has it harder. Only vox would touch them with a ten foot pole. Sánchez has it hard too, needing to assemble ALL the other groups, but this is more likely than the right getting the support of someone left from PP or the regionalists.

It's gonna be a few months of this pacts, what-aboutism, and other politics bullshit...

As they said start disabling every add-on. If this doesn't solve it, it may be an issue with hardware acceleration. I remember some installations where Firefox wouldn't decode video on the graphics card by default. Do a duckduckgo 'hardware acceleration \ Firefox' and see if it works.

Edit: Also codecs, maybe something with the h265 codecs

Yes, chips are thick and fries are thinner

Why is this or should be a crime? You wouldn't call an Elvis impersonator a criminal, why is it different when it comes from a piece of technology?
I get why his daughter finds it creepy, but I just listened to it and I liked it, they don't seem to be trying to fool anyone and make very clear it's an ai impersonation. I see it more like a kind of homage or something, it's not like they're putting his face on an ad. I don't think you should need permission from the dead person's family for this kind of things.

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I'm right now browsing the fediverse and writing this from the Kbin pwa. It seems to work quite well, with some quirks that I guess could be polished, but overall better experience than most installed apps that should be a website instead

No Brit would refer to those as chips, they are fries in Britain too

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We need but not for this, I would prefer restricting governments and corporations from using it to spy on people.

That's_ not the cause though, most if not all languages have been influenced by many others. And pronunciation, meaning of words etc drift over time in all of them as well.
Most countries have gone through the process of revising their orthography, changing spelling or even adopting different alphabets to have kind of consistent writing systems for their languages.
None of this has been done in the English language, it uses the most basic Latin alphabet which was made for a very different language (when even many Romance languages directly descending from Latin have adapted it with new letters or diacritics), for example English has a lot of vowel sounds that Latin hadn't and it even went through something called 'the great vowel shift' when changes in some vowel sounds got them closer to others that were 'pushed', these pushed others causing a sort of shuffling in the (finite) vowel space, but spelling didn't reflect most of this.
In fact I think that in some cases the spelling took the more ancient version that matched the pronunciation even less like 'plumb' (don't quote me on this, its from the top of my head)

Server owners and admins, and communities creators and mods can set the tone of the communities they manage, of course.

If you think a car community is too ford-leaning you can look for or create another one, if it's the whole instance then subscribe to another instance cars community (I'm subscribed to the same communities from several instances, I guess it has to be pretty common), or even make an account in that other instance just in case the Chevy folk start hanging out with nazis, as they always end up doing, and the rest defederate from them.

Edit: oh! And you can block all the posts with a specific site as a source, so you can take away everything from and not see it anymore