41 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I like it because my posts and comments dont get downvoted to nothing here and i feel i can actually contribute.

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Rif sent me to to make an account. Didnt know the deal here and still kinda iffy but im getting the idea.

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I clicked a link that brought me to reddit yesterday, and you know ehat i noticed on the 5 month old thread? A bunch of deleted user names but the comments and info shared was still there under deleted

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Same as the butt ontop of their tails, both my dogs give me the BRrrrrrR look when i scritch them there.

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If its a house and its summer tonnes of birdseed in their yard, handfuls upon hand fulls. Then let the birds do the work.

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I dont fuck with google after today.

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Look says it all

Riding the grocery carts through the store if nobody is around to hit. Ive slammed into a display once, took almost 5 min to get it back together, and no employees came to help the entire time, but i dont blame them.

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I dont understand how people don't get it we are all lemmings!

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So i was on a beach it was a grad party around 2004 or 5, i played the roll of a high school stoner (suprised ain't 'cha) and was drinking and having a good time when i decided to slam the rest of my bottle and make molotov cocktail out of my empty JD bottle. I fill it with some gas someone had in a jerry can steal a beer out of a cooler and start walking to the rocks. One of the hockey jocks was the apparent owner of this wonderful cooler of free beer, and was rather upset at my generous usage of said cooler. So as him and his boys approached i lit the boxers i stuffed into the gas and threw the bottle almost strait up, and as i wathced the horror in the faces of all around me who were paying attention to the almost altercation, the lit bottle landed strait up at my feet gently in the sand.

Talk about floof double

To save water, of course.

Copper now

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I just went to all, and sort by new. Seems to be someone linking directly to subreddits with no reason.

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I believe it is, i was hiking just outside of the Sudbury basin where a massive meteor hit. There were dozens of these impacts. They look completely different then any of the sample coring they did.

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Not my monkeys not my circus, im quite content watching from my lemmy life boat.

Its so very boopable, and he even spins like a top after out of embarrassment i assume. He'll boop you back too when your napping on the couch.

Awsome, thank you for the help. Just seems counterproductive to link reddit.

The amount of times I've shouted this at my coworkers when they are working at hights is ridikkerous.

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Here he is

Its all Bender, baby.

Hey Niko its Roman! Lets go bowling.

Depression is honestly no joke, but help is out there and people care. That aside i googled my symptoms and now i have several serious diseases.

He can hear a treat bag in BC all the way from Ontario with them.

About 3500km, or 2200 miles for the American friends.

For me it was 2 bots that were the culprits. i blocked them both, and now there is barely a hit of reddit on my feed other then other lemmings comments about that dumpster fire of an app.

I did this poorly, i had almost 20g saved, and i went on trips, explored, and adventured, then the final week of money, went and handed out 3 resumes and got hired on the spot with the 3rd.

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Seriously looks like the guy in the corner at the gym slinging roids, and other workout "aides"

Which one is popular i havent joined any yet

Its called liquid diamonds in the syringe anyway. I just picked it up at the dispensery and is pretty potent.

Its a story thats as old as time. I dont care its his house.

Wow, im sorry you have to deal with this. I finally got the point across to my ex a few months ago and it was like 2 years at that point, and i also moved to the other side of Canada for work in this span. It wasnt this bad, but consistent.

It’s a dangerous path I bounce… but I bounce it alone. Because the Hundred Acre Wood needs a hero, Pooh Bear! And I’m the only one.

You should see them in action walking through the woods, always on alert till we find mud, then its back and forth till he looks like he belongs at Woodstock.

I do have others its not a complete loss, but an fyi on glass quality. My hoss is what fell on that and did that damage. The hoss is fine.

A creepy one. Haha. I have no idea i stole him from a back yard he had been left in for days with no food 5 years ago.

Here in canada you can order these disposable vapes and fill them yourself. I donno where you are at, but ive had a few with shotty product in them.

I used to play lemmings on my pc in like '92 thats ancient school i guess.

I had 2 santa cruz crushers i think they were the big one was awsome, i have a kief box to i dont fuck with the multi level grinders just the cutters. I found the toonie size one too be way too hard to twist and absolutely obliterated the weed to dust. The larger one left the weed more like a sissor, or a good finger pick.