1 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

The Steam Deck is the full package that not only integrates the hardware and software, but is also an open system. Slapping a some inputs together onto a windows PC just isn't the same thing.

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Beatings will continue until morale improves

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Don't be biased except for these biases.

Also wife bad

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Lol, after both steal every image on the internet.

No wonder the images look similar.

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Please stop using Chrome

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It doesn't really bother me, but like you I am bored of it and I generally ignore it, or block communities if I'm seeing too much of it.

It is really cool that the models can generate fairly detailed images, but they're all so similar and... boring. I once saw someone describe it like corporate art. It just tries to imitate something popular in a very mediocre way. You can keep re-training it, but it can still only imitate.

Still, if people are into it then that's ok too. I have used it at work on occasion to create stupid little icons for internal tools I've built, so I guess there's some little bit of utility.

My guess is that it'll be used for a while for cheap and low effort branding, but soon companies will want to hire real artists again to differentiate themselves from the ML spam.

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I've never heard of Skiff, but it's sad to see more software gobbled up by VCs. Though it sounds like the back end was never OSS to begin with?

I used to be so excited about a future where people were software literate where we would be building open systems and make a decent living. Instead, people have been force fed locked down systems in the name of "user experience", all so that a few people can make an absolute killing while the rest of us feed off the scraps (even if the scraps of the software industry are still pretty good). It just makes me sad.

I am extremely appreciative of folks who do make honest open source software though! Many of them do make a decent living too. It's hard not to lose hope when reading stuff like this, but then I remember that I'm typing this comment using Firefox on KDE Plasma running on a Linux kernel, right next to an Emacs session. Sticking to good open source software is a wonderful thing!

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Just like trickle down economics.

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Be careful for when they randomly swap the buy and close buttons.

Wow! This is the first I heard of this so I looked it up.

According to this article it looks like you need a particular build thats not in the nightly mainline, and its very experimental.

Still, its exciting to see them work on this! I use Tree Style Tabs with custom userchrome.css, but it is a bit fragile. Native vertical tabs would be great!

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I use EndeavourOS with KDE and it's wonderful!

Does anyone know offhand the issues Calamares has with Xfce?

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I've never understood the logic of people who switched to Chrome from Firefox.

Mozilla has an overpaid CEO, so let's switch to a browser that's run by one of the richest companies on the planet. Firefox broke some extension, so let's switch to a browser that has an even worse extension model. Firefox shows client side ads that are easily disabled, so let's switch to a browser actually run by an ad tech company. Firefox changed the UI to look like Chrome (and they hate the design), so I guess switch to Chrome?

It makes no sense...

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Yeah, y'know, just kinda bummed out.

My group doesn't strictly follow the rules anyway, but this is still dumb. To me the whole point of playing DnD is to have real human interaction!

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Lol just a different rendering engine. So easy!

I have an original Deck and I love it! They didn't make it more powerful or anything like that so I feel no need to upgrade.

The special edition with the orange accents is sexy though!

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I'm fine with it too!

Nexus Mods has had some controversy in the past but they seem generally solid.

That game was amazing!

How did you get the Dreamcast connected to a server?

Because Bethesda isn't being cut out of anything. You still need to buy the original game to use mods. And most mods are made using the official modding tools that Bethesda released (Creation Kit).

The article doesn't even mention Daikatana 😥

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"The global video game business is big but barely growing, Spencer noted to me. One measure, from industry research firm Newzoo, estimates that 2023 game industry revenues were up just 0.6% from 2022. "

So still growth and a little bit more revenue. Total justification for mass layoffs. 🙄


Yeah, semicolons are ugly anyway and they'd ruin the beautiful expression of your code.

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WTF! Blockchain! Yup, the totally safe and anonymous and intracable bitcoin.

Also Newsmax viewers dislike the Patriot Act? Put in by George W. Bush? The one where if you were opposed then you're a commie terrorist?

If you haven't played it, try Mooncrash too! It's a great side story to Prey.

I misinterpreted the headline and expected a joke article about Epic charging developers who don't use Unreal.


I hit burnout an now "productivity" is a dirty word. I've discovered that it is healthy to take time for yourself, even if it is to literally do nothing.

Programming is both my career and hobby, but I've had to adjust my free time to allow my mind to just let go a bit more often.

Meanwhile, record profits...

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Doesn't defederating mean posts won't show up? That seems like probably the main reason to defederate. You'll never stop people from creating new accounts or a new instance, but defederating creates friction forcing people to take an alternative route if they want to troll.

Regarding lemmygrad, has there been any trolling via alt accounts on instances that have defederated? Even if I disagree with their politics they seem generally respectful of the communities. But I've been away from Lemmy for a while so maybe I've missed something.

Because it's a wall of text trying to justify why we're all struggling, and I think people are just done trying to engage with such "galaxy brained" theories that are completely removed from our lived realities. Especially when people probably have better things to do than some point-counterpoint internet argument.

Not to mention, this "sound theory" is just that: a theory. Frankly, all of economics is entirely made up! That's not to say it's not a valuable and important study, but it's also not based on any natural laws. It's an entirely human construct and something we don't fully understand. ANY economic theory can be torn apart in thousands of ways by adjusting the models a bit. In the west we've been fed the theories from Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan for longer than most of us have been alive, and it seems like those theories are falling apart around us! I think a lot of people are seeing that when GDP goes up and "the markets" go up, we don't get anything. But when "the markets" go down, we have to immediately shoulder the burden. We see our hard work being absorbed by investors seeking their ROI. We see our loyalty repaid by mass layoffs so executives and investors can earn even higher profits.

So when someone tries to justify it all using the same theories and models that seem to be causing the problem, I don't blame people for just down voting and moving on.

We're tired of being trickled down on and it's time for a new theory.

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The dangerous part is that it sounds like the ad is generated by Spotify.

In the "tech already exists" scenario, an advertising firm will have to guess at the voice people want to hear and submit their own audio files to advertise.

If this works the way it sounds, the ad firm sends in some text and Spotify generates a voice ad based on who you listen to. Less effort on the advertising firm and far more targeted.

Both are bad. The second is worse!

And frankly, it's another reason not to support Spotify. You are supposed to be paying to listen to music, not support research into this bullshit advertising.

Same here. Endeavour has been solid.

Probably! According to Wikipedia you get 3-5 hours off of 6 AA batteries. Not sure how that changes with the TV tuner but battery life wasn't great.

Clearly you've never read Hacker News. :)

Every point I've made has several threads on pretty much every Hacker News post about Mozilla or Firefox.

I was using Firefox when it was still called Phoenix, and I switched to Chrome briefly about 10 years ago when it was actually a bit better than Firefox. At the time, most people I knew in the tech sector were using Firefox. It's Firebug extension was a major boost for development. Chrome was a bit better and their dev tools were even better than Firebug at the time.

I switched back to Firefox when I saw the direction Google was taking it, and I know a lot of other people did as well. Still, many people stayed with Chrome. There's no shortage of comments on Hacker News about "I dropped Firefox because X" or "I tried to switch to Firefox but X", where X is one of the things I mentioned.

Chrome got to where it was in no small part to us "computer people" saying it was good. And now not enough of us are saying Firefox is good. It breaks my heart to see so many young and smart developers choosing Chrome.

We're heading back to the bad old days of IE dominance, with proprietary extensions, playing fast and loose with standards, and market dominance pushing for things that only benefit one company. ActiveX still gives me nightmares.


Time for some Tribes or Heroes of Might and Magic.

Taking your data to flavortown!

I don't use Flatpak much, but I rarely see issues. Sometimes I see minor things like themes not quite being right, but its never been bad enough for me to spend the time to fix it.

I suppose another downside is the need to have the base runtime packages, so it could take more disk space if each app uses a different one. In practice apps will share runtimes though.