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Joined 11 months ago

The Princess Bride. It has great comedy, action, and romance. It’s influenced my sense of humor and it’s just so much fun.

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Or, you know, if they undress for you guys to fuck and they have hardware you’re not comfortable with, just withdraw your consent. And how is he expecting to see the erections anyway? Are these women all wearing basketball shorts to their dates? Hell, if it actually was a trans woman trying to trick someone, they might’ve taped things down just in case. The whole thing is just insane.

2 more... has been working well for me, but I haven’t been paying too much attention to the admins. I mostly left because of the downtime

I hold him down while I pee so that doesn’t happen anymore. It took one time when it went directly on my shorts for me to adjust my habits so it wouldn’t happen again.

My dad did have cameras all over the house while I was in high school. But there weren’t any in my room so we could hang out in there. There also weren’t any in the bathroom so we could stash the alcohol in there and just pour it into cups.

Both of these required a parent not that dedicated to actually stopping his kids from partying though. But a parent sufficiently dedicated was always going to be able to find out somehow.

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Flairs for sure. I use a couple of sports subreddits and being able to contextualize comments based on the users fandom is pretty helpful.

I’ll say it, I like Imagine Dragons. They have some great songs, they just also have some radio rock drivel (oh god Thunder is bad). Also, I saw them live back in 2013 and it’s one of the best concerts I’ve been to.

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For what it’s worth, it’s almost never worth it to give any company “the benefit of the doubt”. For single player games, there’s pretty much no reason to play it right when it releases unless you’re impatient. I choose to think of the games release date as a beta release. If I’m super excited, I may choose to play a game in beta but usually I’ll wait for the final release. Then when all the initial issues (which all games have, just some way more than others) have been fixed, I’ll consider the game actually released and buy it for a fraction of the initial cost.

I don’t know that I’ve played a single game that’s released this year yet. And those games will still be just as good next year (likely better) for less cost.

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Finally scheduled the two root canals I need. I get pretty bad anxiety talking on the phone, especially to strangers so doctor’s appointments are always hard. But I finally did it so I’ll be done with this pain soon.

For what it’s worth, you can’t use public domain to make a copy of someone else’s take on that public domain character. It’s like how Winnie the Pooh is public domain but you can’t make a Winnie the Pooh with a red shirt and no pants since thats clearly Disney’s version which isn’t public domain.

I’ve definitely watched it recently and still enjoy it just as much. But also, your sense of humor can change over time so it probably just doesn’t fit what you like anymore.

Yeah it’s not “normal” in the sense that it’s probably only happened a couple of times in history, but there’s nothing wrong witht he though process. Although 50 minutes to clean the infusers is a real long time, but if you had no other option, might as well

Yeah this headline should really just say the ~$41m they actually spent improving the game because that’s still an incredibly impressive number (2/3 the amount of a full expansion). I hate when there’s a good story to tell but they want to make it look even better so they decide to mislead instead of just saying the actually impressive thing

I thought the title was saying Amazon was going to release a video game based on the Fallout series next year and was like “a video game adaption of a tv series adaptation of a video game?”

This is one of the reasons I don’t leave my job even though I don’t love it. I have job security out my ass, it’s a huge company that has almost no chance of being bought (I think we’re the biggest company in our field but maybe 2nd), the pay is good enough and there’s no asshole middle management. I’m absolutely willing to do boring work for the rest of my life and not have to worry about that kind of stuff.

I think Kim gets sued for something similar in Better Call Saul. It’s almost definitely something you can get disbarred over.

The movie About Time deals with this fact. It’s a great movie if you are ok with romcoms

What a humble brag

For what it’s worth, I wish I had this feature on my garage fridge. It’s getting older and sometimes the door just doesn’t close all the way. Because of the way my house is laid out, you can only hear the beep if you’re in the kitchen (and even then it’s not very clear) so it might sit open for hours before being noticed. Granted, this feature is definitely not worth buying a smart fridge and I probably wouldn’t want one in my garage, but I wish I had something to fix that problem.

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I do a strict order but it’s generally by what I consider the main parts of the dish. So I always eat the main dish before the sides and if there’s multiple sides, I’ll eat the more “important” one first and so on. There’s not much logic to it, my brain just sorts it out automatically

Every time you download, you are saving. But not every time you save, are you downloading.

Would you prefer they recast and re-record over his voice so the family didn’t get any royalties and his name is less well-known? It’s not hard to make regulations that you need consent from next of kin and have to pay to use the “likeness” of their voice like you do with appearance. Refusing to use new technology because someone might misuse it before regulations are in place are what luddites do

I definitely think the admins have done everything right so far. I’m not sure if there are actually people saying it’s bad for the fediverse but the sentiment I see is that consolidating onto one instance causes you to lose some of the benefits of decentralization. At this point, there are plenty of general instances with open registrations that aren’t experiencing these attacks so it’s best for at least some people on to try to migrate to another instance. For one thing, that persons experience will be better since they won’t see as much downtime anymore, but more importantly it makes less of a target since these attacks are meant to affect as many people as they can. It’ll probably always be one of the biggest instances but the person might decide it’s not worth their time anymore if enough people move to other instances that they’re affecting a small percentage of the whole Lemmy population.

Gamer can wait until the day a good game comes out, a company needs hype to build it's brand for stock holders.

This is absolutely not true, gamers freak out whenever a game is delayed, even for good reason. And people were absolutely causing a huge fuss about whether or not there was going to be an ES6 so they released a teaser to say that it was coming eventually.

The shareholders would only want them to release the teaser if the goal was the sell stock immediately. Any bump in price from the teaser would even out after probably just a few months.

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To put that into perspective, the oldest known permanent human settlement is about 25,000 years old. The Bronze Age wouldn’t start for another ~20,000 years, so they wasn’t any metal working.

Well “entertaining” is subjective. If these people weren’t entertaining, they wouldn’t have so many followers.

There are absolutely a ton of people out there taking advantage of certain people and manipulating them as opposed to actually being entertaining, but that’s not an “influencer” problem, that’s just a people problem. That happens in every industry with human interaction.

Plenty of influencers just post content they think their followers will like and use that following to make money as well. And a lot of the time, their followers actually enjoy the things they advertise.

And the great thing is if you don’t like the concept, you can just not follow them.

Maybe a hot take but I’d say this is true about most Neil Blomkamp movies too

Yeah same. It’d be real nice and help out, but not life changing or anything.

I’m finding out from this that it’s owned by the same company but Hinge has a better formula for that kind of thing. You comment on an aspect of their profile (a picture, their response to a prompt, etc) and that gets sent to them. Then they can reply (which triggers a “match”) or not. You can also send likes without a comment but obviously that won’t be as effective.

I also think an important thing is that spaghetti western kinda defined the western genre. Whereas Marvel sort of fits under the shonen umbrella.

Personally I’ve never liked the idea of NSFL. It just doesn’t feel like it has the eighth connotation, it’s wording feels like it’s meant to be a joke when it’s content is rarely funny. I think just using “Gore” or “Death” would be absolutely better.

I have a Thicc Charizard hanging from my rear view mirror!

I think it’s hilarious that the court was like “yeah it’s fucked up but it’s not technically fraud”

To be fair, it would’ve been weirder if he spelled it right in one of the lines and not the rest

I get your point, but I think is still so much smaller than that it’s not much of a problem (at least not yet).

It gives a timeframe so unless McConnell steps away very close to the next election, the governor would have to follow the law or not.

Are you saying it’s impossible for this situation to happen? I’ve definitely met people that I wouldn’t put it past them. Even if this isn’t an actual news story, if just one person has ever done this, then the discussion is legitimate. And I find it very unlikely it’s never happened.

Yeah sounds like a Purple Cow, I’d be all over that

It’d be a lot easier to not make a bot at all if that was the case. They aren’t intentionally not trying to help, they’re intentionally spending as few resources as possible on helping while still doing enough to satisfy most customers. It’s shitty but it’s not malicious like you guys are implying.

I don’t disagree that a true space exploration game should have barren planets (I’d imagine most planets in the universe are barren), but they should be more like set pieces (like how a tree is a set piece in a normal exploration game). And they shouldn’t be included in metrics used to quantify the size of the world.