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He didn’t cheat on her, but that doesn’t mean she was obligated to be ok with what he did. If he wanted to have a chance with her ever again, sleeping with someone else while they were on a break (or even immediately after breaking up) was a stupid thing to do. Part of Ross’ problem was he was so focused on the technicality that they weren’t actively together instead of the reality that it still was obviously going to hurt her.

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I imagine they mean without a cloth, poof, or loofa. As a kid I would put body wash in my hand, lather, and rub it over my body. But it tended to use up soap quickly so either I had to add more soap part way through or the things I washed last didn’t get washed well. Which is why I switched to a poof.

Chris Cornell of Sohndgarden, Temple of the Dog, and Audioslave

I’m also always impressed by Demi Lovato

Take solace in the fact that we’ll get a new candidate next election cycle. The trick will be convincing the democratic establishment that “not Trump” won’t work forever and they need to start putting forth candidates that actually get the voters excited.

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whispers bideeeeeet

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Theoretically, the way it works is each one of those sales should go through until you hit the one that would push them over the edge to monopoly. You don’t block a purchase because of purchases you expect them to make in the future (unless stuff has already been signed)

TL;DR - Microsoft is fighting for their purchase of Activision-Blizzard to go through. Their latest argument is that they’re in third in the console wars (behind the PS5 and the Switch) and Sony will likely make more money from the PS5 Slim which they claim is releasing later this year at $399.

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Well the main reason to block the purchase would be to prevent a monopoly so their point is that they’re far behind so the purchase will put them more on par. I don’t know if I buy that logic but that’s what they’re trying to say.

The claim is they used Twitter “trade secrets”. What could those possibly be? The concept is obviously not a secret. Unless they used Twitter’s algorithm or something I don’t see how this doesn’t get thrown out immediately.

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That’s perfectly fair, but don’t expect the original person to want to get back together with you then. It’s not about whether it was ok for him to have sex with that girl, it’s whether or not Rachel was justified to not want to get back together because of it. Which she was. And he knew it, or he wouldn’t have immediately tried to hide it.

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On the PS5? There are tons, including first party content like Horizon: Forbidden West and God of War Ragnarock. Most major titles that have released in the last 3 years are available on the PS5

And, like janitors, they usually go unrecognized for the help they give and heavily criticized for anything that’s not perfect.

A shift of 2° at 12.3 billion miles means it’s now pointing about 430 million miles away from the earth. The likelihood that it would be pointing at one of the small handful of man made objects that are out that far is infinitesimally small. Imagine being in a filed 100 miles wide and spinning a bottle with a laser pointer on it and hoping it lands pointing at a single bottle cap at the edge of the field. That would be magnitudes more likely than this pointing at one of our objects. And even if it did, those also would have antennas pointed at Earth so they couldn’t receive the message without turning which might cause the same issue for them.

That’s not exactly true. He’s talked about buying it for a little bit and was trying to buy enough shares to be on the board. The board essentially made that impossible so that’s when he put out the joke offer to buy it outright. But then he entered legitimate legal proceedings making that offer official and agreed to pay a certain amount in damages if he withdrew the offer. Then he tried to withdraw the offer saying it was a joke. Then they said “ok, pay us the damages you agreed to” and he tried to pretend that wasn’t real. Then eventually agreed to buy to get out of paying damages (and getting nothing out of it) because he knew his excuse would never hold up in court.

So he wasn’t forced to buy it, he was forced to meet one of the two stipulations he agreed to in a contract, one of which was buying it.

Technically you can use Shortcuts to set whatever icon you want but it takes some effort to set up. And I don’t think it can use transparency so it’d have to take up the whole square (or out more effort into making the background of the icon match your background). And it’ll take a second longer to load the app as it goes through Shortcuts first

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Ben & Jerry’s has been fairly socially progressive for a while, this is not their first campaign like this and it hasn’t seemed to really affect them yet. There’s also the fact that part of Bud Light’s problem was who their average consumer was. Not every company that does something like that will get the same treatment, but when you advocate for something that most of your customers will disagree with, it’ll cause you problems.

For example, take the Chicks (formerly the Dixie Chicks). They took a stand against the war in Iraq and made negative comments about George W. Bush. They were nowhere close to the first band/artist to this, but they saw the most backlash. But it’s because they were a country band so the majority of their fanbase supported the things the condemned.

The problem is he didn’t stick around to talk out what “a break from us” means. He stormed out without saying anything when she said that. And it’s not really his fault, he says he assumed that meant a full breakup which isn’t unreasonable. But most people know that in reality when you’re in a big fight with your SO, sometimes you say things that you don’t mean the next day so you probably shouldn’t be making huge decisions that will affect the future of your relationship based on them. Assuming you want the relationship to continue which he obviously did.

He’s not a bad person for doing what he did, he’s just an idiot for doing what he did when he wanted to still be with her. Even if it was a full breakup, that doesn’t mean he couldn’t win her back. Sleeping with someone else makes that much harder though.

They planned on trying a command to fix it but they didn’t expect it to work and said that October when the system reset happened was the best shot. Seems like the command ended up working though.

If it’s the same people, they’ll probably get tired of it and move on. But the more we talk about it, the more likely it is that new people want to get in on the “fun”. I’d say to not make memes about the downtime and pretty much act like it doesn’t exist (as users, obviously the admins should take action as necessary to mitigate it and post to be transparent).

Cowboys do. They got their thumbs in their belts all the time. Maybe that’s why they’re dying out…

Same here and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I was definitely on Reddit an unhealthy amount so I’m hoping I can cut down my online time and use something that’s a better alternative. And we don’t need to act like everything here is instantly better. We’re here for a reason and there are definitely things that are better but we’ve also lost over a decade of material and rhythm that will take time to build up and make the place even close to as vibrant as Reddit was in its heyday.

Agreed completely, it’s a workaround that requires some sacrifices.

Personally, I wouldn’t want them spending precious development time on this when you could just block the community and set a reminder on your phone for whenever you want to unblock it.

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In these cases, I give them the benefit of the doubt and try to provide a rational argument why I disagree with them. It either sparks a discussion/debate or they’re obviously trolling and I downvote and move on. But some people that seem like trolls are really just ignorant and showing them why you disagree can help them shape their opinion.

Well it was very different a couple days ago. Things got shook up apparently, I don’t know the full story but a bunch of communities got wiped for some reason.

Funnily enough, the only reason I found this is I said when the PS5 released that it was too big and I’d wait for a slim version. But within the past few months I got impatient, thinking maybe it’d never come out. So this was like my final try to see if there was any news about it maybe coming and I found this article lol

I would assume the amount they make is a percentage of the cart total. That would be the only way to make longer trips worth it. So that would incentivize suggesting more expensive options. But I imagine there’s also a tip mechanic so doing obvious stuff like that could hurt your tip.

For Mlem, I went to their GitHub and found a comment with a TestFlight link. You have to download the TestFlight app (which is for beta testing apps) as well. But they have a set number of testers they can have for each iteration so you might not be able to get in

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Make a new account on a different instance and use that instead.

Cynical is my favorite song on the album, it’s a shame it’s so short.

Some instances fully defederated and some defederated specifically from the massive instances (mainly,, and the shit just works one that I don’t remember where the periods go). The reasoning was the massive influx of users was causing performance issues and quality drop in posts. They plan to re-federate once things are more figured out.

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Yeah 99% was definitely an overstatement, honestly I forgot the fact that people would still post in English even if it isn’t their own language just because of how ubiquitous it is online. I still think the feature would help a lot and it wouldn’t make it any harder than the current state for people that do post in multiple languages.

I wish more posters would use it so foreign language posts wouldn’t show up in my All so much lol. It’d be nice if you could have a default language that set your posts to that and you could change it if you want. I imagine 99+% of posters will only ever post in one language.

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