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Joined 7 months ago

There’s a special, extra-fuckin-hot area of space in Hell for worthless pieces of shit like this. Typically, I find the death penalty to be a bit too much, but for these two chunks of fetid rat shit, I feel like I could be pretty easily convinced to support an exception here… ideally if it’s in a similar way to how they treated those poor children.

Except Panera’s not even in the same league when it comes to completely unnecessary deaths… religion/ church has millennia & millions up on Panera.

Edit: Panera also has far less sweaty-palmed, Father Feelgood kiddie-diddling accusations as well.

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Your first mistake was not getting a job with a lifetime appointment… bet you’re kicking yourself now, huh bub?

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Somebody actually woke up one morning & thought, “Man, I know everyone’s convinced Dolly’s such a great person… how can I quickly cement that idea even further publicly & make myself look like an even bigger douche at the exact same time?!”


Ummm… it’s a little mushroom, thank you very much.

Oh no, they’re eating each other’s faces again and will only make it clearer just how incompetent they are… so anyways, TGIF everyone! What’s the plan for the weekend?

Fucking good. Rot slowly, psycho.

Great - now try his cockeyed, pig ass!

What? You don’t have self-interested billionaires on speed dial too? It’s not so tough - all you’ll need is a lifetime appointment to the highest decision-making panel in the nation. And all it’ll cost is… well, your soul, morals, ethics (assuming they exist in the 1st place) and dignity.


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DAMMIT, I thought I was quick with this…

Came here for the same, easy purpose…

He had no personality looong before it was cool

Not if he keeps up his high-protein meal plan… Wendy’s is awesome once or twice a month, not a day.

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It’s like the Queen looking down upon her subjects with disgust.

Let them eat gespacho (police)

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What a legacy he’s leaving behind too - he’s going to be a Jeopardy question (answer?) in 20 years

Says you…

Oh NO! Anyways, I said to the carpenter …

So, 20% of this nation is absolute proof that the Republicans’ plan to destroy the public education system is working.

Well, if there’s one good thing to say about proud Nazis & their political parties, it’s that they so clearly self-identify so the rest of us can know what pieces of fetid ratshit they really are.

And that takes balls

Ohio’s gonna Ohio.

Welp, if Butch Cassidy over there can’t be a police person anymore, maybe karma will catch up to him & he’ll catch a hot cop slug in the forehead for no good reason too.

Can confirm. Have seen the movie & it is indeed titled Pulp Fiction

You’re missing a somewhat identifying bit here. It’s really good, but holy moley was something missed.

Not disagreeing; my statement was about MTG being the Queen of the Schmucks, not comparing her to Liz or any current monarchs

A friend of mine told me it’s Krissy Lynn

Well, if this is the case, we should hurry up & get his ass in the hoosegow. With his present finances in such disarray, the poor guy won’t be able to afford getting any sicker without a dedicated nurse.