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Joined 12 months ago

It’s the cancer that capitalism truly is. If you’re not growing, you’re failing and enshittification is an inevitable late stage consequence of capitalism.

It’s just pump and dump.

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ITT: people who haven’t used anything later than an iPhone 6 /s

Seriously though, I am curious if anyone has spent more than a month with a 13 Pro or later; it sounds like most of the gripes are about shittier/older iPhones/iOS versions.

Lots of good points here (like the universal back button/gesture 🤤) and it’ll be interesting to see how things change after the 15 gets USB-C and maybe some sideloading at some point over the next couple of years 🤞

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His constituents love Obamacare as long as you call it, “The Affordable Care Act” lol what a nutsack

You know this ruling member of our gerontocracy just took his fucking hearing aids out before speaking.

Yep, that’s exactly how totally innocent people behave in a disposition…

Awareness of our insignificance is incredibly freeing. It means that you get to assign your own purpose to life because that’s all it matters to.

As long as you’re not infringing upon the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of others, then everything else is completely up to you! Have fun! Play video games! Eat great food! Make others happy! And don’t worry about your mistakes or being humiliated because none of that really matters after you’re gone.

In the end, only you can make your life worth living.

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Why do you think EVs are a bad idea?

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I don’t give a shit what the founder of Greenpeace or someone who has published books thinks. I care about scientific studies. I’ll be here to review them if/when you care to actually contribute to this conversation with verifiable facts, rather than just things you remember.

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Do you have a source for thinking that over the lifespan of the vehicle, that an EV is worse for the environment than a gasoline powered vehicle? Because I have multiple studies referenced in this article from the EPA stating the exact opposite.

The advantage of using an electric powertrain over any other is that the energy can be produced by any source of energy. Yes, right now, a lot of that’s coming from coal and natural gas, but even then, those power plants are WAY more efficient than the gas engines in cars and produce FAR less greenhouse gases source. Also, as countries transition from coal and gas to solar, wind, geothermal, and most critically and hopefully nuclear, the way the energy makes it from the earth to our cars can remain the same: the power grid.

Also, if everyone buys used cars, then that’ll solve the problem? Where do you think used cars come from? You think we should just keep making ICE vehicles and burning shit when we have plenty of new technologies which are being developed at breakneck pace that could actually make a huge difference in reducing emissions?

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Is it bad my initial reaction was, “That’s it?” This figure sounds really low when compared to a “mass shooting” which has similar criteria (4 victims shot, injured or killed), but the distinction is whether or not those shot died.

I’m pretty tired of this topic. Especially when it’s always framed as a mental health issue. Well, what about the mental health of everyone else aside from the shooters?? Are we just supposed to sit around and pretend like everything’s fine?

Our “leaders” aren’t even doing the basics like pushing for greater restrictions on purchasing involving background checks. In half the country it’s possible to buy a gun without any form of background check, then carry it around without any kind of license; that’s obviously not working!

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The part about them giving away free credits you could use on awards is definitely true. I somehow came into thousands of free credits which I spent on awards to gild comments I really jived with.

I refused to give any actual money to Reddit for them, but happily paid for Apollo Ultra, which explains why I’m here now.

Fuck u/spez

The reason is a technical one. At a strip club, none of your information is being transmitted; it’s just the bouncer making sure you’re of age by looking at your ID.

Per the EFF:

Age verification systems are surveillance systems. Mandatory age verification, and with it, mandatory identity verification, is the wrong approach to protecting young people online. It would force websites to require visitors to prove their age by submitting information such as government-issued identification. This scheme would lead us further towards an internet where our private data is collected and sold by default. The tens of millions of Americans who do not have government-issued identification may lose access to much of the internet. And anonymous access to the web could cease to exist.

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In general, sure, books can be great. When it comes to nonfiction, they need to be based on repeatable science (AKA studies). I don’t think it’s a huge ask to bring some facts to a conversation about science.

That’s because it’s objectively terrible coffee.

I’m certainly always open to the possibility that my views are incorrect, but I tend to base them on facts proven by repeatable science, which is why I linked studies and am requesting you do the same to back up your “well-proven case.”

You haven’t made any cases because you haven’t provided any studies. If it’s well-proven, linking us some studies should be easy.

I’d also encourage you to read the studies I linked because you might change your view on this subject. If you’re interested in learning, anyway.

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Thinking differently is for liberals. Conservatives think the same.

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The most impactful reason for there being an upper limit on age for representatives is that they literally don’t have a personal stake in the future. Even if they have kids or whatever other platitudes they may try to push, obviously there are people making decisions now that are going to have mortal fallout for the next generation that they don’t give a shit about if they’re making money.

Oh good, more unverifiable claims. As much time as you’ve spent commenting on this post, surely you could’ve come up with some links containing some actual evidence to back up your claims?

Do people not know about this stuff you claim because it’s made up? I’m very open minded and curious about your viewpoint, but you’ve given me absolutely nothing to go off of here.

You can’t just make claims and say shit like this without backing it up somehow.

You’ve provided the names of two people; am I supposed to go read ALL of their work??

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Agreed. We need to revert to meaningful tax brackets and apply some new ones to prevent billionaires.

I mean, I think it’s pretty easy to get confused by all of the different protocols there are that can’t all run on the same looking cable/connector.

Just by picking up an errant wire, it’s pretty hard to tell if it has power delivery, can do Thunderbolt 3 or 4, a low wattage, but high throughput USB 3.2 cable (which in itself could do 5, 10, or 20Gbps), or just basic USB 2.0 especially if both ends are USB-C.

We found Bill Nye’s Lemmy account!

Same here. Took me 25 years to figure that out. ❤️

Aww gotta pour one out for r/dontdeadopeninside

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Which is zero children to indoctrinate by way of fear and hate.

This is the least satisfying “conversation” I think I’ve ever had on Lemmy. Usually, I’ve found SOME common ground or an ability to prove a point but this has been supremely frustrating and honestly frightening.

No wonder humanity is having trouble with climate change; this is what we’re up against: A complete disability to think critically.

I agree and wish we had more options aside from basically just Google or Apple.

It doesn’t really matter what the content is. Allowing the government to dictate what content can or cannot be accessed is not a good idea.

Of course they didn’t. They can’t even be bothered to provide links to research that backs up the claims they’re making in this thread.

One can only hope

Soap these days doesn’t contain lye, so it doesn’t strip off your hard earned seasoning. Use soap on your cast iron cookware people.

Unless I had an odd amount of credits, I always just gave gold or silver. I never paid actual money for any of it, but it was fun while it lasted.

Wow so the first one failed, then they relied on its replacement completely and blindly. It’s dumb shit like this that made me stop feeling bad for those who experience data loss.

I see what you’re asking, and I agree if we’re going to prevent physical access to strip clubs by minors, it makes logical sense to take steps to prevent minors from accessing prurient content online as well.

The question becomes the exact methodology used to achieve that. It’s the same basic premise of making encryption illegal: Are we willing to sacrifice our privacy in the name of “protecting the children”?

Come up with another way to restrict access that doesn’t further encroach on privacy. I don’t have the answer for what that is, and it may not need to involve the government, but allowing them to put bills like this in place sets dangerous precedent. Once we relinquish power to the government, it’s damn near impossible to get it back.

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Do you remember what it was like before you were born?


Take that, my own credit score!*


FartsWithAnAccent is wary

Damn is that a typical date for you bro??

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Yes. It should be a multifaceted approach, and increasing sexual education is absolutely a part of that. Good luck getting more funding for education ESPECIALLY if it could be used for sexual education in these red states though.

They preach abstinence and then feign surprise when that’s not what happens.