2 Post – 117 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I never get tired of this.

Execs of a company that makes bajilions dollars a year want to buy a new yacht, so they make the most corrupt, greedy, and stupid decision imaginable. There is a mass exodus of consumers who pay these shitty execs in the first place, resulting in losses.

Being an exec is a job even the stupidest motherfucker can do and it shows

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Fucking backward religion. So much would be better without any religion whatsoever

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What the fuck.

We know the names of the terrorists that have done it. Track them down, arrest them, 10+ years un prison.

Ruin their shitty little lives.

Make an exapmle out of them.

And then people wonder why everyone hates China. "Why do people complain when they claim territory that isn't theirs?!?! US dID iT tOo!!!1!"

Dunno, tell me in last 30 years, when did US commit and kept commiting an active genocide? Do they suppress other language than american? Do they tell Canadians or Mexicans that they "belong" to them and feint invasion?

As a european, its good to have US by our side because I know that when a shit dictatorship shithole like China or Ruzzia attacks, they will be the first to bomb them to the stone ages.

Fuck China. Fuck Ruzzia. And fuck anyone who supports them.

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If you don't vaccinate your pet, you should be disallowed from owning it

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They were bullied too much ahahahahahah my goodness

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Example #4363 why making everything "smart" is a terrible fucking idea

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This just in: republicans are fucking insane

If you are a republican in this day and age, given ALL the shit they have done and what they stand for, you are either stupid, evil or both

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I got permanently banned for wishing violence upon neo-nazis.

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"Intends to focus on its own defense"

Defense from what?! The fuck they think ukraine was doing all this time?

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Tommy Tuberville had never served in the millitary.

Time to uninstall chrome. Can I move my passwords, bookmarks and saved data there? How do I do it?

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Bring the war home to these cunts

Nothing new for russians, they have have been starving people on purpose for decades. Just look at holodomor.

The challenged Microsoft. Fucking MICROSOFT. They are completely and utterly fucked

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Weren't nft avatars being sold for like months now? I remember them being cyberbullied and banned on mass from 196 (which is extremely funny if you ask me)

Does the US actively commit genocide? Do they keep one particular part of their population in work and concentration camps?

Do they suppress every opinion you have? Do they arrest you for those opinions?

Get the fuck out of here with your whataboutism. Living under China, if you are not chinese is a death sentence, you might just live in nazi germany as a non german. I'd much rather be under the US.

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Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

China can claim anything they want. They will never enforce it because they can't. They might be an economic superpower (selling off your population as slaves to do labour for basically no money in awful conditions tends to do that), but they will never be a military one. Their weapons are copied, low quality garbage, their soldiers untrained, and undisciplined.

Ruzzia may have been the biggest paper tiger in history, China is the second biggest.

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Seems a great use of an anti drone gun

I go like 7+3 = 10, 10+3 = 13

I understand when massive, dlc sized mods are monetized. Not when small ones are.

For example in minecraft, there was a mod with which you could pregenerate your world before making it. The creator decided to gut it and put all the good features behind his patreon.

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Ain't nothing better than posting ancient clips

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This game won't ever come out. At this point, the devs just steal money and see how much they can get away with.

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While I only had my account for 6 years, I feel similar.

I made a promise to myself: when boost for reddit stops working, I will not only uninstall it, I will permanently leave reddit.

So that's what I did and I will never look back

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Russians started the war with the childish notion that they can bomb ukranians all they want and that ukranians wont bomb them back.

The sowed the wind, now they shall reap the whirlwind.

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Mate thats a free dinner if I ever saw one

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It was lighter than word or libre and had formatting, unlike simple word editors like notepad++. Bummer to see it go but surely there is (or will be) an alternative

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Send this fucker to the front

What are good printer companies? Fuck HP and Epson

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This is what happens when you fight for fascists. Should have stayed home

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Never said US is good, just good to have at our side.

US is bad, but China and Ruzzia is infinitely worse. Like uncomparably worse. If you are under the wing of US and you diasagree, 99.99% chance fuckall happens. If you do the same under the other two, you are jailed or you die.

I don't blindly defend my state or ally states. Tankies like you do.

Mfer has Marxist in his name, yet they support tottalian regimes


Good. Hopefully, they suffered before being thrown back into the hole they crawled out of

They are not choosing shit. They are being forced to wear them by their parents. It's indoctrination and abuse

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They want non straight (and non white) people dead. Thats it.

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This for 60 bucks!?

I've seen enough perspectives of people who did live in China and seen enough people (even some of my friends) disappear to make a judgement.

If you want to such Xi cock so hard, please shut the fuck up and move there, tankie scum

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single gunshot behind the shed