2 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Not the down voter, but as a day 1 PS5 buyer who could afford the pro I will just say they didn't offer any value to me. I've played 1 game on the PS5 that I couldn't have on my base PS4 (Demon's Souls) and I could play the original of that on my PS3. They promised all of this great stuff on the PS5 and under delivered. Why would I put down the $700 why would I spend that when I hardly even use my PS5 and even when I do I could've just used my PS4?

That's already halfway through it's lifecycle

Did you read the article?

“Her poor little body was contorted when she was sucked into this hole and pipe 20 feet back. Her body was inside of the motor when she had to be extracted," Nava continued at the time. "They had to break up concrete in order to extract her, cut pipe. It was absolutely horrific.”

I'm a strong swimmer, and even if I was watching closely anything I did would have only put me in danger without helping her.

Say what you want about how long it took the parents to find the kid, maybe they were wrong, but the hotel is 100% responsible here. If it wasn't this kid it would have been someone else, maybe an adult in which case what parents would you blame then?

When people ask where I was at during 9/11. I didn't find out about it until hours after it happened

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Probably because a bunch of people around the age that relate with the meme are still watching SpongeBob

Wait did this happen before? Or are you just talking about the instance where he got stabbed 22 times (which is impressive) a couple months ago mentioned in the article?

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PS4 was fantastic! So many great games pushing the system to it's absolute limits like God of War, RDR2, and Bloodborne. Now with the PS5 we get games like God of War 2, Spider Man 2, and Elden Ring. And you can play them all on the PS4. But no, let's release a PS5 pro before even scratching the surface of what the PS5 is capable of

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Federal minimum wage for tipped workers is $2 and some change.

Legally if they end up making below minimum wage ($7.25 federally I believe, some areas are higher) between tips and wages the employer needs to make up the difference. Obviously with some of it being cash it's difficult to track and prove, so realistically they won't make up the difference.

I'm not for tipping culture, but realistically they're usually doing better than people making minimum wage without tips. I knew someone working at a DQ about a decade ago making $5.25/hour without tips. Minimum wage was still $7.25 back then, but apparently family owned businesses have a minimum wage of $5.25. Not sure if that's true, but they were able to sell it to their employees.

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Americans have a tendency to think they have everything and everyone else has nothing. Until we go somewhere else and discover it's the other way around.

Obviously healthcare and education are things they are pretty much guaranteed that we don't have. They have better worker protections. I mean I'm not against gun rights, but what we have in the States is an embarrassment. I'm sure there are several other issues that I'm not thinking of right now or don't know about, but I didn't know we had worse free speech than Europe.

What makes Europe free speech more free than ours?

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I mean there's definitely intelligent enough people who just want to use people

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Are there? Last I'd heard other options either didn't have infrastructure to charge vehicles on long trips and / or took too long to charge.

I really haven't looked into this so please just take this as a genuine question, and if you do have suggestions on other EVs I'd be curious what they are even though I'm not really in the market for one right now.

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You don't think there's people out there to chirp the republican agenda for their own personal gain? People are definitely smart enough to say things they don't believe in to manipulate others

My guess would be that the first attempt to rescue would usually be to turn off the filter and / or attempt to jump in and pull them out. I would think by the point anyone would think of and be able to access something to breathe through it would be too late.

This is all speculation on my point though, idk

You're not saying there wasn't an assassination attempt right? Like yeah Trump cheats constantly and at everything he does, but the assassination attempt was real.

And no he probably didn't get shot in the ear, but it isn't some conspiracy theory either, he got hit by some shrapnel

I've heard this line of thinking is how they get you. Example I heard was something like there's a $10, $20, and $40 toaster at Walmart. The $10 and $20 one are functionally the same, but you don't know that and don't want to go with the cheapest one so you pick that.

Don't know how true it is, but thought it's interesting and started thinking about it when I'm buying stuff

I was young, I just know I was playing on one of these before I heard about it

Wisconsin is not a felony. WI has some of the most relaxed DUI laws

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I believe it isn't even a misdemeanor which could be why it's lumped in with states where it isn't a misdemeanor, but I could be wrong

I had no idea it was a running gag. Just thought it would be a good thing to post

Now this right here is a great example of how to use larger words to say nothing at all

Something about Al Capone. Originally I heard we were related, but I don't think that's true, but my great grandma did chase him out of her house with her cane at one point.

My work cafeteria serves a similar breakfast bowl on Tuesdays. I think I know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow

Trump isn't fit for office at any level, let alone the highest office in the land.

Maybe a job at the DMV? It is an office building, does that count? He might be fit for that

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Didn't expect to see that one here, but good choice

I have the same phone, but don't really have any clue what any of this means. If you're up for it I wouldn't mind an ELI5 on this so that I have at least an idea of what it means or what to look up. If you're not up for the ELI5 I still appreciate what you put out there

State to State here, but generally they are not legally required to pay minimum wage. Honestly neither make much sense to me, but that's tipping culture for ya

I like mine

I knew they did a trial run of it somewhere in like Norway or Scandinavia or something but didn't know it went anywhere. Good to know that there are better options

Is the satanic temple something people just know when they see TST? Are their tenets common knowledge?

Maybe I'm living under a rock here, but your comment is hard to decipher without any links or explanation. Yes I found out what you were talking about by googling it, but your comment doesn't help much if people need to Google it. 9 times out of 10 people just ignore it and move past it.

What do you even do if this happens to you?