TheCaconym [any]

@TheCaconym [any]
0 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Exactly; this just needed an emulator like goldberg

Bethesda games usually don't go for heavy DRM stuff (beyond the basic steam DRM), because it impairs modding (especially injection / nonofficial modding, stuff like SKSE for skyrim)

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One of the multiple lemmy newcomers that defederated from us; in their admins' words, because we apparently "deny certain genocides". what "genocides" would those be exactly ?

A homeless person is without the mental structure to build something lasting, or else they would not be homeless or would identify differently, e.g. as a traveler.

You're a truly disgusting ghoul

Imaginary Property in general

The infinite refund window offered by piracy also works, mind you

Also sometimes due to DRM/launcher shit the pirate version actually works much easier on wine/proton. I've downloaded cracked versions of games I actually bought in the past due to this

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I genuinely assumed that was a GTK bug, the more you know

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What the fuck is wrong with email now ?

It's one of the only things that hasn't been ruined those past few internet decades, only slightly improved, and is still decentralized and can still allow you to self host, don't you touch it

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On Linux, you'll want to install figlet and toilet (both available in the debian repos)

Alternatively you've got this online frontend

If you really want to get weird with it you can also play any video in ascii art through libcaca and mplayer. Looks like this

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Chrome is now - and has been for a while - actively a threat towards its users (on top of being one towards the web itself). Here is a recent list of hostile moves, for example.

In terms of threat towards users Windows 10/11 is even worse, by a large margin - it actively and very aggressively spies on you.

Use firefox and switch to Linux (I suggest Debian), comrade penguin-love

He doesn't want profits, quite obviously you do (and seem obsessed by it), you're the only one doing the projecting here - along with posting pitiful platitudes that'd make a shitty linked-in life coach delete their post in shame

What he did is ask you, literally, what you had in mind for the 99.99% of people that don't win the tech innovation lottery

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Are you talking about ? because it looks like a shitty LLM answering questions instead of an actual search engine. It looks absolutely atrocious privacy-wise, too.

And still include cheesy mp3s playing too loud in retro-futuristic-looking installers

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While SHA1 might be considered problematic security-wise in terms of collision (using it for certs today would be very bad, for example), it is not problematic in terms of preimage attacks (even MD5 isn't broken that way IIRC), which is what truly matters in the context of 2FA / TOTPs

As for "why not SHA256", compatibility

BIOS booting stays winning

No, I don't, because I can afford stuff and pirating in this situation would be just pure stealing which I believe is morally wrong

Stealing suggests they don't have the content anymore; they do. "Copying" is the word you're looking for.

The whole "stealing" comparison rather breaks down when there is basically no scarcity / no cost to duplicating and distributing what has been produced

Even arguing it's "stealing" because it deprives the publisher of the cost isn't exactly true, because it only holds if you'd actually have ponied up were the content not available for free (I know for sure I definitely wouldn't have played some games or watched some shows if I had had to actually pay for them)

You want to use something that exists thanks to capitalism

Artistic content is, believe it or not, produced outside of capitalism as well. And in capitalist societies it often is produced despite capitalism, not thanks to it, and one could argue capitalism itself is a large part of the reason that content's quality has taken a dive over the past decades

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There is also this one; it's an actual genuine Windows 95 running on WASM in your browser

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I think the profit motive isn't the best at producing good quality artistic content; and I think people would still produce it without such a motive.

Mind you on paper I wouldn't even be against paying for a good movie, for example. But I want a .mp4 in x265, with subs, that I can store on my NAS and read with whatever open source software I want to use. None of the legal platforms offer that - piracy literally offers a better service, universally

Same goes for video games: I want a native binary that I can install, that does not phone home at all, and does not have DRM or require a launcher. Only a minute minority of games, even on gog, match those

this would result in shit movies being produced that no one likes

I think that has already happened to be honest

See here. Compatibility issues.

Crassus invented the fire brigade

Didn't he routinely order his brigade to do nothing until he managed to acquire the burning property (at increasingly decreased cost as the fire raged) from its owner ?

It's OK though, they offered their top moderators an offer to participate in the IPO and also sent them goodies and snacks, what more do you want ?

Embrace tradition, return to XMMS

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DVI should not control the monitor's actual physical controls - it does include a small non-display channel but IIRC that's used to get the display modes info from the monitor, and potentially to transmit contrast information and the like; some monitors will prevent you from adjusting contrast if DVI sends that info for example, but it certainly shouldn't disable the power button.

My guess would be a hardware issue - in the monitor itself - which is somehow triggered by the sequence in which you do enable the displays, and your system update being unrelated. It's a huge guess though. One thing to try is repeating both sequences (the one that locks your buttons and the one that doesn't) using a live CD - not a "nobara 38" one if such a thing exists, another distro. Trying both monitors on another computer would be an interesting test as well, although not necessarily that helpful (because if it doesn't occur there, it might just mean the issue is triggered by peculiarities in your graphic card).

I still don't understand why one would install this shitty adware infested distribution when Debian exists (and has basically become just as user-friendly)

They even put ads in the fucking terminal - look at this shit

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The latter - downloading the windows cracked version and yeah, wine or proton. It works beautifully.

That's when there is no native linux version obviously; these days you can also find pirate versions of those when they exist (most notably on rutracker).

I think there is one person putting out repacks especially made for Linux mind you (can't remember their name though found it, it's johncena141), including specific wine versions and so on in the repack, though I've never used them

Well, my friend, he's kinda poor he can't afford some books and some streaming services, so he pirates.

Good on your friend. Poor or not, you should too.

Do you pirate?


And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?

Justify it ? you seem to suggest it's wrong or something

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You may need firmware-iwlwifi from non-free. Is the network interface even available ?

# iwconfig

Assuming it's not, what is your wifi adapter ?

$ lspci|grep -i network
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I just checked and figlet at least appears to be in the arch repositories as well

Oh god, just reading that name, the flashbacks agony-deep

These days the GNU rm specifically warns you and asks you to confirm before proceeding

Gmail is actually relatively chill accepting stuff from self-hosted MTAs, even new ones the IP of which hasn't established a reputation yet

Outlook is indeed rougher but none of them even come close to the awfulness that are Apple / icloud email servers

I mean, I can copy Baldur's Gate on a PC where there's no Steam at all and play it just fine, because the game itself doesn't have any restrictions

I don't think so, no. You can do that with the gog version. With the steam version it'll try to launch / connect to the local installed steam at startup, and fails if it cannot do so. You'd need to install a steam emulator like goldberg for it to work.

This is the case with most games (there are a few exceptions) on steam, even those that don't enforce "strong" DRM. They want steam running. This is, by itself, a completely unacceptable form of DRM.

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What "political posts" from "normies" are bothering you exactly ?

For decades there have been a wide variety of shady filehosts that will happily host content with no regard for IP and offer downloading for the same (good for them). They manage to make money by offering "premium" subscriptions that allow to download without having to wait / bandwidth limitation (these days you even have services that try to mutualize such premium accounts between users for a smaller fee, using their proxy to serve their own users). For just as long there have been websites that index those direct filehost links, and make money through either ads or members donations. It's an alternative to torrenting. Gog-games is an example of such an indexing website (there are many, many others). 1fichier is an example of the filehosters I mentioned above (same remark).

To answer your question, the reason they don't go down is they routinely operate in jurisdictions that are hard to act on by LE in the imperial core; they also often pay lip service to DMCA requests by actually removing content after reports, though they'll almost universally make the process complicated, long, and pretty useless (not removing identical files reachable from other links, for example).

EMPRESS the batshit insane DRM cracker ?

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If the aim is simply to mirror an existing directory, including mirroring suppression/deletions/new files/edits, and only copying what has changed (which is what I suspect you were trying to emulate with the "created after a certain date" thing), just do:

rsync -avh -P /path/to/source/ /path/to/destination

If the aim is to copy all files created since, say, three days ago, but not to update existing files or to remove files that have been removed from your source (which is what you described):

rsync -avh -P --ignore-existing --files-from=<(find -L /path/to/source -ctime -3 -exec basename {} \;) /path/to/source/ /path/to/destination

Edit: lemmy is html encoding my "lesser than" symbol in the second command above; replace accordingly

Kraken, also by Mièville, is also somewhat of a match; as well as Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.

Exactly right. I keep reading this and I never know how to respond, it really isn't that hard and it's worth it. I've posted this before here but personally I go with a postfix+mariadb+dovecot+postfixadmin+spamassassin+opendkim stack; it's extremely easy to set up (if you read the docs) and it has suited me perfectly. Once it's configured it's rock solid

Beyond the obvious privacy advantages, being able to generate an email alias at any time (to the point where you can create one dedicated for each shitty thing you subscribe to) is also very useful for spam protection / infinite free trials and the like. Also aliases redirecting towards many recipients for easy organizing / mailing-list-like behaviour

Jesus, I'm struggling to fill my 24TB already; I have no idea how I'd fill 100TB

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Can I ask why you choose to use one of those weird "immutable" distributions in the first place, out of curiosity ?

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