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What if it’s a dead dumb human? My god the moment I know I’m talking to someone in a sweat shop in Mumbai I know I’m not going to get a lot of support

I have such a strong disagreement on the idea of Biden being better with illegal immigration than trump that I’m convinced you’re a Russian bot intended to post pro Biden rhetoric as he’s done more damage to America than any nuke could ever achieve

What’s going on? You have open borders, completely open, border control is a formality for the airports. Anyone from any motivation can walk into the states freely unchecked, unquestioned, unchallenged, for free; undocumented… since Biden laxed the laws dramatically… and on top, taxpayer money is being spent supporting these immigrants. Truly truly mind boggling stuff.

I’ve literally watched live streams of the endless flood coming across.

America is under attack by its own government policy, it’s like you’ve fought wars before but never such an internal war.

It’s the woke mind virus, it’s a cancer of the mind… it’s so sad to watch unfold

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Yea the idea of “oh we get the money back” or “we have weapons lying around” isn’t selling it to me.

Also, Russia has nukes… we shouldn’t be tempting WW3. The whole thing is eff’d

Angry vitriol to a stranger on the internet for holding a opposing view, Let it all out there buddy!

I use twitter because it has the community notes thing and tends to allow both sides of the spectrum to state their views

To get the the motivation in people that could fix this… you have to have something called faith in the current system or at least partial faith that the American system is heading towards a brighter future. It’s not though, the entire military industrial complex, big pharma, the way government politicians are bought and paid for… the entire system is systemically corrupted, on all levels, it’s so systemised now that you could teach it in university… a course on the purely corrupt system….

You need to want to defend your country in order to defend it

I mean I keep seeing articles of people being murdered by illegal immigrants, is it pure scare mongering?

And I’m really quite surprised I’d be upvoted by this as anyone that enjoys freedom and a good quality of life should really understand what’s going on

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You can see the footage of it, and the stats, you don’t have to try hard either, YouTube shows the endless sea flooding in daily, and then states are giving them money and a bunch of handouts. This is real, this is happening, like how long can you keep your head in the sand for

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Specifically, focussing on two related things only, the illegal immigration and the proven loopholes for Voting/election fraud.

These pillars of democracy ate important and real… no one is foaming at the mouth for collapse, on the contrary… conservatives and non conservatives alike want freedom and peaceful respectable lives

Putin has been on Tucker Carlson and remained fairly clear since the beginning that this war is not about killing Ukraine people (in a genocide as you word it)… in fact the genocide is really happening as a result of US influence, Russia has many legitimate reasons to seek unification of Ukraine with Russian interests, I don’t agree with them, but I disagree that it is a US interest to send US taxpayer money to Ukraine for weapons and arms to prolong this war.

America simply cannot afford to forever siphon money out of the coffers to Ukraine which then purchase weapons and arms which then make the weapons and arms dealers more powerful and wealthy… it’s a wholesale scam, just as we saw in the Middle East… Orwell predicted this, long drawn out pointless wars that suddenly stop when a new war is created. Today we’re told Russia bad guy, tomorrow it might be palestines Hamas, in the future we may see a forever war with China…

It doesn’t really matter at this point. America just like other allied nations should stay out of other people’s wars. Military tax money should be on a need to have basis only

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The entire military complex is milking the US taxpayer dollar from this war, if Trump were to stand in the way of the MIC and their income… given the presidential assassinations observed in recent history I would imagine that he would have multiple crosshairs on his forehead:.: it would take an incredible amount of patriotic duty to ignore that risk and pull funding anyway.

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I’ve been digging into the whole rape thing, correct me if I’m wrong but it looks a lot like a smear campaign than anything else, that is which to say, there is zero evidence he did this and yet the mainstream media has been instructed to go hard with it lately to perhaps persuade the public to vote against him… thoughts?

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I don’t understand how anyone… ever …can reconcile that Biden has let through 9.000.000+ illegal immigrants in a few short years and already begun to the social unrest as a result…

But further to that we can see the elections system remains easily defrauded, suggesting issues that could result in illegal immirants getting away with voting and having their vote counted…

The only way I can see Bidens actions and inactions being a good thing is he seems to be rapidly accelerating the totality of collapse that can bring the country to essentially civil war and a breaking up of the states between red and blue … which could result in more of an EU situation

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