
31 Post – 449 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Cutest demon girl ull see :3 I like meeting new people so if u think Im cool feel free to DM on Matrix or lemmy 🖤(evil girls use evil hearts >:3)

Join da unofficial 196 space! :3 #196-blahaj:catgirl.cloud

I've hidden scores so if you downvote me tell me what I did wrong pls&ty :3

Same but with AC:Wild World on my DS! >v< It sometimes made my sleeping routine better and sometimes worse x3

:O Ive been playing that gameee!! Well actually I gotta reinstall it cuz I played for a bit and accidentally removed it >v< It was the only Animal Crossing I hadn't played and honestly I love it :3

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oooo thats such an awesome community! It's crazy how much high-quality SCP content there is :O

Clearly, you dont own an All Natural Calming Product BITE SIZE SOFT CHEWS Helps Anxiety and Nervous Behaviour

omg I went to that link in the watermark and it redirected me to youtube with the search query "factory farming" and it confused me so much x3

hewwo everyfurry(including minimal amounts of hair)!! :3

ok but what about

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I like your funny words, magic kitty :3

I've been on peaceful mode the entire time :3

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gayist? is that like, the oppsoite if homophobia?


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Trading infodumps is equivalent to kissing :3

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True love :3

Teehee bruh~ ;3 💀

Lmao nya 💀 ;3

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game idea: platformer but the different power-ups r all dildos with interesting designs :3 and of course the controller is a dildo too

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ye that's why there's no comment, our lovable mods would get rid of it :3

And every time it's not me :(

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Omg imagine living there, no one would deliver to you because they'd think it's a prank LOL

I genuinely cant read any of the pencil text apart from the sarcastic extra questions x3

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they know their customers :3

so someone's murdering u and u're just letting them?? that's illegal.

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then I continue making that face and hit them with one of these :3

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Digital currency that you can buy in Roblox. They are like V-Bucks in Fortnite.

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"destroyer of sad :3"

and reported to Santa

what spanish?

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hehe this post took us quite a bit to make >v<

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omg do these come from one person or a community or something? or does OP edit them or what? I love them so much and need like an archive of them or something >v<

Update ~2h later: I just went through OP's entire post history, from 10 months ago to today, and downloaded like 150 memes including all the Ctrl+Alt+Del edits 👍

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Kiss your sister ( and also everyone else ( I am from Europe ) )

This is what I see when I enter

And this is after closing the pop-ups

The About page says:

FREAKBAiT is a California-based multimedia creator that emerged circa 2016 as a primordial artist collective of one, creating hallucinatory multimedia exhibitions and experimental psychedelic noise in relative obscurity. After a brief hiatus between 2018-2020, FREAKBAiT returned to the internet to spread chaos and discord throughout the world via viral micromedia.

Oh and the WE BUY SKIN icon gets u to a dropbox link full of signs like the one in this post

u have failed the gay test. ur gayness will now be revoked

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I think I saw this meme on this comm before and it was probably posted by u too X3

And omg cat pics?! where?! :3

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Can someone punch me in the nose? I'm curious what this feels like now >u<

oh u can change the image in a post?! that's awesome! :D

*sits in an even worse posture* make me bitch >:3

Before HRT

After HRT

bean attitudes