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I've got so many layers of adblock it's hard to know which one(s) are responsible for blocking the ads.

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Is it? I don't remember seeing a guy running for Congress that promised he'd prevent huge corporations from running rough shod over everything.

People like saying stuff like "just vote better", but the fact is the vast majority of people that run for any office are pro-big business because that's their background and the lobbyists give them lots of money to get elected. Where's the anti-big business guy going to get his money to run? And without money, you sure aren't winning.

Through lobbying, corporations have us all by the balls. It doesn't matter what side of the isle you're on; both sides have basically been endorsed by big money.

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If this actually works, the next step will be abolishing the two-term limit. "Leave it to the will of the people to decide if they want a dictatorship."

Next time a crazed redneck stabs me in the head with a US flag, I'll make sure to put my helmet on first!

Did you know you can say cock on the Internet? Fuck, piss, shit, and cum too. What an amazing place this internet thing is!

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Jpeg is already compressed, so compressing them again won't do anything but make it impossible for people to selectively download just the image/folder they desire.

Metadata on the other hand sounds like text files, which compress very well. Wether the space savings is worth it is hard to answer without more info. I'd personally lean towards not archiving it.

The screenshot literally says "sponsored recommendation". Not sure how much more clear it can be that somebody paid money for that.

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Fuck them for not even bothering to include two controllers in this purchase price. Those things are basic as can be; we're not talking dual-shock here. They had better be very cheap to buy.

Also, what's the point of including Combat if you've no ability to play against somebody?

I don't agree with the punishment one bit.

But it was never about getting their money back. Instead they just wanted a life-ruining sentence and large number to give to the media to scare people into not fucking with Nintendo.

Nintendo knows they'll never see even one million of that 65. Hell, they'll probably never even make enough to cover the lawyer fees. They don't care as they're playing the long game. They're trying to prevent the next Bowser before it happens. Which won't work, but they'll never understand why.

Probably because they wouldn't see a dime of revenue from this. It would be a new law that just says they have to do it. At best, they would be allowed to pass the costs to customers somehow, likely through our plate registrations at the DMV.

It's basically a no win for the car companies. Lots of ill will, increased chance of litigation, increased costs for building cars, all for nothing.

In fact, I bet the car companies lobbyists are the reason we don't have this already.

With what money?

I know spez is running it into the ground, but it was valued at $10b last funding round. I don't think he's got the liquid capital after blowing it all on Twitter.

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That would be annoying, since my password is pisscockshit.

I'm excited for Starfield but buying a Bethesda game on release week is probably a bad idea. Let them get a few patches out first.

Assuming Armored Core is as polished as many of these reviews suggest, it might be a great game to tide me over until then.

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Eh, I kinda doubt this will be his last mugshot. Although I guess the first will still be most famous.

I somehow doubt Austin needed this. Meanwhile, I'm posting this via an ancient DSL connection that barely functions.

I presume it's cool to post magnet links in here?

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Eh, you'll still need something that allows you to search for a file/torrent and gives you a hash or magnet. Right?

I have hopes from these reviews, although I do wonder how much of the score improvement is due to From Software's new reputation.

I wanted that service so bad as a kid. I terrorized my local cable company by calling every single day for months (sometimes more than once) thinking "if enough people called asking for it, they'd get it". RIP receptionist lady.

Can you even buy ebooks these days without going though Amazon? Aside from an incredibly small amount of indie authors (who probably got kicked from Amazon for unknowingly pissing off some algorithm) there's no place to download them and support the authors.

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I wonder if we're wrong to group entertainment and physical goods into the same category though. They're wildly different things.

If I make you a pair of shoes, I need to charge you money to account for my time, my effort, and the materials it took to make them. If I make a thousand shoes, it doesn't scale; the price per shoe has to stay the same.

If I write an ebook, I would charge for the time and effort it took to write it, but there's no material charge. It scales entirely differently because I can make a billion ebooks for the same cost as one.

Considering that, the old way of thinking that I should be able to resell an ebook like some shoes I bought doesn't seem to apply logically. We're buying entertainment, not physical goods. I don't bitch that I can't resell the experience of going to a concert, so why do I bitch (and I do) that I can't resell digital media?

I just wish the publishers would price media accordingly. If they all worked out a deal with stremio to get ten cents whenever I streamed a movie, I wouldn't think twice. But instead I need to sign up with multiple services and pay $20 to stream one, and I just realized I'm bitching to the choir so I'll end there.

Jesus Christ, did Microsoft rename Lync again?!

Also renewing license plates/licenses. Basically if you need to make a yearly or monthly payment to keep using something it's a scam in my eyes.

Not sure about where you live, but where I live, that money goes towards road upkeep. That money has to come from somewhere.

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I thought the advantage of carpooling was saving money on gas and car maintenance. Also, environment.

Dang, was hoping for the new Doom. I refuse to play it with Denurvo, but I don't trust anything out there.

Can you even buy ebooks these days without going though Amazon? Aside from an incredibly small amount of indie authors (who probably got kicked from Amazon for unknowingly pissing off some algorithm) there's no place to download them and support the authors.

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Remote-only companies existed before, during, and continue existing after COVID. And those companies have new people as well. Perhaps you're right and that it's harder to ask questions on slack as a newbie (although I believe it's completely up to personal taste) but is that worth all the benefits of remote work?

I believe it's not.

Am I the only one that has never gotten this software to work worth a damn? The interface is impenetrable and it never finds what I want.

Maybe it's because I'm not searching for Steven King or whatever super-popular author? Either way, I've yet to find anything that is as easy as just going to library genesis and downloading manually.

That's fair, I didn't specify DRM-free. Still probably better than buying through Amazon.

But I'd prefer to use my own ebook reader.

Unplayable mess? I never said that. However, more than a few people had game-breaking bugs in Skyrim and had to restart or hope they had a save from far enough back.

Obviously Skyrim was playable enough since it was an immediate critical success. I can't really speak for fallout 4 since I never played it and didn't bother following the news for it.

That being said, there are memes older than some people on lemmy equating Bethesda and bugs. They've earned their reputation, but good and bad.

Can you even buy ebooks these days without going though Amazon? Aside from an incredibly small amount of indie authors (who probably got kicked from Amazon for unknowingly pissing off some algorithm) there's no place to download them and support the authors.

Your highschool government class should have covered this. A pure popular vote system is essentially mob rule, and mobs are fucking idiots. The idea is that you vote people into office that are smart, that are trained, that are the best of us.

Agreed. Handguns are basically for killing people. I don't know why you brought them up though since we have no idea what kind of gun this guy used.

but I can use it offline with any software I want on any device whenever I want

Tell that to all the VCR tapes in people's basements. Finding a working VCR player is nigh impossible these days, and it won't be too long until optical media is the same. Last car I bought didn't have a CD player. DVD drives are disappearing from computers. Game consoles a generation or two from now will be download only.

Content owners can't wait until the only option we have is to stream.

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But you’re not even willing to consider any of that. Because of boats and cars and table saws…

Sigh. I'm anti-gun, if you couldn't tell from my post. But sure, put words in my mouth.

BTW, getting a license to drive a car/boat is much more difficult in most states than getting a gun license.

First of all, I already said I'm for more regulation on guns. Second of all, I'll basically invite further downvotes and say "good". That actually makes sense to me. I've long believed that people don't give driving the respect it deserves. You're literally driving a ton of metal and explosive liquid 70+ miles an hour in the dark with a lot of people around doing the same thing, houses scant yards away, all while you simultaneously talk to your friends, check your phone for messages, and adjust the radio. It's insane when you think about it. Realistically? I'd say the capacity for mass destruction is higher for driving than guns, but I'll accept the fact that's perhaps mostly due to the commonality of vehicles.

Owning a car increases your chance of dying in a car accident too. Owning a table saw increases your chance of losing a finger. Owning a boat increases your chance of drowning. Etc.

Do I think people should be walking around with military-grade weapons? No. Do I think people should be allowed a shotgun to hunt with or whatever? Sure. Do I think there should be background checks and all that to help make sure they're used in a responsible manner? Hell yes. Do I wish guns had never been invented? Yes.

But come on. This guy apparently went room to room in his house and systematically murdered everyone in it. It wasn't an accident, which is what generally drives the statistic you mentioned. Who knows what was going through his mind at the time. But I'm guessing that, while the gun probably made the act easier, the gun wasn't the enabler nor catalyst here. Given what happened, I'm guessing he would have found another tool to use if he had no gun on hand. I'm not going to be morbid and name all the things within reach at the average house you could use to murder a 9 year old, but it's a lot of things.

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