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Joined 1 years ago

Nope and I really wish nobody had still.

Man riding a motorcycle in my state with these fuckin idiots was awful. Even with the helmet I got a waff of this garbage and not to mention it sticking to my clothes on some occasions. It's not even denialism it's just wilful harm. Luckily the number of these idiots seems to have gone down over the last few years.

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I feel like we've moved past just a tray of crap and right into the triceratops scene from Jurassic Park.

Not sure what point you're trying to get across here unless it's a veiled statement about you not getting vaccinated. People should get vaccinated for both especially since they're both easily transmittable and potentially deadly for certain demographics.

Can we add a fog machine this time?

He smiles like a horse.

Man I've said this over and over again. If illegal immigration is such a problem take a damn look at your system. My dad just thinks I'm some crazy liberal though for suggesting it. I live in a border state and I've been hearing the same empty talking points since I was a child.

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Or maybe they need to actually be trained and educated on things pertaining to their job by a corporation too busy sucking the very life from their bodies.

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I don't have enough wheelbarrows for all of them.

That's it I'm cutting any and all bootstraps I see. Menacingly approaches old riding boots

Well I'm sure he's just a front and that someone owns him so it makes sense in a way.

What an absolute piece of shit. Even if people haven't died yet from their injuries, and I hope they don't with perhaps exception to the instigator, the toll this will take on them for the rest of their lives might well if killed some of them anyways.

Now they get to live with both the physical and mental trauma of this because he had an issue on a fucking raise.

Looks like a fruit salad I'd make in Project Zomboid.

Not what they asked.

C'mon can't leave X-COM out.

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No idea but the GOTY edition for Morrowind on the Xbox somehow had an auto saver that kicked in right before a crash.

I'm kind of embarrassed that she's a representative of my state and I had no clue she existed until this very moment. Tried looking up what she's done besides be a generic token Republican and came up empty. Anyone know of anything notable (awful) she's actually done?

Man this looks like the bins when I worked at a record store in 2005.

Israel could also simply stop trying to occupy and colonize Palestinian soil but they sure as fuck won't.

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One of the few things I miss from plague era Reddit.

I'm gonna go with a more out there option and go with The Return of the Obra Dinn on the PC. Easily the best game I will never play again. The mystery and presentation were everything.

I've actually got a callus on the inside portion of my pinky from my phone resting there all the time.

Welp got a feeling I've got a doozy of an unpopular opinion, but that's why we're here. I don't like any of Tarantino's films. I find all the characters unlikeable or insufferable. I also fell asleep in the theater watching Kill Bill 2.

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Isn't his name Nero? Also I feel like he was meant to be an accessibility gateway for new comers.

How magnanimous of them to have the people leave who shouldn't of been there in the first place. Then proceed to screw over their own people they brought back after the fact.

Was it ever not rancid?

Fuck yea, I was just thinking the same thing.

Give me some spicy pepperoni, sliced sausage, basil, and maybe some fresh chopped garlic.

The Tremlin but it'll be in tacky brass/gold font.

We don't need to they'll do it perfectly well with or without permission.

And incredibly petty.

Yea I'm pretty sure most people have a decent knowledge of what a gun is and what it does. The problem is the level of knowledge is never enough for the vocal group of gun enthusiasts that treat the firearm as their new deity. I don't need to learn field strip every model of Eastern European rifle to say hey maybe we should do something about letting every Tom, Dick, and Harry have access to a death tube the same day they ask for one after they rant about minorities.

My apologies to Tom and Harry, Dick you are on your own though.

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We both know a 5th copy of SS2 won't stop you.

So Chunks from Starfield pretty much?

Wasn't the multiplayer duct taped on with a patch? I remember getting a release copy as a kid and that wasn't on disc.

Pros and cons like most things. I enjoy the more overall laid back crowd that seems to be a little on the older side compared to Reddit. Sticking with Reddit though there's just less of everything, less content, less people, and less trolls. This however is not necessarily a bad thing overall though (especially the trolls) given that the content here is less diluted and more valuable, same with the discussions.

Like many have harped on though Reddit kind of turned itself into an answer hub so even without an account anymore I still on occasion need to go back for a solid answer on something. I'm sure given time that will change but for now I'm still hopping fences.

Maybe wait until after the dlc starts dropping if you do.

Maybe there was an asterisk and really tiny font stating "Eventually".

That was the weird Atari/Infrogames time period right?

When I was younger I liked it a bit, now not so much. I've changed a lot with everything that's happened over the last 14 years.