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Joined 1 years ago

Technically... But there's also a lot of waste from the 500 pack that people throw out half of. It likely evens out.

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For sure... But $0 a month isn't going to buy much protein either

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Yeah... unless you pay Google. Then they hand deliver "promoted" emails which somehow always fill the top few slots in my email. Funny how that works.

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Alright... Nuance time. Everyone please stick with me.

I don't like Rodgers, but this is kind of a dumb headline. THIS IS NOT A DEFENSE OF RODGERS. I think what he's saying is that the "pandemic response" was the thing manufactured, not the virus itself. I think people are misreading it, because I don't think I really see how he's saying they manufactured the virus. THIS IS NOT A DEFENSE OF RODGERS. Like the government gave all this money and tried to make people reliant on the government to save them, which has been his whole position with COVID.

It's still flatly wrong. But borderline purposeful misreadings like this only embolden Rodgers and others, because it's inaccurate, and people are attacking something he didn't say. And this gives him more of a platform because people are talking about it again.

If you're going to criticize someone, it's important to be accurate and understand what they're saying, so you can appropriately shut them the fuck up with the right facts.


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The saddest part is that this would amount to the biggest change they've made to Madden in years

I hate to say but the poll is biased because you asked two questions that are not the same.

I currently have a phone without a jack, so the first question is obviously no. But the second question, would I prefer it, is a yes.

So there's a group of people who would prefer it, but it's not a deal breaker for them in your data, but they answered a different question than the headline.

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How many people, realistically, would vote for a white male Democrat but NOT a non-white female?

People are talking about this, but I don't know who this voter is. The hard line racists and sexists were not moderates, they're all already Republican.

There are far more democrats that were against Biden because of his age than would be against Harris as a woman. This is a net gain. Fuck the people who won't vote for her along gender or racial lines. I don't want to try and appease them.

Give people something to vote FOR rather than vote against.

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From everything I've seen, this race is over. New Hampshire was one of the highest populations of Haleys base and she still lost by 10 points.

She would need a very seismic shift in the race to have any prayer of a chance.

And just to be clear, I'm quite liberal. But whenever I write these comments people think I'm for Trump. I just look at the data.

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I'd put 500 Days of Summer in there as a third choice

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I wouldn't be surprised if the hidden costs aren't just around time. EVs are great, generally, but they're sort of purpose specific. Having a 250 mile range (at best), people generally not knowing where to recharge, the additional time to recharge, not being able to charge at a lot of hotels, severely limited long range ability (without a lot of stops)... All of those add up to a poor experience. I can't think of a time where I rented a car and an EV would have been an option that I wanted. MAYBE if I only needed to go as much as a single charge would allow me, but this is just not a good fit for rentals, in my opinion.

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Not in Iowa. I live here. They will absolutely remove the Satanic symbol and proclaim that it is because of religious freedom. will make sense to them.

Starting with a declaimer of being fairly far left...

Biden is not looking like he has a winning chance. He's barely leading in national polls, but those polls are misleading, as, because of the senate, democrats typically need to win by 2.5-3 points in order to have a shot at the electoral college. So he's behind there.

He's behind in several key states where he needs to win. If you count states where he's down 2 points or less, he BARELY has enough to win. Can't miss a single state.

The debate hurt Biden. This is not a logical contest, it's a popularity one, and Biden is not doing well. I think he's done some great policy things, but that's not how people vote. Democrats have to learn that it's not enough to be "right" if you're going to lose elections.

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There is a sizeable gap between "beyond a reasonable doubt" in terms of a very specific law, and things that are gross/immoral.

People keep questioning the timeline as a defense... They might not have known until 2020. It's normally against internal company policies to just look through people's DMs. It's not like someone's job is to rifle through them. They probably were made aware of it, and then took action.

That's speculation on my part, but if Twitch sat on it for 3 years, shame on them too, but that doesn't so shit for this guy. It was still not ok.

The monetary incentive was to pay out his contract so they didn't have a VERY public story about a VERY high profile streamer inappropriately messaging a minor with their service. That could be super damaging for Twitch. So they likely paid it out to try and bury the story.

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I would add to this... I'm not convinced they would lose in 2024. If they kept Trump off the ballot, Haley could naturally step in and say she would pardon Trump (wouldn't get him reinstated or anything really, but I don't think his supporters would read past "pardon").

Then all of the sudden you might actually get a revved up MAGA crowd behind someone like Haley, who appeals way more to the center.

It's not far fetched that she could give Biden a hard time, particularly now that they'd play the age card as much as possible. I've been saying this from the beginning... This is the Trump off-ramp in a way that doesn't damage any elected officials. They can all be outraged and angry publicly, and they fits their narrative very nicely.

If Trump gets kicked off the ballot, the road for Democrats in 2024 gets harder, not easier, in my opinion.

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I heard "carved my name into his legacy" instead of "leather seats" in Before He Cheats.

Liked the idea that the truck was this bozos legacy. Considering the line prior is "I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up four wheel drive" - I thought she keyed her name into the side and that sounded awesome.

They're not perfect, but they're not complete bullshit.

I can't explain it all in a comment, but, like most things, there are good polls and bad polls. Saying polls are bullshit is like saying car mechanics are incompetent because some of them are.

If you read up on polls and their methodology, and read more then headlines, you can start to discern good ones from bad ones.

Most people don't realize margin of error and how close elections are. There hasn't been that large of polling errors in the last several elections. 2016 was larger than normal, but still within pretty explainable ranges.

Good polls are worth paying attention to, and proclaiming they are all bullshit is just a flatly bad take. There are a lot of shit polls that are politically motivated to make candidates look good or bad, but there are good pollsters doing good work. But you have to know what to look for. Not all polls are equal.

This hurts to read.

I know it's satire, but this is like... 5% more satirical than actual beliefs on the topic at some points. The helping the poor section in particular.

This post is both insightful and troubling. Using generative AI services to simulate conversations without explicit disclosure can be seen as unethical. Some might argue that this damages the connection that users can feel towards each other, even in an online community. Such matters should be addressed in order to restore consumer trust in the platform.

(I wrote that to sound like a GenAI response, how did I do?)

This comment says it better than I could. The debate was a disaster for Biden. Which sucks.

This is a hilarious misreading of polling data. Kamala may not win, but her percentage chance to win might be double or more of what Bidens was.

People I follow were estimating Biden at 10-15% by the time the election rolled around. All the models assume that a candidate would run a normal campaign. Something that he is not capable of doing.

Because he's so smart and good at throwing the oval ball that his opinions must be true and relevant and he deserves the platform to spread his views.

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I think this take is pretty bad. You can disagree with Haley and Trump on a lot of pretty core issues, but trying to say they are completely equal is just plain wrong, in my opinion.

If Haley was elected, I'm positive that I wouldn't like the direction of the country at all, and think things would regress. It also encourages Republicans to run the most extreme candidates, because there's no pull to anything rational when all candidates are treated the same.

With Trump, I'm genuinely concerned about our core institutions surviving again.

I don't view Haley as Moderate, but I don't think Trump is on a politicians spectrum. The man is just chaos and ego incarnate.

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Rice Krispies TREATS. I hardly know anyone who knew about it. Fuckin best cereal of all time. Haven't been able to find it for a while.

I mean... Just to be clear, he's very obviously advertising something that will benefit him and being upfront about it.

The people in the video are allegedly telling people they are donating money and then just keeping it.

Equating the two of them only serves to minimize what he's talking about. There's really no need to compare and contrast the two here. You can hate them both, but one certainly deserves a lot, lot, lot more hate.

Yeah it'd be ideal if all of them had perfectly cooked and prepared meals with well researched nutritional balance and a balanced food and flavor profile.

But somehow Republicans want small government that leaves people alone except when it comes to their genitals, bathroom habits, access to books, or apparently what kind of food they get.

I guess we can continue to judge the poorest among us for what we view as poor choices with their social benefits.

I'm not even against some of the ideas, but denying people what they have because it's not your perfect idea of what they should have is just cruel. Work towards better, don't use people's suffering as leverage.

What time zone is that minute in?!

Then how do you explain his return to TDS?

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I mean generally it's all correlated. It's not perfect, but typically a 2-3 point national poll lead is close to an electoral college tie.

I thought the same thing. People are obsessed with the word gaslighting.

This seems more like textbook hypocrisy. Person doing thing talks about the harms of others doing that thing.

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I think it's a great example of how media outlets can seed certain ideas. If you read the headline then the context, then it's like yeah I see how he said that. But I'm not sure you arrive there if you read the quote then the headline.

I'm about as liberal as they come, but holy shit the amount that this is done in politics is insane. It drives me nuts. Republicans often have so much wrong with their platform (in my opinion) that we don't need to just make shit up about them.

A particularly good example that stood out to me was Trump's "Muslim Ban". Do I think it was profile-y in its application? Yes. But if you looked at the detail, the justification used was vague "national security". Why couldn't we just attack how bullshit that was? But no, media had to run with exclusively the Muslim Ban line and it was so easy to deflect for Republicans. All they had to say was "this isn't about race stop being racist". But because of that, no one asked the better questions, like saying "you say this is specifically about national security... How is this immigration program specifically being exploited in ways that harm us?" Were we blocking work visas from those countries? Because I can tell you refugee status is a fuck of a lot harder and has more screening than work visas.

There were just so many glaring issues, but we decide to side step into an alternative reality.

None of this frustration is pointed at you by the way, it's awesome that you just said hey I think I got this one wrong. That's an admirable quality on forums these days. I just hate the media apparatus.

.... He can't run at all if he's kicked off the ballot.

And he won't rally people against Haley or she'll pull the "I Won't Pardon You" card.

Trump always operates in his own selfish best interest. And his interest will quickly become do what he can to get Haley elected. It'll be his only out.

.... What?

Is this some weird "victim mentality" thing?

People love to use it because it got popular and grew to mean more than the original definition to the point where it just got generic to encompass a wide range of things. It's the same as cringe.

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I think this is rather impossible to answer.

One of the biggest issues is that context changes over time.

FF7 in particular is nearly unplayable by modern standards, imo. The amount of transition times (random battles with 20 second intros and 20 second outros) and lack of QoL features make it ridiculously hard to swallow. There's also an expectation of mindless "grinding" that has largely written out of modern games. Even the remake uses side missions, which at least have some interesting elements to them, rather than pure mechanical "go spend 2 hours killing basic enemies".

OoT has many good things going for it, but the live controls and weird camera behavior have been largely solved by games nowadays.

If you consider them in the context of the current time, both were unlike almost anything that had been seen. And given the price/console exclusivity at the time, I'd venture that very few people actually played them at the same time in their contexts.

Both were absolute revolutions of their time, which isn't capturable anymore. It reminds me of the movie Predator. It became the foundation for so many things, but modern movies have taken everything that Predator did and did them better. By modern standards it's a clichéd action movie with basically no plot. Makes it hard to judge.

Your mom is a prolate sphere.

(I am embarrassed and am now lashing out with baseless personal attacks)

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ITT: People not understanding probabilistic forecasts.

Nate Silvers models are not perfect, but pretty close. You can do retro analysis on them to see. If someone with a 5% chance to win actually does win, that doesn't mean the model was wrong... That just needs to actually happen only 5% of the time.

Getting elections"wrong" as people are talking about here shows they don't really know how these models work. If you haven't looked at the retrospective analysis on these results, then you are likely unqualified to declare that they are useless or wrong.

My first time I was like fuck yeah I don't care how good a girl is you can always go meet someone new! Screw Summer! Tom doesn't need her!

Then eventually I realized that Tom was really the one who was unrealistic and immature. But it took a couple viewings.

I read the first few words as soft candles and was so confused.

I'm never sure how to approach crypto on these platforms, because it's rare to get a nuanced take.

I've moved past bitcoin to ethereum, I think it answers a lot of the criticisms.

I try not to get caught up on whether or not it's a currency, store of value, or most other definitions. I just approach it from, is it a good product?

I'm in the middle on things such as money laundering or criminal activity. On one hand, the ledger system makes it incredibly easy to trace back transactions if someone ever messes up. On the other it serves a similar function as cash except you don't have the physical weight, which is non trivial to transport. I know some criminals have to have used it successfully.

Crypto is hard. There's so many goddamn scams and stuff like NFTs that could be a good idea if they got the weight of enforcement, but there's no real enforcement mechanism. We have silly slips of paper that say whether we own things, I don't think it's a stretch to say we could make them digital with the right implementation. But those silly slips of paper hold the weight of law behind the. NFTs have no one to enforce anything, thus are useless.

I'm always afraid to open this up on this platform because there's so many non nuanced takes, and people writing just the same criticisms. I'm hoping to have a good discussion, and I'm open to other opinions on it. But I haven't found an argument that makes me think Ethereum is a problem or something to avoid. It's certainly risky, but I think that risk is justified to the level of which I hold it.

I agree... Trump also has a superpower of gathering attention. The dude loves it even when it's all bad. It's a massive gift to Republicans because they can do crazy shit but Trump takes all the air time.

Trump is very skilled at absolutely wrenching attention away from everything else, even if he looks like a baffoon. Haley does not have that gene.

Corruption, demeanor, and leadership.

She doesn't have dozens of lawsuits, she's not a loose cannon who will say anything at any moment (I can only imagine how awful Trump is in meetings with foreign leaders, and his lawyers don't even let him speak in court because he'll get himself in even more trouble), and she can get people around her to believe in things more than her own selfish means.

I get that you wanted policies, but things like this are important too. Haley wouldn't be headlining every day with some dumb shit she said on Twitter.

I feel oddly like I'm defending Haley... I'm not. Her border policies suck, she'll seek to pardon Trump if elected, and I don't see her doing shit on gun control either. Economically she'll do the same as Republicans in that she'll grossly underfund programs and then use their underfunding as justification for closing them, and do nothing to help the average person with tax breaks (those are for companies and upper class only).

I hear you in terms of her policies being shit, but calling the worst President in our lifetime the same as a below-average Republican candidate is just equivocating and makes people less likely to hear what you have to say. There's a lot of Republicans who are sick of Trump and do believe he's a threat to Democracy, but when they hear that people think Haley and Trump are the same, it reinforces Trumps worst messages.

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