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Joined 12 months ago

Sad how many people don't seem to get not persecuting people based on their race/religion/orientation, does not mean blindly protecting people who are doing terrible things.

Judge people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Which to be quite frank, Netanyahu's character does not appear very good.

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He’ll run on his own Freedom Party ticket and we’ll get a 3-party election. Oh no, now the rightwing votes are split. Bummer!

Republicans are too spineless. Realistically trump will threaten to run third party, and they will forgo the primaries and hand him the nomination.

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Agreed to me it also seems just dumb for pence. By not commiting treason he's made an enemy of trump, and therefore trump supporters for life. He should really just court the anti-trump republicans rather than continuing to try and win back the unrecoverable trump base.

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Well it comes down to 2 problems though.

First and most obvious hitting that critical mass... before you hit it, everything is hell, you are stuck with BS laws, and you can't do anything about it. Your vote is worthless.

In my town this november there was one ballot issue... in short, it was summarized as "put a million dollars towards schools, build a new school on an unused empty lot owned by the school system, build a new sports field for one of the schools). Digging deeper that would be paid for by a proporty tax that would cost... up to 100 a year for people making over 150k.

So... the whole town was plastered in "vote no" signs, when I went to the polling place a guy outside asked me to "strongly consider voting no". I was one of the 17% that voted yes.

So that basically tells me... demographically we need an insane change for the politics of this area to be less stupid, and that's before factoring in that not only does it involve a HUGE change to reach 51%... but realistically we need more like 65-70% to counteract the inevitable gerymandering that will happen if we ever get anywhere close. I will be staying here, and I'd be happy to encourage all my progressive friends to stay and/or move here. But when it comes down to it, I'd be shocked if there is a swing in the next 50 years, and I certainly wouldn't encourage anyone in a group that is likely to be directly oppressed to move here.

Yeah the statements like that made me really hate that he was winning the primary. Standing next to obama should have taught him... if you do everything they ask, strip 80% of the good things out of the bill, throw in a few favors to the republicans corporate donors. You will still get 0 republican votes, and if you somehow are able to pass it you will still be called a dictator unwilling to work with them.

In short the lesson is, dont' try to work with them.

I mean I'd imagine it's pretty expected.

Lemmy.World was kind of the go to instance for exiting redditers during the mass exit over the API changes, while a majority of subreddits protested. As we all know, most of the subs did not stay closed. So a majority gave up

or more accurately users just have no grasp of what things come from. No shortage of times in tech support where I've heard things like "Yes I know the internet is down, I'm not trying to go to the internet I'm trying to go to facebook".

Yeah to me the obvious end days was when the "half priced but with ads" plans came out. It's going the route of cable. the patern is so predictable.

Year 1: Ad free - 5-10,

Year 2: Ad free 10-15

Year 3: ad free 10-15, low price ad tier 5-10

Year 4: ad free 20-30, ad tier 10-15

Year 5: ad tier 25-30, ad free 75

Year 6: Due to low demand, ad free tier is removed. ad tier 40-50.

That's of course counting the shitification of their being 20 services, which are equally sharing shows of every genre so that no matter what type of shows you like, you'll need to use 3-4 services to get the main shows you want.

Gotta say outright, a god that punishes people for not believing in the correct interpretation of him... is a God who's heaven I wouldn't want to go to. Just do the math on regional factors alone. Fact is if you believe in a god, if you are born in a heavily muslim area, there's a 75% chance you'd believe in the muslim interpretation. If you are born in a christian area, there's a 75% chance you'll have the christian belief, same for hinduism, bhudism etc...

Fact is no matter how you slice it, if there is a correct version of god to believe in, at most maybe 1/3rd of people are in the right place to believe in that version of him. Meaning 2/3rds of the world is at a cultural disadvantage to not correctly beleive in the right version of god, and thus would be doomed to hell. That's before factoring in hundreds of other factors like life circumstance etc...

Simple fact is if a god exists, and is good, and has an afterlife (none of which are facts I believe in). I don't think belief or knowledge is any sign of fairness for such a being to do, and certainly sending things to hell for something that they are literally incapable of even trying to think about... is just nonsense for anything but the most malicious and evil interpretations of a god.

Point is it's a stroke of a pen to change the priority... One president or one DEA switch away. The supreme court upheld Roe V Wade which was why it wasn't important to codify it into law... until it was.

Falling for implies it matters to them. They've discovered the weaknesses in the system. The supreme court has goals to take on issues that can't be demonstrated to negatively effect anyone, so in order to get the cases and overturn law they need straw plaintifs to give cases.

Agreed, russia has proven themselves more dangerous, and more laughable at the same time. Their ability to underhandedly destroy us from within is far stronger than we ever were allowed to believe. Their ability to mount an actual attack, is far more laughable than we thought.

Though I do suppose the real scary part of it is. The potential death throws kind of attack. Putin's immaturity, narcissism etc... is far scarier than we have ever understood. Russia quite frankly is the superpower that I could easily see hit the point of "If I can't run the world, I'll destroy it so you can't have it", and quite simply we've never seen or understood the potential of Nuke vs Anti-Nuke warfare.

Well there's both sides, I mean while in theory it's just the free market making a stopgap for the weakpoints in medicare to buy time for them to be fixed. The reality is we already know what happens when corporations get their hands on something that shouldn't be free market. They rack up killer profits, and use those profits to buy congressmen and judges, and before long not only is congress not going to move forward to stregnthen medicare to cover those holes... but in fact create new ones to make sure that medicare becomes even less valuable without one of these plans.

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I'm assuming he's paid to be a candidate. No he will never win the primary but he's up there. Also I think they might be able to vote for a black guy, as long as he's able to go up there and say "there's no such thing as racism". I mean they did platform ben carson,

Does that make most of Congress Jarjar?

Are we talking the jarjar that's actually incompetent, Or the Jarjar theory that he was actually a very powerful sith that was able to act like a goofball to be put into positions of power?

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Not neceserally but I think it has the same issue as say the google play store. IE roblox promotes the games do the best at extracting profit. There's lots of games that are well thought out that don't make much money. and they are burried somewhere on page 50+ hidden between a bunch of thrown together test projects etc...

Umm... pirating windows is your recomended solution?

Look don't get me wrong I could say it's if anything more cost effective for simply the dev's to say "OK anyone who has more than 1 hour of linux play time prior to this date qualifies for a refund".

Of which, most likely is a handful of people so easy work.

Screw privacy sensitivity that's a moot point. Installing windows isn't a minor tweak to a computer .First of all the suggested method is technically breaking the law. Secondly you are talking minimum adding in a windows partition, so an extra 50 GB storage on top of the amount the game takes. Comprimizes to the boot loader on the system, in which there's a high chance of messing up an existing install.

I'd assume same reason most politicians are. In a capitalist society, those that pool the most money will tend to gain the most power and influence. So the churches that talk to the rich man and say "of course god is blessing you because you are such a good person" get more money, and thus more influence, than the churches that pay attention to the "It's harder for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven". "Succesful" religious leaders become the ones to teach the next generation of religious leaders. Causing more drift into the same idea.

Then of course the pro-corporate candidates also do really good virtue signaling. Because when the religious leaders do not want to focus on the Rich, they still need a bad guy to rally against, and since nobody needs the church to tell them murderers and thieves are bad... the church takes a more strong stand against things that are accepted by society that they can consider against their faith. (abortion, LGBT etc...)

Seconded here, at the bare minimum you need a VPS or similar. Quick detail here, if you say you are using it to "sail the seas". and you are talking about self hosting.

Point of a VPN for piracy purposes is best explained. In short, You connect to the VPN host, the VPN host connects to the tracker or whatever pages you are going to. Should an anti-piracy bot connect to the tracker and follow the leads, it will find the VPN instead of you, and hopefully the VPN isn't keeping logs and has enough people connecting to it that they can't keep a specific link to someone.

Problem with self hosting, is it kind of misses that value. If the same happens but instead of finding your computer, it leads them to... a computer in your living room. Well obviously the same is going to happen as if they found just you.

In the US the law does that. Even reaction videos that basically show the original are generally OK. The problem is that generally places for the general public to post things, don't want to spend the legal costs of checking every claim. So they do a guilty until proven innocent approach where if someone has a registered business if they accuse someone it gets yanked immidiately, and then it's up to the users to prove it's not infringement.

It would be kind of interesting to see if there's a ratio of evil characters to their actors doing crimes. I mean the most obvious that comes to mind is Kevin spacey. Though it doesn't seem to be higher rates for celebs that play evil characters vs ones that play lovable good characters. Least most don't consider Bill Cosby or OJ Simpson to have played particularly evil characters. So I'd say in general money and fame cause an increase in likelyness of being evil, the on screen persona doesn't seem to be a huge contributing factor.

Honestly I feel any situation in which they put a touch screen near you, and have an ordering system should be done like this. Waay off topic but my local sonic has touch screens on all of their 50 pull in spots, that can only be used to turn through ads before you hit the button to talk to the person over the shitty half working intercom system.

Yeah well still hard to get excited, Cohen went down how many years ago?

The "as moderate of a democrat as one can be and still have a chance of winning. That's the part that always drives me crazy and wonders what would happen if we ran say a full on AoC/Sanders democrat in some of those areas. IE they are working to appeal to the people that won't vote for them under any circumstance, a Manchin couldn't win because putting a D next to the name is an automatic loss for the majority of voters.

The key there IMO is the only way to win is to actually inspire the people that don't vote to come out. The people that are not even slightly impressed with the republicans. Maybe there aren't any there, or maybe there are tons that just haven't had a candidate to vote for.

Now as far as supporting the less crazy than MTG, honestly I don't see a good reason to. Would you rather a composed polite person vote to gut healthcare, or a total psycho that embarases everyone to vote to gut healthcare. At the end of the day her policies are the same as most moderate republicans, with the exception of getting on the news and saying the quiet parts of the plan on speaker. IMO if the seat is going to vote against anything we want, and for everything we don't want no matter what... then just ignore it and focus on winning seats that will. There's 434 other places to focus our attention on,

also worth going further on library size. There's twice as many steam deck verified games, than there are ps4 titles. Not counting any titles that work in steam deck but haven't bothered to be verified.

Honestly I can't fathom this concept. Youtube isn't a right. It's an optional service. Why aren't we all up in arms about the 5,000 porn sites that have paywalled their services for years? IMO the response to "youtube won't let users use the site without ads" should be "lets help peer tube be more succesful" Just as we are here rather than trying to make a law to get reddit to open up their API for free.

I don't like youtube. But I don't think it's fair or viable to mandate them allow their content for free without ads. That's a bit like mandating hotels give rooms for free. Hosting videos costs a non zero amount of money. Google intends to make more money from advertisements then they spend on hosting videos.

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Yeah funniest thing to me was when body cams were starting out... I heard people say "Would you ever imagine being on camera during your work day?", hell have you ever looked at the camera feeds from a gas station or grocery store, you'll notice that the cameras have a much higher focus on watching the staff rather then focusing on getting a good view of robbers or shoplifters, Almost every job has you either on camera most of the time. If you aren't you most likely are in a setup where the boss walks past you regularly.

I really like it, though the big warning is it was canceled without resolving anything. (guess a graphic novel is coming out to actually resolve it).

Someone's been studying the 2 guardians puzzle.

well in his defense, he's a narcisist. He most likely believes every succesful person breaks the law as much or more than he does. he just is the only one to get caught because he has a target on his head because everyone is jealous of him.

I'd imagine the cause of death would be a huge factor. Pain receptors quite often don't detect major things. Hence a scratch can go undetected, but a deep very quick cut might destroy every pain receptor near it and you won't even notice an enormous wound.

100% exactly. Which is why I believe that free market private sector should never be allowed anywhere near things that aren't luxuries. I don't have a problem with free market giving us shitty movies, video games, televisions etc... but yeah, it should have been yanked from every level of schools, medical care, police, housing etc... decades ago.

IMO I think the real problem is the resources. Is the DNC wasting any resources backing manchin that could possibly help win an actual democrat in a contested campaign? I mean I get a half democrat is better than a full republican, and we can't get a real democrat in his state. But is there an opprotunity cost of keeping these at best half democrats, on resources that could be used to get an actual democratic majority that doesn't require gutting the hell out of major changes to get our own partys vote.

IMO set him up with some of the modern engines and tutorials... Godot 4, Unreal etc...

actually if you are looking for some stuff to have ready for him.

If he has access to youtube there's also lots of really good tutorials etc... out there. Heartbeast has some awesome ones for godot etc...

I'm missing here. This isn't the sony rootkit to my knowledge. Right now we're talking about youtube itself detecting it's ads aren't being shown and throwing up a page blocking the rest.

"Evidenced by" a non google service putting ads in it's premium service? Don't get me wrong it's bullshit, but again a reason to not use spotify.