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Joined 12 months ago

ITT bunch of bots and dishonest kids trying to convince you to vote independent and third party if you don't vote rep which means throwing away votes in american voting system

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If it wasnt for China, Westerners would also still scratch their asses with shells and stones.

So middle east gave them bidet and China gave them paper. They are so lucky

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Sweden currently would be in a perfect selfish situation.

Norway and Finland are in. So sweden cannot be attacked by russia without NATO helping them unless russia only attacks islands. But Sweden has free choice to participate or ignore NATO being attacked.

Now Sweden has to help NATO wherever they are being attacked.

Facebook and Google was always about friends family and local before any random and stranger interaction becomes relevant.

Reddit and Lemmy is all about strangers. Oftentimes you dont even want people to know you or care about that. So userbase is way easier to create without feeling as if it was too small.

Facebook started locally and slowly created circles until the entire world found their friends and families and joined themselves

You must not be a czech or polish

Fun Fact, defenestration is called that bc Fenster or similar are the word for Windows in central european languages.

It is basically dewindowering someone

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Thats such a zoomer reference. Ancient boomers remember the real defensters

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Ah the classic, we fucked up but cant do anything about that. Lets just wait until it solves itself and endure or ignore the complaints and bad rep

There is no source bc it is wrong. East Asian countries for example oftentimes didnt have a crown like equivalent hat with same importance.

Chinese empires for example saw the robe as much more important. Usurpers would be indicated by having a emperor robe, not crown. And there are other symbols. All of them more important than the emperor hat

Americans are sometimes really superficial, unknowingly or taught since child. You can see something very similar in HK. The City is known for people being really superficial due to culture and the economic pressure on them. Marrying or dating purely rich money and status is pretty main stream

Ah the classic "this wont work, you see bc USA has shown that and free market always wins"

Meanwhile the rest of the world have several different but similar blueprints showing how it works much much better. But americans must always go a different route and ignore as if nothing else exists.

In the early 10s Smartphones evolved quickly and it was worth it to upgrade every 2nd year or even every year.

This changed when the tech stagnated. But smartphone was much cheaper in the early days so financially it probably isnt much different if you are buying flagships later now.

It makes perfect sense and is wrong. OP is wrong. His assumption has no source bc its simply not true

EU will never seriously want turkey to be member. They will only pretend if necessary.

EU doesnt want another Orban and Polish right wing governments blocking every single decision

ITT: almost noone admits they like they "power" and the replacement of a career which they lack irl. Barely anyone with a demanding career has time for this unpaid shit, especially with family.

I secured some subs to ensure I can powertrip against people on reddit. I dont have time to fully mod them so will get some janitor mods do the work while I can powertrip once in awhile (not main acc)

Internet usage data were never secrets.

Not really. Asian nations obviously also had hats but they werent as significant as a crown.

Chinese empires would punish people for wearing golden robes as it indicates a rebel trying to usurp the throne. Nobody really talks about the hat.

There are other symbols similarly to the globe apple of Holy Roman Empire of Germans and England.

Mongols were heavily influenced by chinese culture even though they have significant differences. Mongols did adopt foreign customs though so Mongols in the west did adopt crowns to signal authority over the new subjects. But in Yuan Dynasty and in Mongolia the hat wasnt as important as a crown.

Plot twist: the Hotel did change them and all colleagues did too. Only OP learnt it wrong and despite knowing it is shitty OP didnt bother to do better himself bc he thought everyone did this

Grandmas tend not to have gamepass

It was funny when I came to work at clients offices with suit except a tshirt instead but still jacket.

My client came in with shorts and tshirt. We sitting next to each other was hilarious. Next time i came in with a mote casual long trousers and tshirt no jacket. My colleagues still came with suits but I stopped


So a blind person doesnt live at all?

Dont you have other senses and organs? Dont you have a mind that anticipates a present even without other senses?

The post is a funny scientific fun fact about lightspeed but thats about it

Microsoft gaming strategy does benefit gamers. Which counteracts the problem of losing a competitor.

Microsoft doesnt care about profits on single products much compared to the grand strategy they follow. For example AoE4 and all the aoe franchise doesnt really give a lot of profit Microsoft would care about, yet they keep investing and updating it bc they like it and like the strategic benefit.

Not caring as strictly about profit means you dont get as many greedy microtransactions and more balanced approaches. The game pass is also a really cheap deal if you play variety

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Is the company even 7 yrs old? Will they be here in another 7?

Sad for the kids.

If they had guns it would be over 40 deaths. This is important for all european and east asian nations to remember. Your gun policy works. Don't allow mass school shootings and street shootings

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Microsoft doesnt have a bad track record in gaming and doesn't have greedy approaches. They like to dump money without forcing profits. It is a win for gamers