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Joined 1 years ago

A Brit in Helsinki who likes games, tech and burgers. used to block people with Finnish IPs too, allegedly because of personal immigration issues.

I don't get the impression it's something anyone should ever rely on.

This won't do anything to cut any costs.

This is all about enshittifying the free experience to push those on the edge to finally bite the bullet and start paying.

I watched his Hit and Run remake videos from the beginning, and it's not really about the end product - he made it clear from the beginning that that project was never going to be released.

Mostly, it seems to be about selling his "learn how to make Unreal games" courses and Unreal plugins.

The videos were fun in their own right, to be honest.

Ethics aren't a binary. Everything comes in shades of grey, and that means that each person gets to choose what the threshold for them is.

Competely rejecting that choice because neither option is absolutely good is the road to nihilism.

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Maybe for a small number of companies in a small number of industries, but most companies rent their office premises, even large companies.

I've worked at several multinational companies that sold their HQ buildings when they recognised that building management was not a core competence for them and tying up capital in real estate has a significant opportunity cost for them.

It's no skin off their noses if commercial real estate plummets in value - if anything, it would be in their favour as their rent would decrease.

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2033 is the year of Linux on the desktop.

I can't say I know anything about the parking/car stuff as that sounds very US-specific, but I can second everything else.

Don't get complacent with the work, stay on top of it, and if you ever feel yourself falling behind, don't be scared to ask for help. Literally everyone wants to see you succeed, but the further you fall behind the harder it gets.

At the same time, allow yourself to have some fun too.

While I appreciate a 60fps experience as much as the next gamer, this game targets 30fps on consoles. A 60 fps guarantee for Verified status is totally unrealistic.

I agree that there needs to be some sort of performance standards, but not everything has to run at 60 fps to give an absolutely fantastic experience. 30fps (as long as it's a solid 30 fps) can do that too.


"It's just my opinion" isn't a valid defence when you should have kept that opinion to yourself.

"Your baby is ugly" might even be true, but it's not something you actually say to people.

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Google doesn't need me to defend them, but the patents in question seem really generic and obvious...

Play control of content on a display device

Play control of content on a display device

Play control of content on a display device

All filed in 2011.

Patent trolls aren't the little guy, nor are they a good thing for the little guys out there.

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Doesn't it take months of training (at least!) to become a phlebotomist? How can you screw up that badly on day one?

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It'd be the equivalent to spending an extra 2-3 hours a day working (because that's what the total commute would be), plus money on vehicle upkeep

Maybe this is one of the reasons I actually prefer going to the office. For me, it's only 15 minutes by metro.

No additional cost, very little wasted/lost time, and I actually enjoy being able to draw a line between work and life by putting them in different physical spaces.

Perhaps it also helps that my managers encourage people to work from wherever they feel they're the most productive. It's nice to know that I have the option to work from home without having to explain myself.

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You live in Finland.

We have military service here because we're a small country with a large and aggressive neighbour that not only has attacked us within living memory, but is currently demonstrating what it does to neighbouring countries that it thinks it can get away with attacking.

If military service makes sense anywhere...

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It's been long established that coal produces more radioactive waste than nuclear power, and largely dumps it straight into the environment.

Somehow people think it's worse if you keep it contained rather than massively diluted. If we thought of it like we do radiation in coal waste, we'd be happy to just dump it in the ocean.

Living in Finland, I'm proud of the fact that we've got one of the first long-term/final storage sites for nuclear waste in the world. YIMBY.

Qwant sends data to Bing ads, and didn't tell its users about it for five years.

Yandex is a Russian company with strong government links that I wouldn't trust in any way.

Oddly enough, it's safer than wind.

Solar's a little better in that regard, but all three are so much safer than any high-carbon sources of energy that any of them are great options.

Just ask for an extension. Professors have seen this "trick" a thousand times and know exactly what you're doing. They will respect you more and give you more leeway in the future if you're straight with them.

Baba is... Fuck you, you're stupid, this game is stupid. Fuck you.

I'm stupid 😔

Those are patents. Patents are not copyright, although they both fall under the general umbrella of intellectual property protection.

Thanks for the link, but I already provided links to all three patents (confusingly, with the same names) that they were making claims on in my reply.

The thing about patents is that they are regularly granted for blindingly obvious processes that should never be patentable. It's not just companies like Google that get screwed by this, it's individual developers, FOSS projects... All sorts.

The patent system is fundamentally broken.

Helsinki is, for some reason, full of massage parlours.

There's a neighbourhood called Kallio that was formerly rather cheap but has become much more expensive and gentrified, and the massage parlours remain. I have no idea how they can afford their rent, as I've never seen anyone going into or coming out of one of those venues.

Obviously they provide "extra services", but I don't think that can be enough to sustain them. I suspect money laundering from drug sales etc.

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"We trained it on social media."

"Why does it keep making stuff up and then getting argumentative if called out?!"

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Federation. The cause of, and solution to, all of Lemmy's problems.

He's a celebrity first and a chef second, unlike the likes of Gordon Ramsay, who's a chef first and a celebrity second.

He's a bit worthy and his restaurants are a bit shit, but I'm sure his heart is in the right place.

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Not that I disagree with the rest of your comment, but

No way any normal person would say no to 2mil.

No way would I want the stress or weight on my conscience of having just stolen 2 mil.

In my opinion, anyone who would take that money is the abnormal one.

If this works at all, every material scientist in the world will be working on similar materials and manufacturing processes for them to improve the effect and make them more manufacturable.

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My assumption would be that the training would put a huge weight on precisely that.

I really don't think they'd spend all that time just learning how to mechanically draw blood and not have entire courses and exams on patient safety, record keeping etc.

The old Lemmy switcheroo!

Hold my lemmings, I'm going in!

Ah yes, a statement on copyright thanking someone for buying an authorised edition of Great Expectations, a book whose copyright expired in 1940 at the latest...

To what extent is the issue of using screens before sleep a question of mental overstimulation as opposed to specific frequencies of light?

Genuine question.

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Just one can't hurt.


Oh no.

In a galaxy with replicators, who would actually still know how to cook eggs (other than Sisko's dad)?

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Which would inevitably be followed by "Just one more can't hurt!"...

I hope you're doing better now.

Part of the challenge of social media is that it leads you to interact with many more people than you ever could in normal life.

While the vast majority of people are delightful, there are significant numbers of people with whom I wouldn't want to interact, either face-to-face or online.

One thing I should get better at is avoiding engagement with those people online who I wouldn't benefit from interacting with.

I don't talk to the crazy person ranting on the street, why would I do it online?

It depends on their aspirations.

Did they have too many engineers if all they wanted to do was keep the lights on for their core business? Yes.

Did they have too many engineers if they wanted to have the capacity to deliver more ambitious products and solutions, such as massively scalable live video streams, or social audio, or something entirely new? Maybe not.

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I've heard that the "hot surfacing old posts" bug is more prevalent on instances that haven't restarted for a while. It still shouldn't happen, but I don't think it's universal.

Even fewer will know that osteopathy is exactly the same type of nonsense. No, an osteopath is not (necessarily) a "bone doctor".

The main confusion is that, in the US, schools of osteopathic medicine picked up enough real science that US Doctors of Osteopathy are real physicians... Even if the osteopathy part of their training is still pseudoscience.

If you're going to memorise a deck of cards, you're better off learning something like the Mnemonica Stack as you can use it as the basis for a whole load of card tricks.

Maybe it's just the young people I know, but the people I know in their late teens (nieces, nephews etc) are all genuinely good people - better than I was.

They're certainly far more aware and supportive of each other than I ever was twenty years ago.

I'd default to they, and if they tell you to use something else, use it.