3 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Heh, Jellyfin is above Plex. Nice. And it would be interesting to know how that survey conducted. Too many countries missing.

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Plus seed some torrents to cover network requirements.

But it usably getting dry over time and you can't remove it cleanly.

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Usually just plug/unplug couple of times is enough. No fancy chemicals.

Why create yourself a headache and still get substandard and no-warranty drive. If you want cheaper drives go for reconditioned/refurbished/used drives. Same risks, better product. Old enterprise SAS drives are cheap and many still have plenty of heath in them.

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Such an abomination :-)

HIkvision is great. Good value for money. Just do not use the app to configure them, use web gui. And yes, they need to be isolated from rest of network and the internet ( as pretty much any cameras).

Gitea is in same lightweight category.

If your music come in form of files, use syncthing. Fast simple, cross platform.

Absence of Yaml is exactly biggest annoyance in modern HA. It just not configurable without million of clicks. Just try to apply same automation procedure to other set of devices. In text you just copy block, in GUI you have to redo everything from scratch.

Blu Tac?

Just run old plain Xorg.

Syncthing sync files, it is all does.

Yeh, It is big fault in ActivityPub design that IDs are linked to domain name. Should not be a case. Some UUID + public keys will make it way more flexible and resilient.

Do you own IPv4 address space as individual? I do not think it will happen in his era. Just pick ISP which provides internet services to businesses only (probably as colo), so you IP will not get listed as "residential" and start building up reputation. Secondary MX on cheap VPS is fine.

what exactly do you mena under subdomains? Any DNS provider will support adding NS entries for subdomains if you want to host you sub-zone somwhere, And any should allow you to use names with "." in it for "fake" subzone, like
a.subzone1 IN A x.x.x.x
a.subzone2 IN A y.y.y.y

Symphonium is another good mobile client.

I bit a bullet and re-implement all automation on NoderRed leaving HA only dashboard. It is still not great, as Node Red is gui based. So may be Pythom + MQTT is best way for home automation.

Do not access volumes directly on filesystem. path may change. If you need access data on a volume just spawn temporary container an mount that volume.

Heh, I did about same but on FreeBDS. Plus proxy server to share dialup connection around home.

you do not need windows VM to game these days. Steam done fantastic work with proton, Majority of games are just works, some don't but not like we have shortage of games these days. CAD is different story.

Not realty helpful but SLAAC was working fine on pure Debian at least back to buster. Sorry, do not have that machine around anymore.

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Put docker to ZFS ( you should do it anyway regardless of encryption) and use ZFS native encryption. Benefits over other filesytems that you can load/unload decryption keys to sensitive data only when need to access it. And you can backup it in encrypted form, so you backup software will never see plain text. You can do similar stuff with VeraCrypt or other encrypted volumes and bind mount.

I do not understand why everyone calling hosting email difficult? IT is like 5 RFC you need to read and implement. Sofware wise you will need mail agent, something for DKIM ( if it not build in in agent), "local delivery agent" ( probably presenting it as IMAP) + mail reader of your choice. Nothing too complex

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Or just call a guy to do splicing. It is no longer elite job ( at least in AU). They not charge more than electrician these days.

I would add, Corral TPU is nearly essential. But do not forgot about video decoding acceleration. I'm running couple of 4k H.265 cameras without HW acceleration, and ffmpeg consumes good amount of CPU out of my Ryzen 3600. So pick hardware which can decode streams from your cameras.

Try other container technologies lie LXC or go right side and play with FreeBSD jails. Quality of dockers you can find around is horrendous, giving that Docker itself build for convenience not security. It is not something I will trust.

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Look to other orchestrations solution too, like SALT. If you need to manage a lot of servers it is live saver. Setting up is only first step.

Damn, I'm doing *nixes for nearly 30 years. But never went to that level of minimalism. Nice trick.


What are you doing to get spam? Somehow simple RBL check + pipelining block most of it for me.

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run it at work. I would say it bit too heavy and too much for home usage.

using wildcards is really bad security practice. and at age of ACME absolutely unnecessary.

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I was using QNAPs NASes for more than 10 years. It was a great product, not anymore. Feature bloat took its toll. It can do a lot but do it badly. So if you go for prebuild avoid QNAP. Build your own.

Very strange line from specs.
USB Driver Windows XP/7/8/10/11, Linux (driver free on Raspberry Pi Raspbian system)
Does it mean binary blob driver only? and you need to pay for it to use it on PC?

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I use QNAPs for literary decades. I'm now in my 3d one. I love that they supports their devices for long time. But their software is getting more features, but quality IMHO is going down. I would now build NAS myself and not buy QNAP. Not having option with ECC RAM is also disappointing, but probably ok for home usage.

Fail to see benefits of going BD. Just run some spare cores will be cheaper and more straightforward.

Nothing can beat bhyve for PFSence.

Try VyOS. I run it on APU2 myself. No GUI no convolution.

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Old saying. If you do not have 3 copies of you data, consider it lost already. Get another drive, in your setup type does not mater what size. And if there any important data on that drive, create a couple of backups in different places.