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Joined 1 years ago

I have written this elsewhere many times and I know it's extremely unpopular with FOSS crowd but truth needs to be told in here once again:

Everyday I use Debian, Ubuntu and Windows 10/11/Servers.

I'm an "IT guy" and have installed Firefox on literally hundreds of computers over a decade. I also install and setup extensions like uBlock Origin (with few comprehensive ad & malware blocking lists) , Dark Reader, Auto Delete Cookies, Crypto blocking and many more... but I have given up on Firefox 2016 onwards.

You could give Mozilla 10 billion per year just to develop Firefox but Mozilla can and will decide that they wanna spend only 1 or 10 percent of that money on actual Firefox development.

They will spend most of their money on anything but Firefox.

I mean I love world-peace, and cancer and aids free world too but with the money Mozilla get in a year, none of that gonna happen.

Mozilla couldn't stop Russia attack on Ukraine; neither were able to solve Israel Palestinian conflict nor hunger and migration from African countries to Europe...

Then what are they spending money on?

What they could have done successfully is to spend all the money they made from Firefox towards Firefox development alone. But this is the thing Mozilla do not want to do and are open about it.

Now I don't want Mozilla to stop developing Firefox either but because Firefox needs money from Google, Google must be allowed their monopoly on search... is utterly insane thinking.

If Mozilla cannot survive without Google monopoly, so be it.

I would say some open source/ Linux foundations/ Linux distros needs to fork Firefox and let Mozilla die peacefully.

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Well I'm loving so far. Feels refreshing in here.

I wasn't commenting much on Reddit, but in here I feel like participating.

Congrats and thanks admin

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The first thing that came to mind upon reading the title is the movie Repo Men from 2010.

Plot from the Wikipedia:

In 2025, advancements in medical technology have perfected bio-mechanical organs.

A corporation known as The Union sells these expensive "artiforgs" on credit, and when customers are unable or unwilling to pay for their artiforgs The Union sends "repo men" to locate and forcibly repossess the organ - invariably resulting in the death of the owner.

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As others have mentioned, it's simple things takes alot time finding/figuring out.

I use GIMP within Ubuntu MATE few times a week to edit pictures. Simple edits nothing major.

One of the thing I need regularly is to highlight certain part of the picture.

Now in Microsoft Paint I can draw a rectangle, choose its border thickness, and color in 2 seconds.

I have learned how to do the same in GIMP few times but it took alot of time and I still forgets after few weeks.

So now I just reboot the PC and log into Windows or use Windows virtual machine and draw rectangle in 2 seconds in Microsoft Paint.

Mine is extremely simple use case, so I can only guess how difficult or how time consuming it would be for actual professional to create artistic work in GIMP vs Photoshop (or in similar commercial software).

Just my 2 cents.

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I would like an option within settings to get comments sorted by 'Top' (or new/hot) when I open any post. Thanks.

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Though if I recall correctly, filibuster rule can be removed with 51% majority but obviously Democrats are too nice to remove that.

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Now obviously, mere mention of word AI sparks outrage online.

But I have a different take, and not for this particular instance but AI and military in general.

Even if the US shuts down any and all AI research and AI applications, do you think China, Russia, Iran, and others gonna do the same?

I don't think so. Nvidia is super happy to supply expensive AI processors to China... officially or not.

It's better to prepare preemptively than fall behind all eternity.

Look at North Korea, once they got the nukes, they became untouchable with unhinged loonies at the helm. And now South Korea and may be the US must keep throwing millions to them. They keep hacking anything and everything (except in China & Russia) they can get their hands on... without any consequences at all.

I have not seen any hacker being successfully prosecuted anywhere in the world from the "state sponsored hacking teams" of China, Russia, Iran or North Korea.

IMO all of these nations are never gonna be at peace with rest of the world, so why don't stay (or at least try to be) in the lead while you can? Though I too am new there, I like it. It feel refreshing from Twitter's trash.

Regarding client: I mostly use web on desktop and mobile; though they have official Android app too.

Edit: They are federated with Pixelfed and Kbin too.

Like it or not, the United States are of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations.

Now I totally disagree with Republicans on almost everything especially since 2014 but one thing I like about them is, how to pass the actual laws, and how to put justices in supreme court.

No matter how wrong are they, or who paid (directly or indirectly) to pass the laws... when they have majority, they just steamrolls.

Democrats on the other hand are just talks.

Edit: Though, on a larger scale, I think Democracy is a failed experiment. But that's entirely a different debate.

Look at just one example:

In Europe, Apple was told accept outside payments. Apple made mockery of the wish of the people they are making money from... and made it more expensive to use outside payment system.

Now take a guess, if it was China asked Apple to implement something serious... do you think Apple would be able to make mockery of Chinese government and still survive in China?

Well, Transcendence from 2014 got this right.

I would highly recommend Ubuntu MATE. I just love its simplicity.

Though you may not need, AskUbuntu and UbuntuForums are great places to find help.

I've been running Ubuntu MATE alongside Windows 10/11 for many years.

Semi-TLDR: Improvements under Mozilla? None.

They do not even want to develop a better (than Chrome) browser... they wanna "build a better Internet".

Mozilla Foundation is making US$ 300-400 millions for many, many years (US$ 593 in 2021-22). If they could not develop a better Firefox all these years, it's not happening __ with or without Google money __ ever.

When Mozilla /Firefox developers don't even care/do not listen to feedback for simple things like ability to differentiate between active and inactive tab colors (why everyone that uses Firefox must play around with css to make Firefox usable?), expect them to develop something better or comparable to Chromium based browser is out of question.

Longer, rant version:

According to the Mozilla Foundation’s 2021–2022 financial statement, which is the most recent one published, $510 million out of its $593 million in revenue came courtesy of Google’s search payments.


The fundamental issues as I see are:

Complete lack of vision. Utterly worthless CEOs. Spending money on everything else but development of Firefox.

Especially when Firefox made them US$ 510 million in 2021-22.

Instead of spending millions on worthless CEOs, why not spend millions on developers so people would use Firefox on their own, instead IT guys like me forcing friends & family to use it.

I try to find annual cost of developing & maintaining Linux kernel but could only find articles and PDFs from 2008/2017 mentioning total worth etc but not actual annual cost.

Just as a thought experiment, imagine every Firefox (desktop, mobile etc) stops working all of a sudden... IMO, the world and internet will not come to a full stop.

Now imagine what would happen if every computer, server, router, switch, phone, tablet, stops working completely at once, that runs on Linux kernel.

So if Linux kernel can be developed for $510 million (assuming its below this mark), why can't Firefox be?

I'm trying to figure out why US$ 510 million is not able to develop something better or comparable to Chromium based browsers.

Then there are issues related to lack of vision and no importance/urgency towards finishing a product.

Why only few extensions were allowed on Firefox mobile for many years without any explanations. Even developers of major extensions were not able to figure out the criteria to make their addon available on Firefox mobile.

What was the rationale behind it... Driving people away who were using Firefox mobile? If the product was not ready, do not fucking release it.

You need highly talented and additional developers to release product sooner... hire more, pay more. You got $510 mil just from Firefox.

I do not see any future for Firefox under Mozilla.

Only if some real big names (like Linux foundation etc) from FOSS world hard fork the Firefox, it might have a future.

I think, with real big name sponsors (pro-open source companies), search revenue will not be an issue.

IMO, the new organization (of course with big sponsors) of new fork must have one, single mission/goal... develop a great browser. New org must not have a mission statement written by MBAs:

"We’re building a better Internet"


Something people will use it on their own for its merit.

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I don't think diversification gonna help with the mindset Mozilla Foundation have.

For my take on Mozilla, please read the reply I've just posted:


Regarding tab colors, I'll post screenshot from my Debian machine later tomorrow.

If something is better (or at least perceived as better) people will use it on their own. Default or not.

Examples: VLC player. Microsoft Office

Even if LibreOffice is free, why people are paying for Microsoft Office?

I have to spend 10 times more time on LibreOffice on Debian/Ubuntu than on Microsoft Office on Windows. Same with simple touch ups in GIMP vs Microsoft Paint.

Firefox market share in 2024: 3.36%


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On how many computers (not your own and not as a part of your job) you have installed Firefox yourself?

On how many phones you have installed Firefox personally?

How many calls you have attended to solve Firefox related issues?

How many childhood friends you have fought (verbally) insisting to use Firefox? Not just one time but for years.

You didn't comment on usability points I've mentioned of GIMP or LibreOffice... Ohh that's right, you could not.

As per your logic, how apple was able to sell even a single iphone when Windows Mobile was there already?

With a better product or some unexplainable magic?

That's exactly what Chrome did initially. They built a better product, when apparently Mozilla/Firefox executives were in deep cryogenic sleep.

Why Chrome was able to beat internet explorer. Android was not a thing back then, hence no monopoly/no default installations.

Why people are paying many times more on apple/samsung phones when far cheaper options are available in hundreds?

Can you name a single country on earth, where only apple/samsung phones are allowed to sell... so they can be called duopoly/monopoly.

In August of 1997 Bill Gates invested US$ 150 million to save apple, at a time when sony had market cap of US$ 34.86 and apple had just US$ 1.68 billion.

So, why apple was able to beat sony (which was dominant player in portable music) in music player business with ipods and hence started its meteoric rise?


What monopoly is at play with VLC player?

You didn't mention any VLC installation numbers. Well it can be installed from many places on Android but here's just one source, play store.

It's over 100 million.

As per your view, why people even use VLC?

What monopoly was at play when Firefox had 32.21 percent market share?


What monopoly was at play when Google launched in 1998? Yahoo was there already. Why people chose Gmail, when Hotmail, Yahoo and many others were there already.

Why small, medium or large device makers use Linux kernel? I've never read Linus Torvalds paying billions to corporations.

I can go on but I have to catch a flight.

I'm not gonna argue with you anymore as I find your worldview incredibly narrow/selective.

I think this is why Mozilla is at 3.36 % marker share as Mozilla might be surrounded by people/publications that keep repeating, "Everything is fine, no need to change anything at all".

Though I use Tubular (NewPipe fork) and don't need a timer but, always sleeps faster listening weather report of a remote country.