
10 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He/Him A sometime poet. ADHD and unmedicated. Human, imperfect, but trying.

Two songs that describe me best: "New World Man" by Rush https://youtu.be/xTqUMwyFsic

"I'm a Man You Don't Meet Every Day" by The Pogues https://youtu.be/FJt4y4fH938

The whole Recall thing is what finally made me get off my lazy ass and make the jump to Linux. I chose PopOS, and I've been very impressed with the out-of-the-box experience. Between Steam and Lutris, I can play just about any game I want to.

It feels like I actually own my laptop now.

I got the announcement via my Skiff mail. I went to get on their Discord to see what was up, but it's gone. They nuked it.

Shady AF.

And with this kind of cooperation and outreach, the Fediverse will be that much better! Thank you to all parties involved for communicating and working together!

Wow. This is a lot.

First off, I want to thank all the devs, admins, and mods, for all the time they have put in on Beehaw. I cannot even begin to fathom what you folks go through and the time you have put in to give us this space. All I can give you is a few bucks and my heartfelt appreciation.

Now to the heart of the matter (now I've got that Don Henley tune in my head.): If the developers of Lemmy are not serious about mod tools, then yeah, time to book. Moderation is kind of a no-brainer when it comes to running a successful community, especially one built on the vision and values established here at Beehaw. If we have to go with a non-FOSS solution for a bit, I'm down, as long as the spirit of this space remains intact. That is non-negotiable to me. I'm so done with mainstream social media, that if anything happened to this space, I'd just settle for my Firefish account, and just be done with everything else. Hell, I may just retreat to Discord where a bunch of my gaming buddies are.

But as long as long as Beehaw exists in some form, I'm there.

Fash gonna fash.

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The man has had a career any other actor would sign away their soul for. Legend.

I can't uninstall the Facebook app from my phone (not unless I use ADB), so it's disabled. I uninstalled Messenger. I pinned a post on my FB page that said if people needed to contact me they can email me or text me. I have posted about why folks should leave these platforms until I am blue in the face. If they want to make the switch, they will. If they want to reach out, they will.

Eventually, I want to get an unlocked phone, load a custom ROM, and tell the big platforms to fuck off. I resent how difficult they have made that, and I resent how complacent we have become because of it.

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Growth comes with growing pains. Sometimes those growing pains mean making tough decisions. I see this decision as thinking of the long game, and I'm fine with that.

I have a separate account at Lemmy.world, and I can log into that if I want, but honestly, I've been enjoying my time here more. There are still some aspects of federation that I haven't gotten my head around, but I'm trying to learn.

Anyhoo, thanks to our admins/moderators for your transparency. It's very much appreciated.

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I told one of my friends that Walz looks like the kind of guy that if he came over to your house, he'd find something to fix.

Agreed. And Feinstein barely knows what's going on. Pelosi and the establishment dems are just using her to keep a seat. It's freaking elder abuse, at least in her case.

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I am enjoying actual discussions and not just hot takes or rants. I don't care if the platform is "perfect". It's good enough for me. The admins aren't some corporation just looking for pavlovian click labor ('likes' and upvotes) to power their algorithm run ad fest.

"Then only consider if there is a very good reason."

Like money?

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Even if I had a stupid amount of money, there's no way in hell I would pay someone to stuff me inside what seems to be an over-sized propane tank, then send me to depths where the water pressure is so extreme it will literally crush you.


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I regret upgrading to 11 on my home machine. I want to either go back to 10, or just migrate to Linux Mint. Only two things stopping me from jumping is a) My graphics are Nvidia, and b) making time for it.

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1916 by Motorhead.

Quite possibly the most heartbreaking anti-war song ever written.


I'll throw in a recommendation for Notesnook. It's available on all platforms, syncs across devices, is e2e encrypted, handles tables, and you can organize notes via notebooks, If you need to get a bit more granular, you can subdivide notebooks via topics. It also handles markdown. I pay around $5.00/month for a pro account, and am getting more than my money's worth.

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I'm not looking for "the next Reddit". I'm looking for community, and reddit lost any semblance of that years ago. If that means we're a smaller instance, fine.

I'm 56 years old, have ADHD, and have noticed my memory slipping. I've started writing down stuff in notebooks, and not just relying on apps. I always recommend the old school little black book for writing down your main password/passphrase. Keep it in your nightstand, or somewhere that's easily retrievable.

I've only tried Liftoff, but I'm liking it so far.

I'd take a sandcrawler over a cyber truck any day of the week.

"It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present and a waste to live in the future." - from "Dune" by Frank Herbert

Howdy. 56 yo, here. I have ADHD, as well as dystymia. About two years ago, I had a pretty big spiritual awakening, and it's really helped bring some of the things you mentioned into perspective for me.

"How do y’all not just get consumed by how you will be gone one day, how one day no one in the world will even remember you." My grandparents have been gone a while. I haven't forgotten them, the love they gave me, nor the wisdom and values they imparted to me. My high school chum Paul committed suicide while we were freshmen. I haven't forgotten him, nor the time he stuck up for me on a high school road trip to Houston, TX (one of our fellow students wouldn't stop smoking in the hotel room. I was having an asthma attack, so Paul clocked him with one of those souvenir foot long baseball bats you get at the games to get him to stop.)

It's the little ways we impact people's lives that matters. Our existence is impressed upon others in the time we share with them, not by Wikipedia pages, news articles, YouTube followers, etc. For me, my purpose is not stuff (though those Steam Decks do look pretty sweet), nor fame, nor even fortune. It's about finally getting to a place in my life where I like myself, and extending that to those I come in contact with every day. And when the day comes when we finally shed this body, we'll never really be gone, because we'll have made a difference - no matter how big or small - to somebody somewhere in this world.

I wish you enlightenment, joy, and fulfillment. Now and always. πŸ™ πŸ•‰οΈ

Love. It.

I've been on staycation, and it's been great. Mornings here have been in the mid to high 50s, and the morning sunlight is getting that hint of Autumn gold to it. I am more than ready for Fall. Going to get some organization projects done around the apartment. Might even start up some writing again. It's more for my own entertainment, really. I don't have the executive function to sit down and write a book in any semblance of a disciplined manner.

I just read down into the comments and see there are some of us struggling with identity issues. My sincerest hope for you is that you find your happiness, whatever form that may take. Please take care of yourselves. πŸ™ πŸ•‰οΈ

Try LibreWolf or Floorp.

I haven't used it in a while, but I liked Openshot when I found myself having to edit some video.


Forgive me if I am hijacking the thread, but does anyone have a recommendation for a chair that can accommodate a big dude? Like 330 lbs or so? I ordered one off Amazon, and it didn't last 6 months.

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Today is my Friday. Tomorrow's agenda is an oil change, and visiting mom. We'll see how the rest of it shakes out, but some Elder Scrolls Online or Skyrim is gonna happen.

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer... sets up power point

My history with religion/spirituality is all over the place.

Those of the more religious bent in my family were/are Baptists. My single working mother never made religion a super big focus for me and sis. She let us discover that part of ourselves on our own. I had issues with Southern Baptists early on as a child when one pastor pressured me about getting baptized. I kinda just ran from organized religion after that.

As I grew up, I had explored Catholicism. What I discovered was I really was drawn to the divine feminine. I was aaalll about some Mary. I flirted with Wicca, Norse Paganism, Pagan Paganism, and finally settled in as an agnostic. "Nobody knows ANYTHING", I figured.

Then, about a year and a half ago, a fella I followed on instagram was streaming his DJ program on Twitch. One of the tunes he spun was Ganesh is Fresh by MC Yogi. It was a bangin' tune! Then I remembered a Hindu mantra I had heard in a new age book store when I was a teen. It left such an impression on me that it just kind of stayed in the back of my mind. I took a chance, and looked it up on YouTube. Sure enough! There it was! Then I looked up the meaning: "A mantra of purification and seeking the oneness of God in all things"

I just sat there listening to my mantra with "new ears". Then I said "Okay. I'm on board. Let's do this." I embraced Hinduism, and honestly couldn't be happier. As I read and researched more about it, it really fit with my outlook on life, the universe, and everything. It's a seeking path that doesn't have rigid dogma. It acknowledges change, and encourages exploration and questioning. I've had to learn to drop a lot of the Western Abrahamic thinking that came along with American culture, which seemed small and kinda dark in comparison.

These days I find chanting, meditation, and kirtan to be great sources of comfort in a world gone higgledy-piggledy. I do my best to make my corner of the universe as kind and welcoming as I can. I refuse to hate, and don't wish ill on others. There's just better ways to spend my energy.

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The folks using Threads have their thing.

We here in the Fediverse have our thing.

I like our thing just fine.

I'm a happy Notesnook user, here. And they have tables.

Thank you!

Thanks very much!

Oh, man. Where to begin...

The major difference between The Abrahamic faiths and Hinduism is this: The Abrahamics have a book. Hinduism has a library.

The first book to check out would be the Bhagavad Gita as translated by Eknath Easwaran. The audio version is here on YT.. The Gita is the essentials of Hinduism and especially helpful for anyone exploring consciousness and awareness.

Then there are the Upanishads, the Vedas, the Puranas (all 18 volumes), The Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.... Don't be overwhelmed, though. Take your time. If you have one in your area, visit a Hindu temple. There a LOTS of YT videos. The Hindu American Foundation is also a good resource.

Hinduism is big. Enjoy the journey.

BitWarden user as well. LOVE it. I really can't imagine life without it.

One of my tech goals is getting switched to Linux Mint. But I've been a slacker, so we'll see how that goes.

Jai Sri Ram!

I'm diggin' it.

The Elder Scrolls Online. I dig the new Arcanist class, and I also have a Nightblade that has a jackal as his pet. Both are fun.