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Joined 1 years ago

"I'm afraid if we lose this one, it's going to take a civil war to save the country, and it will be saved."

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The prospect of being shown up on such a big stage by a black woman is terrifying to him.

Myself, I use my bank's web portal via my mobile browser. Not as instant as an app, but it gets the job done.

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Windows Recall did it for me. I switched to Pop!_OS Linux and have been pretty content so far.

According to the Fulton County Sherrif's office there will be a mug shot.

I miss the r/Hinduism community quite a bit. It was a real help for me when I first started following that particular path. Lots of friendly, helpful people.

Thing is, when the whole api fracas happened, I deleted my account and vowed not to use that site again.

"I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. An elephant's faithful. One hundred percent!" -Horton the Elephant

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I've been using the Freetube client for several months and have not opened YT in my browser the entire time. Love it, and highly recommend it.

I'm planning on flashing my One Plus 9 Pro with Murena's ROM. I'm working on getting de-googlefied.

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This. We live in a crazy timeline right now. People are stressed, angry, afraid, and it just seems to be getting worse. Couple that with a culture that promotes gun ownership so heavily, and it's a recipe for what we see in this case. "It was just a prank, bro" is no defense, especially when someone has asked you to stop and is backing away from you. He's engaging in risky behavior by acting like a creep. He wants to make people uncomfortable to illicit a reaction? Well, bub, you got a reaction.

This is from July, but there's definitely financial shenanigans going on. And if the Chinese economy tanks...,7047618605385345a

I'm a vegetarian, but I don't go pulling this shit. Please. Stop.

As a former Reddit user, I'd like to think I traded up to the fediverse.

My great uncle shot Nazis during WW II, and didn't seem too broken up about it.

Horse shit.

He's not going anywhere. Not when this whole shooting match is set up for rampant election denial. You're going to have election officials in certain states refusing the results, and then shit gets interesting: Enter the very corrupt SCOTUS.

Now, there may be procedural ...stuff that I maybe haven't taken into account, so maybe I'm just crazy. Or maybe I'm just so checked out on this whole shit show that I'm like ..... Man, I'm just done.

Wilkommen, amigo!

Thanks for the recommendation!

Absolutely this. I pay for both my Proton and Notesnook accounts. No ads, no trafficing my data, and services I like and believe in.

No, but then again, I haven't really been looking. I need to remedy that. I also want to seek out any communities that are centered around Western Hindus, such as myself. I feel pretty alone some days.

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"God darn it, Mr. Lamar, you use your tongue prettier that a $20 whore!"

+1 for Sharkey. It's my favorite of the protocols, so far.

Murena phones look promising. And you can download their e/OS if you want to flash the phone you have, provided it's supported.

You have a whole community backing you! And once you've installed the OS, you'll feel like you can conquer the world.

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In all honesty, I am very ADHD, and don't have the executive function to run one. I'm trying to get better, but I don't want to wind up disappointing anyone.

I think the only way to know is to start a community. It may be small, but if it's active, fun, and full of good discussion (and occasional good-natured trash talk), it can grow.