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Joined 11 months ago

Well Im trying out sync and it's honestly such a good and polished app. A big Kudos to the dev. Would probably buy the premium if the pricing goes down.

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Tbh, Linux atm needs a good way to restore incase something goes wrong. The rule to use a USB stick and then chroot and fix is not the best idea.

A week ago I ran into issue where my Storage ran full (I was downloading+ manjaro was updating in BG) and then apparently the system didn't boot up coz of this. It took me sometime to realise this issue and fix it.

You can't expect an avg user to be able to perform so much.

Another incident, My friend somehow ended up in a state with no kernel installed and thus couldn't boot up.

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Haven't played yet but my friends rave on how good it is that they don't have shell out more money for micro-transactions.

Honestly, I don't hate that Idea much bcoz I think it will help users switching from IG to PixelFed.

My main concern is support and delay b/w security patches the OS will introduce. I'm making a wild guess, but I think they should have lot older hardware devices and from performance pov, they should benefit given latest Windows are not that great on older devices and older win versions have already reached EOL.

If they do get it right, they probably need to retrain their staff to be able to use other apps like Libre Office and more.

Woah. Didn't knew about this. Looks very promising.

Have been using your app on Desktop. Instantly upgrades the entire Lemmy experience for me. Thanks a lot for building it out.

If you are on Android, you can try Cromite (a beta app by dev of Bromite). The app has less bloat compared to Brave.

Though the app needs some ironing as it has some missing/broken stuff.


The app is shaping quite nice. Thanks for the update.

Thank you for making the web version of Lemmy usable for me. Best Lemmy frontend.

It is expected that there are corrections in numbers after a huge spike. The bigger goal will be to sustain this community.

Yes. If such developers are not awarded then they will also switch to the dark side.

Honestly, the current DEs like GNOME and KDE are at the point that they can be driven by your avg user without much efforts.

So polishing these parts of the system will really help in adoption.

The font is really really bad in the name. Plus the full form of name doesn't make much sense. (As if Nothing meant anything good)

Wow, never knew of these gestures on gboard.

Thanks a lot for the info.

Yup. Uber was burning 10x of it

I wouldn't say that tbh. Sure it has some issues, but it has been stable enough for me for the past 2+ years.

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Well given Xiaomi's history of rebranding it's older series phone and launching them as new.

The only reason you should buy Xiaomi phones is to slap them with Custom ROM as soon as you get them. But given their recent track record of delayed kernel release, it's not looking too bright for them.

Probably something to do with mail servers having some problems.

I have encountered similar (but not to this extent) with some other services too.

Yeah, so you can't share with Pc that doesn't have WIFI card.

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Yes. I have done so many installs of Windows 10 LTSC in the last few years and even on HDD it doesn't take that much time.

This is a legit troll post. Despite Linux being better in some aspects, Windows totally steamrolls Linux on being easy to install.

Heck W10 LTSC has been super smooth and stable for me for the past 2 years on my work machine which I tend to use more than my Personal Laptop which runs Manjaro.

Second suggestion for SilverBlue today. Maybe I will try it out once I have enough time on hand to backup my system and then restore.

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Great for you then.

Cries in ext4

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You can find pre-compiled apks on Mobilism.

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Well, I am just pointing out the problem with the article given its coming from BBC. If you could link something with much better sources, please do.

I don't think that's the case. The Vanced Team got DMCA for other reasons afaik.

The problem with Twitter is that it's slowly turning to a pile of crap. The amount of spam & NSFW gallore has been wrecking havoc on the platform.

You mention any company that deals with finance and soon your tweet is bombarded with these spams and more. Makes it very difficult to use now.

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Same. On X3 Pro running CrDroid. The lroblem I face is that battery backup is not that good, the launcher's recent menu is buggy sometimes, and gestures are not great as MIUi. (Like can't swipe back on Gbaord to close it.)

Otherwise a lot better in every aspect than MIUi. No junk of apps and lot better privacy.

Yup. If you are updating on regular intervals it works pretty well.

Thanks for informing. Will be definitely trying it.

I'm actually curious as IDK why no CF or DDOS-Guard is used to block massive DDoS? Additionally, I'm not that knowledgeable but having some Cache that serves a bit of stable data for SQL queries might be better than the server being overloaded and having downtime.

I see most of these tools are more to prevent them from going broke. A GUI recovery tool which is distro-agnostic would be gold honestly .

Well tbh, Cortana was really behind Google Assistant and Siri and have mostly not been updated in a couple of years.

Glad to see it's being finally deprecated.

Yeah. Kinda a PITA tbh. Would be great if they added it.

The cost at which India achieves these accomplishments are a fraction of what other Space Agencies. It's something they should be proud of.

I went through the link and the entire fact that the article is using a small remote town to justify it with the entire India's population is mind boggling to me. As someone from data science background, it just reeks as falsehood as no accurate source of data, sampling of such large pop and etc are mentioned.

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Afaik they had shutdown a fork.

Also, I don't think it's really sensible to become a fork of Brave as Brave itself is a fork of Chromium. So, it will end up adding more delays.

Yeah but defed has an issue where it might just lead to bigger echo chambers for the users.

Don't like this view, defed the instance and so and so forth. I think defed should only be used for last resort action like in this case an awful lot of spam. Just because their political views are left, right or center shouldn't be used as reason for defed.

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