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Joined 11 months ago


For a better lemmy experience, remember to block , lemmygrad, and instances in your settings.

Oh no! You've got trapped in the first level of nested parenthesis! To get out, you need to go down two levels to where I was trapped, and here's the tricky part, you have to make sure you leave with the correct number of parenthesis and then you are out ok.

They could make their own AI CEO and work for it. It would probably have more integrity and personality, too.

Woke basically applies to the bigots just realizing and getting worked up by things that had existed for decades. Either they've been dozing off for decades or have been "woken" up to it by propaganda with political undertones, and neither speaks highly of their mental faculties.

Although the thing about The Elder Scrolls in general is that it doesn't hand hold you, so you are free to be a racist bigot and not realize it. They don't force realization onto the player, you can happily adopt and become a tool of the point they are trying to criticize, you can willfully remain as ignorant as you would be in real life. In contrast to Starfield, where all companions are like the borg, of one mind telling you or nudging you into what you should have actually done.

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No distribution, but he didn't say no distributing a language parser to change it into rust and then microcompile a new executable on the spot.

Tell me you are having a midlife crisis over not wanting to change over from the programming language you grew up mastering without telling me you are having a midlife crisis over not wanting to change over from the programming language you grew up mastering.

I wonder how many Steam users are going to get a startling wake up call. For all the praise it gets, Steam was a frontrunner in labeling buy and purchase what is essentially an unlimited time rental that can expire when your free subscription service does.

They can ban and suspend your account for, say, adding the "wrong" CD key into your account (they reserve the right to ban false CD keys) or accepting gifts (if fraud ends up being associated with it), along with all your other purchases if they wanted to, and that would be potentially thousands and thousands of dollars down the drown. Steam could collapse, or it could be passed on to a new CEO that say, sold it to EA, and they could decide to put conditions on that subscriptions or even to empty inactive accounts as they did to their own service. They could even just simply start enforcing their guidelines for bans to their fullest extent. Oh, and each game developer can issue a game ban based on their own code of conduct.

It's funny how little interest there has been to treat your purchases as actual digital goods, except by the NFT crowd who are just in it for the money. Actually, ignore that, if anything, most NFT implementations as of now are treated more as subscription options with a buzzword than a digital good, too. So as an aside, it's also funny how the blockchain crowd avoids using the blockchain as a digital good and uses it as confidence game cash grabs instead.

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Listen to ugly people music (or vtuber music, same thing (na, just kidding around with vtuber insecurities (help I'm trapped inside this nested parenthesis))) nevermind, got out.

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"Oh no! Where will the practice of avoiding doing our job while getting paid for filling it with nonsense go? We totally need this desperate tactic, not addressing or facing the issues that force us to use it!"

If I ever have to get a new one, I will madboi it with a monitor and DTV HDMI decoder.

Don't buy them, they are excessively expensive and tt's a better idea to separate the smart functionality into an HDMI device of your choice anyway.

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A good test for that was whether they would allow the inheritance of Steam accounts, but their staff said they wouldn't.

It's so odd that a platform that relies so much on user content charges as much as or more than network streaming services. The market hold is leaking into it (and out).

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Where do people think the honey used to feed Xinnie Jinping comes from?

Over the longterm, and they also require a lot less maintenance because they don't have to deal with mini-explosions from combustion generating excess heat and stress. The problem is in the battery, and the industry hasn't even scratched the surface for solutions.

I see trucks carrying butane tanks all the time, where are the trucks carrying EV battery replacements? There aren't because the industry wants to charge extra for fixed installation ones depending on capacity and charging capacity and there is absolutely no profit incentive that offsets other losses to standardize battery systems in a way they can be easily extensible or replaceable.

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Hmm, dumbass gives rant against green energy, I see rise in dumbass arguments against green solutions, hmm.

No, you go to the game to play a power fantasy regardless of how unfair and shitty that fantasy world clearly is because of how your status or your skills help you surpass it. The Elder Scrolls goes that extra step to give you the choice to contribute or fight that unfair and shitty to such an extent that people mod it in when the choice is not given, and the player does not even have to be aware of it.

People play videogames for the control, replayability, and often the narrative (which honestly was never The Elder Scroll's strength), not necessarily to escape the world's problems, problems which some games embrace. At a more basic level, games just need to provide gameplay and a player just needs to explore it.

There's no shortage of games where you play as a jackass in a shitty unfair world. GTA comes to mind.

If anything, they've done everything to excuse outright corruption in the US government. SuperPACs, bribes, it's all getting legitimized. You can't even hear reports criticizing civil asset forfeiture not only because the practice is so widespread, but now people are more concerned about even worse things. A massive and overcrowded private prison system being used as a system of low or non-existent labor akin to slavery? Last decade's news.

Please, tell me how the US was founded as a revolution from tyranny and corruption again. Was that the policy when manifest destiny trampled on native American lives and left them in enclosed casinos? The US has always been about colonizers and subjugation, and even to this day continues to support modern world colonizers who, lacking the absence of modern civilization, rationalize the natives as militants when they oppose and make sure to place them besides terrorists. It speaks volumes to the sad state of global affairs that they are still the better option in terms of global superpowers to ally with.

The US compares itself to and lets itself be shaped by the lowest common denominator. Anything better, too socialist - but nevermind the small group of oligarchies power is organized around who do get the socialist treatment anyway.

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So something a swappable and universal battery design would solve that would allow lithium to be phased out by sodium batteries and would allow the usage of only the amount of batteries you'd actually need. So why are you against that as well? Or just BEVs in general?

The US education system does teach US history and critical thinking, but applying it to itself is another thing entirely. The means are still there, so it's no coincidence that there has been a movement to shaft the US education system an promote things like homeschooling.

And for the half of Americans that continue to support them without question after having done so, honestly. Half of the American flag should be drenched in sewage to reflect how they are leaving the reputation of the US within and outside of it.

You are the one discarding solutions to challenges, I'm just saying those challenges are not insurmountable obstacles. Reading is hard.

He shot down his cult of personality in favor of the base that shits on electric cars and bombed his brand by releasing an all-purpose truck that can't even survive a car wash. Tesla will get what it deserves with a CEO like him.

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You could tell Israel did it by the wanton disregard of civilian casualties and the lack of a global governmental backlash against the act.

What I'm surprised is that were able to get them to believe the propaganda that pagers would be a much more secure communication medium.

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Social networks that do this should lose any safe harbor provisions. Government are so fucking far behind with basic common sense.

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I don't think pigeons deserve that sort of badmouthing.

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I can understand, I would feel better watching a black screen than an ad trying to psychologically manipulate you in a personalized way.

This deal keeps getting worse all the time.

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No, no, you see, because she grew up as a Poo Person she now understand the world from their point and realizes how much they've been abused, so she pledges to lead and create a new society because it all turns out to have been a big misunderstanding. Then Poo People learn magitek and we get a sequel with the spin that now they are the oppressors, followed by a movie adaptation that completely ends up killing a cult classic.

If you train your AI to sound right, your AI will excel at sounding right. The primary goal of LLMs is to sound right, not to be correct.

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Sounds to me like an opportunity for Linux and Linux derivatives.

Netanyahu revealing which part of the US he's really an "ally" of. Maybe stop giving blank checks to a foreign power destabilizing your country while you only hand out loans and debt to Ukraine?

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I wouldn't mind Reddit if it weren't for the opaque and hidden moderation. Tree nested communication is much more superior than traditional thread based communication. We need that in truly federated fashion, and lemmy was just a step there whose questionable leadership hampers any real wide-scale adoption.

Lemmy does slightly better, but essentially proves that when you have shitty administrators and moderators, the only thing that's going to be transparent is the quickest and easiest excuse, and when it's a lie it remains it remains incontestable. You only need to look at threads titled " tankie censorship problem" and read the comments to get a sense of the scale of the problem. Discord, at least it's much more obvious that you are joining closed off communities and that discussions are essentially time limited.

Things like community wikis have also dropped off in use specially recently because it's becoming clear how much of their content is intent on milking their users. First it was ads, and it was excused because "hosting costs" (regardless of how comparable they were), now it's AI scavenging your content and those services actively preventing you from eliminating content you contributed but are no longer willing to let them host.

Even in Lemmy, where's the option for me to remove my comments when I no longer want them to be hosted? In Lemmy, due to its federated nature, it's even more difficult, but given that you can edit comments and have those updates propagated, not impossible. But nothing beats reddit in abuse, where they shamelessly tried to say they would allow respect and allow users to monetize their content but instead proceeded to do the complete opposite. The fact that there might/will be some other cache on the Internet that stores the content does not excuse it and give people the right to pressure and dismiss chain of ownership of those contributions.

Add to this that the economy is far worse and that the tech boom is shrinking and much more competition driven along with a general decline in society for respectful contributions and discourse, and you get a lot less of the sort of charity that was involved in older communities.

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Companies perform drug checks for a reason. People who lead large organizations while regularly getting off on drugs are usually the biggest psychopaths around.

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This has been the GQP party line for quite some time now, make the national debt only matter when they aren't the ruling party. It's their only way to look good, they know Democrats won't hold US citizens hostage so they can stuff bills with whatever they want and still get them passed because Democrats won't let US citizens suffer. Meanwhile all they do is just nuke legislation when they aren't in power because they couldn't care less. They don't appeal to the same voters, just those they can brainwash, and they hedge their bets so those voters matter more.

I hear at least one of the Jedi was a Sith, good thing they were defunded. Now if we could only defund all the conspiracy theorists about the emperor being a Sith as well.

Tell me that you don't know what fascism is without telling me you don't know what real fascism.

What the USA has been for a long time is an oligarchy, and there are literal Princeton studies to support it. It's only now that it's following Russia into becoming full-fledged dictatorships.

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Tax avoidance is the real problem, while tax evasion is largely a misdirection at people who begin to get a fraction of their wealth without the experience to properly manage it. They've even penalized people who essentially have nothing to do with the US, accidental Americans (those who've lived their entire life in another country), as tax evaders because of the slimmest thread of association to the US.

Imagine being growing up in a country for decades, working there and having everything there, and having the US show up and tell you that your day-to-day bank account down the street is really a foreign bank account, using their economic weight to have the bank freeze it and throw you out. It isn't a case of the theoretical, it has happened, and those people have been forced to "renounce" (heckled) to fork out over $4k to get them off their back - and even the EU has been ok with this, largely because it also answers to the lobbyists of wealthy billionaires.

Meanwhile rich assholes use what are essentially shell corporations (they don't even have to be because of the size of their wealth) to move their wealth to whatever fiscal paradise they want. They don't even need to change their citizenship because they can just create a corporation with headquarters wherever they please for whatever tax benefits it gives them. This is the problem:

This always ends up being the ending of any such sites. All you have to search for is "Glassdoor" and "sued" to see why.

I wish that apps notified you when your camera has been unreachable for too long, but at least that's a hint that a jammer may have been involved. Cameras won't stop them, but a the best setups would rely on wires and hidden local and cloud storage for recordings and alerts.

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I wonder what made their leadership continue to escalate into increasingly bullshit decisions. What happens if I need to pause because I need my PC to be quiet so I can address something and still an ad suddenly starts playing, completely interrupting what I wanted to address in a completely intrusive way? I'll tell you what happens, I'll either find some way to disable that from happening, switch to a service that doesn't do it if I can, or just begin avoiding it all together.

Brilliant planing, YouTube. Whoever has been left as its leadership is a dumbass.

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It can, in regards to network saturation in rural places that only have one tower whose use spikes during holidays, not to mention being immune to signal jammers and interference.