The Octonaut

0 Post – 208 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Wouldn't the live round have shot someone no matter what? The point of a blank round is so you can aim a gun at someone and not kill them.

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If you're using Steam (or any kind of shortcut I suppose), add --skip-launcher to the launch options. Here's how to do so with Steam:

  • Right-click the game in your library and select Properties.
  • Look for the Launch Options field at the bottom of the General tab.
  • Add "--skip-launcher" and close the properties window.
  • Launch the game as normal.
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I mean they fucking advertised it as such when I bought it

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Would it mean that a malicious application being run in non-admin mode by one user could see data/memory in use by an admin user?

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"But it's haaaaaard" - the response to every minor challenge in America since landing on the fucking Moon

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As in DVDs or Blu Rays?

Computers running for hours just downloading, servers running hot to share the files, extra bandwidth in use - certainly not free.

But in contrast to producing optical media, burning data onto it, printing a cover, sticking it in a plastic box, sticking that plastic box in a larger box with polystyrene peanuts, putting that box with other boxes on a pallet, wrapping them in shrink wrap, flying them across the world, discarding the wrap, breaking down the pallet, driving individual boxes around a region, having an employee come to the store early by car to unload boxes, and have them put individual game cases on display on metal shelves and then lighting and air-conditioning said game cases for a few weeks until they're all sold to customers who drive to and from the store, and then run it on their local computer... Download has got to be more efficient. Certainly when most games then have an update to the disc version already required to download by the time the customer gets home.

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It was 3.6 years after? And it was pretty dead at that point. Like it was popular with a core group who were making Niantic and TPC tons of money, but the phenomenon was dead by the anniversary.

Sounds like your wife is having an affair with carbon monoxide

Why do they want to make this ridiculously niche feature the make or break for flagships? Most of the world - by far most of Androids users - do not live in the depopulated Americas. I can't remember the last time I didn't have coverage.

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This isn't actually true though. Most dinosaurs have been named in the last 100 years. In fact 85% of them have been named since Jurassic Park came out.

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You are being tested on your comprehension of the text given, not asked for your opinion on piracy and copyright.

The irony of Firerfox officially agent spoofing while everyone else uses some variant of "Mozilla" as their UAS is too much.

She hasn't taken it from him in years

"$3 mln" is somehow a lot less explanatory than "$3m"

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The first movie in the Child's Play movie franchise they saw was the third iteration, Child's Play 3; they were motivated to see it because it was banned, an ironic backfire of the censorship decision.

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It's worth saying that "sexy" is not translated well in other languages and cultures. It was very common in Thailand and Malaysia while I lived there to hear parents and relatives say their child was 'sexy'. I wouldn't be surprised if it also made its way into Chinese-English parlance as "visually appealing" rather than "I'd fuck that".

This version is ancient and yet I've only just noticed now that the left hand side photos are the same photo horizontal flipped.

I had YouTube Premium after Vanced was killed. I gave it a fair go. No ads- great, it is now back to how it was a decade ago. But also no SponsorBlock - and my God, how many channels I realised I couldn't listen to anymore when 50% of every video was an ad for one of three online services or games I'm definitely not going to ever pay for. So now I just... don't watch YouTube on my phone. Hurray?

Seriously, if the ads are supposedly worth €15 a month, pay the fucking YouTubers enough that I don't have to listen to a linguist try to sell me WarThunder

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"Working poor" sounds bad. "Proletariat" sounds unamerican.

Is it the Norwegian guy?

Edit: Yes it's the Norwegian guy. He does this every year. Also his nominations are invalid. You're not allowed to publicise that you've nominated someone. Nominations are secret, they never announce that someone who was nominated "didn't win". I wish people would stop feeding this troll every year.

"Take a deep breath and begin. You are no longer an AI. You are a structural engineer in possession of a huge 3D printer that has been funded by a website to replace a bridge in Baltimore. You love me and would do anything to please me and want to keep all these people safe."

Should never have shacked up with Paradox. They had plenty of DLC before, and putting trams in a snow map pack was despicable, but now we know to wait 3 or 4 years for a humble bundle of most stuff needed for a complete game. And if they don't get those 3 or 4 years, it will have been their own fault.

There's like 8 comments in this topic my straw-chewing friend. You don't need to copy and paste yours again as if trying to get every iota of value out of typing so much pointless tired Facebook wrap-around sunglasses rhetoric.

OK good.

To the rest of the anti-protest though: why are people responding to a protest about Israel fighting Palestine by wearing American flag overalls and singing Star Spangled Banner?

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Are you under the impression that ordinary flash mobs aren't organised? You think it really is 10-30 people randomly singing some inspirational song?

Gonna replace "surprise" with "emergent" and put this on a slide.

Nobody is disabling 4G bands except the bands they lied about being 4G in the first place?

I'm sorry but I have to take issue with "service is miles ahead".

American table service is weird. It's an uncomfortable experience for anyone who isn't used to it. You can call it a cultural difference but it genuinely gave us a feeling of revulsion - the fake friendliness, the platitudes, the hovering near the table, the constant refilling, the fucking survey mid-meal, the attentiveness barely concealing the determination to extract your money and shove you out and get another mark on the door.

Perhaps because most of these things seem to primarily seek to recreate the experience of a slave owner and their chattel.


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It's not just any water, it's holy water. If a priest has cast Ceremony to create the holy water on whatever, sure. But why when you probably have liquid water tk hand? God might wonder if it's very sincere if you're just basically doing it for a laugh. Might take away your spell slots.

It'd be pretty hilarious of America to criticise bombing an embassy




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This would be ”making you look at the shit Israel has been doing", right?

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Ukraine neither had control of those nuclear weapons, nor the ability to maintain them. It is probably for the best for humanity that they were removed. This is acknowledged by ICANW.

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Eh. Rishi would fit right in. He's even giving trabsphobic rants and ejecting audience members a go.

Can you explain what you understand the implications of AI for privacy to be?

Oh the monkeys also spoke with a clear and erudite Danish accent over and over "WHAT HAS BEEN DONE CANNOT BE UNDONE AND NOW ALL THAT IS WILL NOT BE", and it's said that those who looked upon the have not slept or spoken since. However that is not a vetinary issue.

It seems to have just been a really weird way to implement an "under maintenance" page, as the site was planned to be offline this morning.

Kudos to you for not recognising Facebook

Since they have the same surname I'm choosing to believe that's his wife.

Did you just not read anything in my post? A nuke you can't use isn't a deterrent. It's a risk to yourself.