15 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We really need to crush the parasitic billionaire problem that funds the right and leverages convenient idiots of the world by stoking their prejudice and hate. There will always be some innocent whipping boy to toss in a camp. Pitchfork politics is never about the victims it is about controlling the conversation and distraction. Like in the USA, the only reason for the stupidity is to prevent closing the loopholes that enable the corrupt oligarchy. No one can investigate and make reasonable laws when they are confronted by a constant barrage of absurd nonsense. It just needs to be so inflammatory that no one can dominate the conversation with the message I'm posting now to regain any sense of rational control. The USA has 10% of the laws and protections of any other western nation. This is why the parasites exist, what they are funding, and what is being exported world wide. Russia proved that power is all about leveraging the convenient idiots. Australia and Japan have solved this issue already. Anyone with tens of billions of dollars is a worthless subhuman criminal.

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There are several vulnerabilities in bootloaders that have not been fixed. Namely, there is an entire tiny operating system that is used to initialize the processor before the main bootloader begins. Then the bootloader creates a bunch of handles to control the hardware, and hands them over to the operating system kernel. The i-core/ryzen processors include the second generation of this tiny underlying operating system that runs before everything else. This tiny operating system was originally marketed as a way to remotely monitor and troubleshoot data center servers, but this is a very weak and flawed marketing strategy. The way this system runs before everything else, it has root/admin privileges and access that supersede everything that comes after it. A bad actor accessing this system is absolutely game over for all hardware including the bootloader itself. Well this tiny operating system is tied to the microcode for the processor generation.

If you know anything about old computers that had a bunch of boards and chips inside the case, modern computers still have all of these chips and systems, but they are all integrated into just a few chips. These systems are still complicated and have a certain way they must be powered up and initialized so that each system begins in a specific state along a long chain. The "microcode" in a modern computer is really just a bunch of "software" that controls the order that the hardware is brought online. In the i-core/ryzen generation of hardware the microcode is proprietary and copyright protected. This is a way to get around many x86 patents expiring. It has long been speculated that the tiny operating system is also a back door for governments as it can completely own any system regardless of encryption or any other security measures.

There is a way to mostly disable this tiny operating system but there is no way to monitor or confirm its activity at run time. OpenSIL is like having access to the control room of this tiny operating system for the first time. It means it is now possible to completely secure and verify the state of a system. There is no security in obscurity. OpenSIL is the removal of a major failed attempt at security through obscurity.

Ultimately, at the most fundamental level, openSIL means full ownership over your hardware. I can buy AMD, but can only rent Intel. Intel keeps ownership of this tiny little corner of the hardware and they have done a terrible job of managing what they own. When faced with that buying choice the outcome should be obvious, assuming you are able to run the software that can take advantage of this. It will take at least a few months, but there should soon be a completely open source version of Coreboot that will use openSIL. Hope this helps.

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I'm sure they will eventually try to force ID's because it would be profitable for criminal data theft ads stalkers. This is all about corrupt money and exploitation. Billionaires are worthless parasites that have no right to exist in a Democratic system. Fuck the US fascist oligarchy party.

Rule number one of buying a new car: get the dealer to disconnect the modem.

Cars should be entirely open source by government regulation. All software should be public and the manufacturer should be required to host and maintain a public toolchain that can reproduce the software and any revisions made. All of this should also get mirrored by the library of Congress and made publicly available as a second source indefinitely. This is about ownership. Digital rights are never okay to reserve. If I do not own everything I am only renting from the real owner. Proprietary goods are theft of ownership. It really is that simple.

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I don't want anything to do with google, and I do not knowingly post personal data on their servers.

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"Hi Karen , this is HR. You can now log anonymous complaints about IT, by logging into this external website with your company credentials. We provide this for your security because IT is able to monitor in network communication."

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Oobabooga is the main GUI used to interact with models.

FYI, you need to find checkpoint models. In the available chat models space, naming can be ambiguous for a few reasons I'm not going to ramble about here. The main source of models is Hugging Face. Start with this model (or get the censored version):

First, let's break down the title.

  • This is a model based in Meta's Llama2.
  • This is not "FOSS" in the GPL/MIT type of context. This model has a license that is quite broad in scope with the key point stipulating it can not be used commercially for apps that have more than 700 million users.
  • Next, it was quantized by a popular user going by "The Bloke." I have no idea who this is IRL but I imagine this is a pseudonym or corporate alias given how much content is uploaded by this account on HF.
  • This model is based on a 7 Billion parameter dataset, and is fine tuned for chat applications.
  • This is uncensored meaning it will respond to most inputs as best it can. It can get NSFW, or talk about almost anything. In practice there are still some minor biases that are likely just over arching morality inherent to the datasets used, or it might be coded somewhere obscure.
  • Last part of the title is that this is a GGML model. This means it can run on CPU or GPU or a split between the two.

As for options on the landing page or "model card"

  • you need to get one of the older style models that have "q(numb)" as the quantization type. Do not get the ones that say "qK" as these won't work with the llama.cpp file you will get with Oobabooga.
  • look at the guide at the bottom of the model card where it tells you how much ram you need for each quantization type. If you have a Nvidia GPU with the CUDA API, enabling GPU layers makes the model run faster, and with quite a bit less system memory from what is stated on the model card.

The 7B models are about like having a conversation with your average teenager. Asking technical questions yielded around 50% accuracy in my experience. A 13B model got around 80% accuracy. The 30B WizardLM is around 90-95%. I'm still working on trying to get a 70B running on my computer. A lot of the larger models require compiling tools from source. They won't work directly with Oobabooga.

They need to hit the final nail on the head. All smart phones sold in Europe must have fully documented and open source hardware including the entire chipset, all peripherals, and the modem, with all registers and interfaces documented, the full API, and all programing documentation along with a public toolchain that can reproduce the software as shipped with the device and updated with any changes made to future iterations as soon as the updated software is made available.

This law would make these devices lifetime devices, if you choose; as in your lifetime. It would murder the disposable hardware culture, and it should happen now. Moore's law is dead. The race is over.

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Hey there Lionir. Thanks for the post. Can the Beehaw team please look into copying or getting the creator of this bot to work here?

I think the person that created that bot is somehow connected to the project. I know the whole privacy consciousness thing isn't for everyone, but this bot's posts are quite popular elsewhere on Lemmy.

FYI, the main reason to use links is that it is setup as an alternative front end for YT that automatically routes all users through a bunch of VPNs to help mitigate Alphabet's privacy abuses and manipulation.

OP is aware that the term hackers had, and still has, a completely different meaning in the community it originated from. A real hacker is someone with the skill to modify a codebase to suit their needs. The corruption of the term by corporate media is an attempt to steal the fundamental human right to share one's digital work freely by labeling these people and their work as criminal. Hacking means modifying source code to suit your specific needs. It could be used to refer to the efforts of someone learning to become a kernel developer or it could be someone modifying the software source code in ways that are not suitable to share with others, such as features that may be incompatible with some systems or features.

Cracking has long been proposed by hackers as a more appropriate term describing a bad actor attempting to gain unauthorized access to a system.

It seems pedantic at first and in my simple explanation here too, but if you look into the details, philosophy, politics, and people where this term originated from, then look at the opposition and how they profited, and finally look at the state of current society and the internet, you will likely see this as, at least mildly, offensive. Like, I still misuse the term as if it has dual meanings, but anyone using it correctly gets my attention right away.

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...officials are working to get a remotely operated vehicle that can reach a depth of 6,000 meters (about 20,000 feet) to the site as soon as possible.

The 5-person submersible, named Titan, is capable of diving 4,000 meters or 13,120 ft. “with a comfortable safety margin,” OceanGate said in its filing with the court.

but...after looking up on Wikipedia

...a wreck that lies over 12,000 feet (3,700 m) below the surface...

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I won't touch the proprietary junk. Big tech "free" usually means street corner data whore. I have a dozen FOSS models running offline on my computer though. I also have text to image, text to speech, am working on speech to text, and probably my ironman suit after that.

These things can't be trusted though. It is just a next word statistical prediction system combined with a categorization system. There are ways to make an LLM trustworthy, but it involves offline databases and prompting for direct citations, these are different from Chat prompt structures.

Copied text post from kbin OP from original bc the archive link copy has Google's capatcha tracker and the WSJ has a 10k word cookie permissions monstrosity with no easy hell no option.

A top secret military acoustic detection system designed to spot enemy submarines first heard what the U.S. Navy suspected was the Titan submersible implosion hours after the submersible began its voyage, officials involved in the search said. The Navy began listening for the Titan almost as soon as the sub lost communications, according to a U.S. defense official. Shortly after the submersible’s disappearance Sunday, the U.S. system detected what it suspected was the sound of an implosion near the debris site discovered Thursday and reported its findings to the Coast Guard commander on site, U.S. defense officials said. While the Navy couldn’t say definitively the sound came from the Titan, the discovery played a role in narrowing the scope of the search for the vessel before its debris was discovered Thursday, the officials said. “The U.S. Navy conducted an analysis of acoustic data and detected an anomaly consistent with an implosion or explosion in the general vicinity of where the Titan submersible was operating when communications were lost,” a senior U.S. Navy official told The Wall Street Journal in a statement. “While not definitive, this information was immediately shared with the Incident Commander to assist with the ongoing search and rescue mission.” Officials decided “to continue our mission as a search and rescue and make every effort to save the lives on board,” the U.S. Navy statement said. The Navy asked that the specific system used not be named, citing national security concerns. It is normally used to detect enemy submarines. The U.S. Navy typically deals with foreign threats using military capabilities. The U.S. Coast Guard typically carries out search-and-rescue operations and handles other matters directly related to security of the country. The two services often operate together due to their mutual maritime missions. The search for the Titan was conducted roughly 900 miles off the coast of Massachusetts. Searchers found debris from the submersible roughly 1,600 feet from the bow of the Titanic wreckage, the U.S. Coast Guard said. Canadian, U.S. and French ships were part of the search. The Coast Guard didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment about what information it received and how it was used. Throughout the search, rescue crews detected several types of noises, U.S. and Canadian officials said, including the one suspected of being the sub’s implosion. An underwater implosion is the sudden collapse of a submarine when the tremendous pressure of the seawater overpowers the pressure inside the vessel and crushes it. Officials leading the search also said they heard sounds similar to knocking from the vessel, but said they couldn’t conclude the noises came from the Titan. It was unclear what other factors narrowed the search area, which eventually grew to twice the size of Connecticut. But a U.S. defense official said “the analysis of the acoustic data was a significant factor in scoping the search area, and thereby enabling the assets on scene to locate the degree of the debris field.” The U.S. is expected to conduct an investigation to try to determine whether the sound definitely came from the Titan, but what government entity would carry out the probe—and any time frame for completing it—remains unclear, a U.S. defense official said. The U.S. developed its acoustic systems after World War II to detect enemy submarines operating in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The Navy said it shared its findings Sunday with the Coast Guard, which led the search, U.S. defense officials said. The U.S. held off making public what noises it had detected because it wanted to ensure search-and-rescue operations continued and couldn’t say for sure it was an implosion. “It looks that the Titan imploded on Sunday on its way down to the Titanic shortly after contact was lost at a depth of around 9,000 feet,” a person with direct knowledge of the matter said. The five men onboard the missing submersible in the North Atlantic are believed to be dead, the U.S. Coast Guard and the company that operated the vessel said Thursday. The sub’s disappearance had set off an urgent international search effort to find its occupants alive. The families were informed Thursday of the Navy’s findings when the search-and-rescue team discovered the debris field, according to a U.S. defense official. The submersible had departed Sunday for what was supposed to be an hourslong excursion to the Titanic shipwreck, more than 2 miles below the ocean’s surface. Shortly after the voyage began, the sub lost contact with the outside world. Write to Ben Kesling at, Nancy A. Youssef at, Gordon Lubold at and Costas Paris at

It's because of Moore's law. Unless Intel responds to AMD's openSIL initiative to open the bootloader initialization API, it doesn't matter what they do. The ability to finally run an entirely secure x86 computer hasn't existed in 15 years since the i-core/ryzen series. OpenSIL means Intel doesn't even exist any more IMO.

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Google is broken because AI is making it obsolete. I bet in 10 years google will be a historical footnote.

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Read more. There are more things to say than there are people to watch them. The problem is that film is art and investment bankers are the world's worst artists. Going to movies to watch investment bankers is always terrible. They are just too dumb to realize they are always in front of the screen every time they get any control whatsoever. Investors are always conservative, and this makes copycat crap with overpaid management and cast for a formula that is anything but what people want to watch now.

I was a buyer for a chain of high end bike shops for many years. Amazon really only sells junk products. Any real quality brands of niche products can't support amazon and the typical brick and mortar business inventory structure. Like, I spent between $100k-$500k in preseason bike brand commitments for 3 stores. If any of those brands decided to allow sales on Amazon I would drop them immediately. Multiply this by every bike shop that exists. This is more than Amazon could compete with by a long shot. The issue is that every Buyer in a shop knows what they are able to sell effectively and buys accordingly. I tailored my orders for every shop independently. It would be impossible for Amazon to predict and fund high end bikes at this scale.

"So what," you say, "it's just bikes." No it is not. The bike brands are usually part of a group of brands that include several parts, clothing, and accessory products. These are part of preseason commitments with the bike brands too. So all of these are not sold on Amazon either. This is the case with most things, the best or even decent stuff is not sold on Amazon.

The worst thing with amazon is that they aggregate all identical products in their warehouses. This makes it trivial for a seller to insert fake goods into a product pool and it is completely untraceable back to them.

They should do more than paint the thing. Give it a tour of the seabed.

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Pee-wee, Mr. Rogers, Sesame Street, Bozo, and Reading Rainbow are some of my fondest memories; when we were all Pee-wees, and he was Herman.

It could also be a way to shake out any elements of the Russian military or other paramilitary groups that are looking for ways to get out of Ukraine. Like, maybe the attacks on Wagner coming from the Russian army are rogue elements where Wagner is obviously the most effective target for friendly fire.

"we support the winning side"

Endless Sky. The save game is a text file. Save a file on the mobile app (F-Droid), and on the PC (Flatpak), and note the last line. This is the line you must swap to transfer the save file. It is the first game I have played on both practically. The game mechanics are different between the two and you need to alter your strategy accordingly. On mobile, I travel with a ship setup for boarding pirate vessels and never target enemies directly; all of my guns are automatic turrets. I just use a fast ship and travel with a large group of fighters. It is more of a grind on mobile, but it can be used to build up resources and reserves. The game is much bigger than it first appears to be. You need to either check out a guide or explore very deep into the obscure pockets of the map.

It's no freaking mystery anywhere. Kids are too damn expensive because just living is too damn expensive. The real fix is massive land reform that absolutely murders the real estate bubble with a nuclear bomb. Regulate the availability of funds directly to the minimum wage. You work, you live a decent life with a good balance. Build dense housing with tight local communities and perfect transportation so we're always in contact with people in our communities. Babies will be popping up like weeds.

An article about one of the poorest European countries is not really relevant. They don't have the same zoning stagnation nonsense that makes housing unaffordable. The stupid incentives that exploded home loan amounts combined with 100 years without zoning reforms are the problem.

Steve hitched a ride up a mountain, got off at the top, watched the bus drive away, convinced he's conquering all the fops, too dumb for the bus; froze to death at the stop.

Nah, it should be the default state of affairs. Data mining is stalking and theft. It centers around very poor logic and decisions.

Things like browser cookies are criminal garbage. Storing anything on a user's computer is stalking. Draw the parallel here; if you want to shop in any local store, I want you to first tell me everything you are wearing and carrying in a way that I can tell every possible detail about it, tell where you came from before you visited this store, where you are going next. They also want to know everything you looked at, how you react to changes in items presented to you and changes in prices. They want enough information to connect you across stores based on your mode of transportation, and have enough data to connect your habits over the last two decades.

Your digital existence should not be subject to slavery either. Ownership over ourselves is a vital aspect of freedom. Privacy is about ownership and dominion. If you dislike all the digital rights management and subscription services nonsense, these exist now as a direct result of people neglecting ownership. In the big picture, this path leads all of humanity back into another age of feudalism. The only difference between a serf and a citizen is ownership over property and tools. Everything happening right now is a battle over a new age of slavery. "You will own nothing and you will be happy about it." Eventually this turns into 'Your grandchildren will own nothing and say nothing or they will be dead about it." What you do about your privacy now will be a very big deal from the perspective of future generations.

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Hopefully they grow as a person and change in time.

Growing up in a fundamentalist Christian extremist family, it can be hard to rewrite one's own objective moral code. It takes time and reflection to develop philosophically and emotionally independent of the socially isolated projected/pressured rigid stances that may have gone unquestioned since birth. It took me years of atheism to really take control of my own moral compass independent of any peer pressure and I'm sure I still have room to grow.

I don't mean to project myself onto your friend. I just wanted to say, with some substance: Much love! People can change!

The main difference will be if you have an Intel processor generation 10 or higher. The whole reason windows 11 was created is because Intel released their asymmetrical core architecture in the 10th generation processors.

One of the core parts of an operating system is the CPU scheduler. This is what juggles all the different things that are happening in the fore and background in order to make the computer work properly. On the surface the CPU scheduler is a rather simple function as far as reading and understanding the code, but it is the kind of thing that a tiny change can have massive repercussions in unexpected ways. It is designed to have a delicate balance that is very easy to screw up.

One of the fundamental aspects of the CPU scheduler used in W10 is that it assumes all of the cores your computer has are the same. Rewriting the CPU scheduler required a whole new rewrite of Windows to accommodate a much more complex architecture with some faster and some slower cores and a different spin up rate to go from idle to max speed on the two types, along with some differences in speed even on cores with adjacent threads. It also required changes to cache management strategies. This still isn't fully publicly documented for W11. I just know the way the scheduler changed in Linux and watched a conference with John Brown, the main Intel open source developer who mentioned that the 10th gen asymmetry was the main trigger for W11.

Better chance of YT -> Odysee

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I'm not a hypothetical after a broken neck/back 2/26/14.

Learned hobby electronics/KiCAD/etching PCBs, 3D CAD design, 3D printing, reading sci-fi, learning programming and going through computer science lectures, and adopting Linux is how I've spent most of the last 9 years.

Learning CAM, kernel hacking, and getting more into amateur radio are on my bucket list.

I'm really curious, and ready to read that post

It would not surprise me if they have the same ethics: "didn't happen unless you write it down."

When are we going to get accessibility options coded up in Lemmy? That's all I read, "Zombie Steve feasts on disabled people."

Governments already have requirements like this for military and government hardware. All it takes is altering a few lines to existing requirements. Ultimately, you should expect more from both the manufacturer and the government. This is about ownership. You either buy what you pay for or you rent it. Anyone selling you anything should have no further ownership of any kind, digital rights included. Anything less is theft. This blind spot is leading to digital feudalism and it is criminal. Don't allow anyone to steal from you. This is a fundamental human right.

They probably need quite a bit of margin too if the craft accidentally got lost in a deeper area

I really like the group here at Beehaw and I spend a little more than half my time on this account. I dislike the trolls and lack of a positive community on .world, but the number of active users on .world by itself is around triple that of beehaw. I'd rather have a conversation here, but if I have a highly technical question, I'm not as likely to get a response here. I mean stuff, like if I asked how cache memory is managed differently in current mainline Linux when the CPU scheduler is set to round robin instead of CFS for a pinned process on a CPU set with complete isolation, I doubt I would get a response here. I won't post stuff like advanced functional 3d prints and designs or the depths of designing in FreeCAD because this place doesn't have that level of granularity.

I'm afraid people here may not understand what defederation means here. It means you can see a lot of content where there are major conversations going on but you can not see them and they can not see you. Like I'm pretty sure .ml and beehaw are still federated. If someone on .ml creates a post, you can see it, comment, and interact only with instances your instance is federated with. There may or may not be a much larger conversation on the same post, but you can not interact with those people. There are a bunch of rude and PITA type people, but it is a question of what you are looking for.

I have accounts on both. I like beehaw peeps much more, but my core interests that really define me are not really here. I can explore other interests here though and broaden my horizons too.

I really hope this helps. If you are looking for more niche communities they are developing, but at a cost, and not as much here. There are bots, dead communities people started but don't support. But like yesterday was the first big meme post on .world where it bled out into the periphery and was past 1.5k likes in a few hours... Someone asked "how can I stop pooping for 3 days, don't ask why" in quite the eyebrow raiser. You can easily make an account on .world and check it out. The account creation process is automated with no effective wait.

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The first fix is to regain control of the rhetoric amongst ourselves. We need a mass movement to dominate the entire sociopolitical conversation. The real power is in the human tendency to gravitate to the same topics and towards the sensational/controversial. We need to outright reject all of the inflammatory nonsense by going meta every time. Never talk about the subjects themselves. Make every conversation about the underlying manipulation and distraction. People like the blood emerald African space Karen can not be allowed to dominate the social sphere. The entire world culture average atmosphere must pushed back. Right now, we are being lead about in chains visiting a prescribed list of dog piles to shove our noses in. The dog shit is not the problem; it's the person holding the chains. Every morning we choose who gets to hold the chains. We like our noses shoved in dog shit so much we run back to it every day without realizing we are giving the chains to the problem person every time.

Fire fox, Fire fox;

Fuck you Google;

We're throwing rocks.

Alpha bet, Alpha bet;

Farming data is,


No user data like credentials gets transfered. Everything between instances is done with bot like helpers that do the data transfers.

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