3 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Attempting to be creative at various things at various times, for example: #Filmmaking, #CreativeWriting, #GraphicDesign, etc.

Let's make a better world together! (In a neato fun awesome way that is. Not in a Weyland-Yutani way.)

He/His, Strawberries > Bananas, A third thing.

Screencap from SNL. Dennis Miller at the Weekend Update news desk, behind him a graphic reads "All Drug Olympics" the Olympic logo under it is made out of circular pills.

Just admit you’ve been watching old SNL clips on YouTube, Pete.

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Thanos about to snap his fingers. The captions have him saying, "I am inevitable." Text on his chest reads, "THE WORD "COOL""

I mean either he's just the stupidest or this is all intentional and he wanted to kill Twitter in the first place. Either way, fudge him and his weird face.

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Neocities (mentioned in the article) is a pretty cool throwback site for making your own simple webpages. I used it for a coding exercise to make my own personal version of a Linktree thing.

Bear blog (link) is also simple and neat for simple un-corporate internet-ing.

Every Graphic Designer's first 50,000 job interactions...

I swear every picture of a frog/toad is either the highest res, most detailed in the world OR the fuzziest piece of garbage ever rubbed in your eyes. There's never any in-between. What's your secret you amphibious bastards?!

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Damn shrinkflation.

FreshRSS is cools. The way mamma used to make.

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“…they could hang the full size flag of any recognized nation as long as they want.”

Hmm. So hanging a bunch of flags from random countries altogether like this would be okay:

Bunch of emojis of country flags arranged into a halfassed pride flag.

(There aren’t great colour options in the flag palette and you’d probably have to overlap them too but whatever. You get the idea.)

"We put ChatGPT into this hammer!"



Like you go through a teleporter like in The Fly and come out sans junk? I’m down! … (5-10 years after it’s first released.)

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Couple random cool stuffs:

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Just make the first and last slices bigger! Damn you bread warlocks!

Not to flagrantly self promote but that’s what I did with neocities. Used it as a static linktree alternative:

(Again, provided as an example, not “look at me”.)

Neocities :

Bangers and mash! 🤘

Yaaay! Max Payne! Hopefully they remaster all the janky community made Matrix mods too! 🤪

Bah! Most people have never even seen a horse. I never would have, had we not been dragged to see the pervert horse ballet when it came to town.

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Woo! Go Nikki go! 🤟

I mean that would make a great t-shirt.

So some frogs are just blurry and they cloned Bigfoot replacing the gaps in the gene coding with frog DNA. That makes sense. I get it now.

Hehe. All good. Pretty sure I've done the same thing a time or two. here in the Lemmy-verse.

Screengrab from the movie, "The Big Lebowski". The Dude, Donny and Walter sit at the bar in the bowling alley. Text of Donny's dialogue from the scene is overlaid and reads, "What do you need that for dude?"

Isn’t that just mid-poop James Garner?

Ha! Okay, it's not just me then... 🤪

  • Troll 2
  • The Stuff
  • Critters 1-4

Notesnook is a pretty good service. More of a less clunky Evernote. It's free by default but has paid for options and also very privacy focused.

Coordinated inauthentic behaviour.

See! This freak gets it!

I like how the embedded tweet in the article is all, “OMG! They want to destroy our culture and the gallery is letting them do it!” Nice return to tradition posting, freaks.

What’s easier tackling people who might soup a sheet of plexiglass? (Assuming you know for sure that’s what they’re going to do and you don’t accidentally tackle tourists from Idaho.) OR cleaning up after they do their spiel for a bit?

Eh whatever, I mean it’s the Mona Lisa, it sucks anyway. 🤷‍♂️

Beans… I was afraid of that, had hoped my search skills were just letting me down. Thanks though!

Interesting. Will give it a look. Thanks!

Anytime dude. Your stuff rocks!


Yeah. Surely they’ll listen, one of these years… 🤪 Might be a while yet now that they’ve got their fancy new “AI” toys to play with.

Always looking for an alternative…