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Joined 1 years ago

Add Canada to that list. 1 million immigrants a year and everything is collapsing - our housing, healthcare, education, nothing can keep up.

Definitely had this happen. Edge imported all my plugins and tabs and started auto launching when I logged into windows. The auto launching made it obvious they were trying to confuse you into just picking up where you left off without hopefully noticing you weren't actually in chrome anymore. Had been meaning to move to Firefox anyway, this just give me the kick I needed to do it asap.

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When other companies in my city have tried this move it just means more really, really good talent hits the market to start filling open roles at my employer!

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Even when I do tip, and tip well, they now add so many other stops in between my food and my house that it still arrives cold anyway. I've largely stopped using them now too. They were convenient during peak pandemic and our newborn phase at home, but running out to grab take out really isn't the end of the world again now.

I'm waiting for Version 2.0 where they don't care about whether you're watching content or not and just randomly inject ads every 20 minutes.

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I feel like with the storage space and bandwidth needed for something like that that anyone with the money to start a true competitor would probably just be another mammoth tech company we all hate just as much :(

Part of my employers year end message was that they're giving us even more time off starting next year so we can disconnect more! Sure glad I got a good one compared to this tool. (we all get 5 weeks now)

The one near me (in Canada), just can't seem to figure out what it wants to be and reinvents itself, and fails further, about every five years or so. They went through a phase with a massive music section, probably 25% or more of the store and tried to take on music store chains - that was always dead empty. Then that section went away for a while, and then they fully closed for a huge overhaul and re-opened with about 75% of the store now just an appliance store. The whole place is a ghost town and used to be quite busy when it was an electronics store like we normally associate them to be. I don't even shop online anymore because they've expanded into the whole "marketplace" concept and are just another amazon where you need to closely check where you're even buying from. I bet there'd be more success in doing what they're good at instead of having to try and be like everyone else.

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I can't wait for allergy season where they make the cost of my off the shelf medication absolutely unaffordable due to high demand!

This is incorrect unless you're providing a source. I follow several space nerd sites and they do dedicated launches. Here's an article even showing the payload setup - which fills the cargo bay.

I'd love an NFC tag embedded in them that I could scan and see X weeks/months of history! But that level of transparency would only ever happen with regulation, and in my country (Canada) the grocer oligarchs own the politicians these days...

Here's a source that debunks that claim. This has a picture of the cargo bay for a starlink flight - she full, and full only of their satellites.

Sadly, that's also the exact description of who Canada is most likely to elect as their next leader too. "bitcoin millhouse" we call him.

I had one of those engines. 6 month wait for a rebuilt one where I couldn't drive my car. Got the new engine, and the same problem developed a mere WEEK later. I basically had to walk from a freshly paid off car and get another car loan :( they have decades of proving themselves to do before I'd ever even consider buying one again. I fell for the "but their quality has really improved" BS once now.

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Like all the companies I've worked for that have off-shored work, and then later brought it back on shore after realizing the horrible quality work and drop in delivery times their attempts to save money resulted in.

I did it when I was travelling to the US a few years back and the store clerk looked at me like I had two heads. It's so normal in Canada I never thought much of it, and here I was a celebrity in this store and everyone was just wow'd at the magic I'd done.

Switched to mint on my laptop a couple months ago and love it, using it full time on that system. Still need to run windows on my desktop for some audio production and VR gaming, but honestly that system is going to Mint next for the other 90% of the usage. Couldn't believe how refined the Linux desktop experience has gotten, but then again last time I gave it a try was probably well over a decade ago :)

The sad thing is that I bet all the competitors have a room full of suits and ties who are hoping this works out for HP so they too can do it. I can almost guarantee this will turn into a "follow the leader" game.

I didn't even think of that point! That could have teeth in a lawsuit if someone had the time and funding. I'm sure there's a lot of security and privacy related things with this bait and switch tactic that wouldn't fly with courts.

We just shut off our Toyota fobs every time we park, it's a few extra button presses on the fob but gives some piece of mind. Why they can't just put a simple power toggle on the fob that everyone could easily use when done is beyond me. Most people, Toyota employees included, didn't even know the fobs could be powered down with a button combo.

Huge industries emerging in this field right now for everything from this type of social media moderation to helping fight CSAM more effectively so humans aren't having to be a frontline for that type of material. This is one area I can really, really get behind AI on and see a very valid use case that isn't just marketing hype like so many others. I know there's some great stuff happening just based on my own field of employment and being close to a few things in the works this year.

I had all but forgotten about Trillian! Man, that was huge in my circles back in my youth. Such nostalgia reading that name again.

I guess if you have a crappy brand of hybrid that might be true. I'm 8 years into owning a Toyota hybrid and I've done nothing but once a year oil changes, one set of tires, and just did my first set of brake pads. I guess cabin air filters and other regular consumables too. There's actually added reliability in the fact that the engines have no belts or mechanical driven accessories, which are common failure points, because the mechanical engine isn't always running to drive those accessories. The electric controlled accessories are overall more reliable with less moving parts to fail. Being friends with a recently retired Toyota mechanic he said they didn't often see the hybrids for anything but routine stuff. I suppose there are exceptions to this, and there are certainly far shittier car brands than Toyota making hybrids too.

It is a full fledged customer support system too, not something it's forced to do. That's the entire service cloud offering.

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We must have the same inlaws haha. Similar situation with my wife's parents and one sibling. They've never met our kid and still put all their right wing Facebook conspiracies ahead of meeting him. No loss to us - we'd rather spend time with sane people anyway.

Guaranteed this will happen. Even skylum has been taking Luminar on a steady path toward subscriptions too (Luminar and affinity being the two paths I went when ditching Adobe).

Yep. Just like everyone that was going to leave Netflix when they axed account sharing, but then just made their own accounts and went on with life. I'd see a similar thing playing out here for all but the more technical users who may start switching.

I can't even install software on my work computer unless IT and security have vetted it, questioned the company if necessary, and approved it. Government and corporate use of social media platforms should be no different. I bet the lack of privacy most of these platforms have wound be against the security policy of any company with a competent IT and/or compliance team. Imagine what social media would be like if all the corporate clients were just like "nope, not happening", hell, we might even have slightly more responsible social media platforms.

If this takes off I figure it's only a matter of time until services start blocking them. What's changed between the old days of Trillian and now is that capitalism has advanced much further along and these companies have too much to lose by not being able to data harvest right in their own apps now 😉

I downgraded from the top tier to that grandfathered one when they announced it was going away. Not holding my breath it'll be immune to price hikes for long. We haven't watched anything on there in months and will definitely cancel if they hike it.

I've often wondered what the "saving the environment" numbers of these actually look like. Is making and recycling paper shelf labels worse for the environment than a small device that's a mix of plastics and electronics and has a battery that will eventually need replacing? Especially when I consider my local grocery store probably has thousands of these tags, all rolled out overnight one night, that will probably all need replacement batteries at similar intervals too.

And my country has price laws where tagged prices have to be honoured (I forget all the technicalities of the policy) - so if something scans up wrong, what stops the employee at service from changing the shelf price to reflect the wrong one while another employee walks over to verify with me? It would need a nefarious intent, which most minimum wage shop employees could care less about, but it's a theoretical that could happen, especially on higher price items.

I think it's a combination of IP address as well as app fingerprint when you login to multiple accounts within their app - they can see each account coming from the exact same app/device. I personally believe this was a HUGE part of killing off third party apps so they could collect a lot more data directly about you in their own app.

And IP factors in too. I was in hospital WiFi for a few days when my kid was born and got a random message on all of my accounts that I was banned for 7 days for "ban evasion". Never been banned before and had only posted on some parent subs during that time.

I think the IP address probably had bans associated with it given it was such a huge public network and was next door to a high school that used the hospital food court a lot too, and thus the WiFi also.

I remember evaluating call centre systems probably 12 years ago where I was working at the time and this was becoming a thing - I'm surprised it hasn't become more widespread in that time. I've honestly only interacted with two companies between then and now where this was an option given to me.

Former 2012 Forte owner here - first engine made it to 90k, second one was knocking already about 2k in. Basically walked from a freshly paid off vehicle and bought a Toyota.

Most importantly - is it watching my porn with me too and learning about that?

I feel like with the storage space and bandwidth needed for something like that that anyone with the money to start a true competitor would probably just be another mammoth tech company we all hate just as much :(

If your life is so sad you feel the need to point this out on a casual web forum, please seek therapy.

I recently switched cell providers to save a pile of money, but the new one doesn't have call control like the old did. 100% of my calls over the last two weeks were spam calls. I keep telling myself the savings are worth it, but my God it's annoying.

Oh a lot has changed in 8 years. 4-5 years even. I've run many large international support teams out of their ticket and service cloud and they've all loved it way more than alternatives like zendesk and such.