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Joined 1 years ago

WTF?! „… force browser providers to create the means to mandatorily block websites present on a government provided list.“

Today it’s some terrorist / pedophile / fraudulent site, tomorrow it could be some opposition, news or whatever could be disliked site on that list.

All of those judges, attorneys and critics might end up in jail when big orange comes into power again. You just have to listen to his „Project 2025“ agenda.

And nobody shall say they didn’t know what they were electing…

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I really don’t think that Mastodon needs influencers. It’s just normal people talking about normal stuff. Don’t need any “I‘m so glorious, and here’s my product that will make you think you’re glorious, too” kind of influencers there, thanks!

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Soon there will be a law to change her name automatically into "Marie-Louise Straight", so that administrators will be happy.

Head of the Batman Research Institute at the Harvard School of Comics.

What is actually the definition of “financial freedom”? Having (earned / gained) enough money, so that a person has no need to go to work anymore? If that’s the case, I would expect that number to be much, much lower than 50%.

EDIT: sorry, I just read it in the article. If “financial freedom” just means to work and live more or less without having to worry about financial obligations and what will happen tomorrow, then less than 50% is a rather shocking figure.

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Seems like they are pushing their Edge browser over the edge… - in our company (also totally reliant on MS365), Edge sets itself as default browser after every reboot, no matter what you said before (we also have Firefox ESR as an alternative browser).

Every link clicked in Teams is processed in Edge via some kind of “safe links” checking. They probably sell it as advanced security, but it makes you feel like a five year old, as if you wouldn’t know what you are clicking on…

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How brainwashed could someone be…? - Yes!

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I guess they thought it’s one of those porn sites…

A bit difficult if you want to just stream random music that somehow matches your interests.

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Reminds me of the old Reddit times when you had some random nudes here and there while browsing through the “all“ sub / timeline.

I don’t think that’s a problem and should not happen when you tailor your subscribed communities accordingly or choose to blur / filter NSFW.

I had no idea that this is a global phenomenon.

Was there a nipple to be seen?

Let me guess:

The first one is „God is dead“ by admin „K_Marx“

The second one is: „Marx is dead“ by admin „God“

But can’t you be on and follow all the interesting communities from other instances (which might be harder to find, though)?

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(Isn’t that what he’s always saying?)

Quite ironic, when you think about it… - the working class defeating the communist party!

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Wasn't Twitter / Xitter / X (whatever they are called now) the company that asked your for your phone number "for your own (account) security" and then got all these phone numbers stolen by some hackers?

Hell yeah, why not do the same shit with your government ID. These are probably even more worth in the darknet.

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Is there a definition of what's "legal" and what's "illegal" in terms of hairstyle?

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Having said that, the Palestine territory was not chosen arbitrarily, but probably because of the significance Jerusalem has to the Jews, where their ancient kingdom and temple had been.

So they de-federated because of federation?

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This map was brought to you by Britain, the great!

Source (for the younger folks):

That’s what a health insurance would be good for. But for many Americans that would equal communism.

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This almost seems like if the “god fraction“ has won…

I know that they had a “no porn” rule, but “no swearing” is new to me. Surely it will be a healthy family-friendly community.

I have no issue with some occasional nudes in my timeline. I could blur or filter it, if I would want to avoid this.

But porn in the web for me is an important part of the “freedom of expression”, therefore I find it anachronistic if some community tries to block / ban this.

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But isn’t every good kid with a gun a solution against a bad kid with a gun? /s

Not a mod, and not using the default app either. So probably this won’t affect me too much.

First I thought “oh, Nine Inch Nails is here”, but then I saw its subtitle “c/creampies”…

I am also not a big fan of religion, but I wouldn’t put this in the same basket. This is more like a cult or a sect, where members are blindly believing what their master says.

This reminds me more of Jim Jones and his followers, resulting in the Jonestown massacre, rather than the average religious person (except radical evangelicals, taliban and such extremists).

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What is this? A battle about how stupid a question / choice can get? Sounds like 5th grade schoolyard fun. Anyway, I take the chainsaw…

Why would I want to join “Beehaw”? Is it any better than Lemmyworld?

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This is an unbelievable tragedy, for all of them. She just turned 18, I wonder what her sentence will be like. I assume that in the US - unlike the situation over here in Europe - there is no special "juvenile justice" for young adults, so she might face multiple lifetimes in prison after being convicted for murder. If I remember correctly you can get separate sentences for each victim, which will sum up to your total sentence.

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Yes shit post! This is Lemmy shit post.

Wow, that face expression is as evil as it can get. I bet he thinks: ”You’ll all be diggin’ in my coal mines when I win the next election…”.

That’s probably what he spends on lawyers in a single day.

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Which continent would central american countries then belong to?

To answer OP's question, I'd say that US citizens are being referred to as "Americans", because the name of the country is "United States of America". Every other country on the north or south American continent has its own distinguished name, which can be used to refer to its citizens, e.g. "Canadians" or "Mexicans" etc.

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Killing civilians is terrorism!

Your link doesn’t work, or st least it seems to be unavailable for viewers in Europe.

Just change the constitution until it fits their needs…

I see faces most of the time...

We've had one in my parents house for the past 30 years and as far as I remember, no one ever used it. Usually it’s used to store dirty laundry before washing. Maybe I should give it a try…

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