2 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

“These updates depend on many device-specific non-Google hardware and software providers that work with Google to provide the highest level of security and stability support,” said Peter Du, communications manager for ChromeOS. “For this reason, older Chrome devices cannot receive updates indefinitely to enable new OS and browser features.”

Bull. Shit.

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The hilarious part (in a bleak fashion), is I can't find many other articles discussing this.

Then everyone will panic and go crazy when someone like Trump wins and they have access to all this. History repeats.

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Definitely upload it.

After 9/11, USA went into a bloodlust, invading Afghanistan because they (Taliban) wanted proof that Osama bin Laden was involved with the terrorist attack first. bin Laden fled to Pakistan, but the USA didn’t invade them, nor threatened to. Instead, USA just kept their boots on foreign soil because, hey, free real state and cheap poppy, amirite?

Just to add to your point.

From way before 9-11

Before the Invasion

After the invasion.

did nothing besides force people to pay for private insurance that covers nothing.

Which also as a result gave insurance companies even more money to use to fight against any reform to healthcare.

They use our own money against us, and it's insane we keep letting them, but rock and hard place.

I’m still uninsured, nothing has changed for me since the ACA. Here’s the thing – I’m not interested in “incremental generational change”, because I need healthcare myself in my lifetime. And I’m especially not interested in hearing that rhetoric from politicians who get a supermajority and do nothing with it.

I've lost good friends to healthcare costs. Incremental change doesn't mean shit to me anymore. They're dead, they're not coming back.

Another stealth benefit to reddit with all this API crap, is that it'll be much harder to tell since most of the tools people use to analyze accounts won't work anymore. Keeping in mind Reddit started out by inflating their user numbers.

but asking us to pat some dim motherfuckers on the back because they couldn’t be fucked to fight fascism themselves and wanted us to do it at the ballot box is some straight bullshit.

Not only do that, but they actively BOOST fascism. They keep using the pied piper strategy over and over again. If they're that bad (and I'm not denying that they are), why in the world do they keep signal boosting those fucks?

Cause it makes for an easy election win cause they don't have to promise anything, just point to the contrast. I.E. they keep risking the fate of the entire world to win elections in a way that doesn't affect their corporate donors.

Just insane.

In Diablo 3, I always saved the NPCs in Act 2 while doing bounties, even though there was no incentive to do so. Dunno if it counts as feeling good, but could never bring myself to ignore their cries.

Remember when the Afghan people had a phenomenally well equipped and well trained army, and then they just gave up inside a week because things were “hard”?

You didn't read the Afghanistan Papers did you?

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I love the "If you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to hide..."

I usually respond to those folks with "Can I watch you fuck your spouse? You're not doing anything wrong, they're your spouse, so you shouldn't have anything to hide"

The crazy part is, I've gotten a few enthusiastic "Yes" responses to that...

Infinity for Lemmy

Where did you get it from? There's a bunch of posts when I search, but no actual app

Rabbid's go home on wii. It's one of the better "turn off your brain and relax" games

Super Mario 64 romhacks, but who am I kidding, I never stop working.

like they do on a VERY regular basis. Remember the NSA treasure trove of exploits that produced the wannacry fiasco?

Microsoft got blamed, when the NSA was obviously to blame.

I don't disagree, and you're absolutely right, but i'd argue there's still a difference between a government organization collecting the data themselves, and the same organization buying it from other brokers. It's semantics sure, but it's a new dimension of this fucketry.

Nothing is immune, but at least on the fediverse it's unlikely API access will be revoked on tools used to detect said bots.

y'all are missing the context.

The first one was written by ChatGPT, the rest is just actual users trolling ModCodeofConduct

Side point (& I'm not the person you were responding to), but I have to ask: Do you not see online dating in the same vein as most other online corporate sites that commodify their users and devalue them for profits?

I personally think online dating is a "meat market" or "horse show" for everyone of every gender & orientation. There's little to no real effort on behalf of these sites to actually increase the number of connections (e.g. via coming up with features that actually encourage making connections), instead their entire ecosystem is designed to encourage the same type of "doom scrolling" that sites like FB encourage so that you stay on their sites/apps for longer viewing ads for longer, or shell out more & more money for their "premium" offerings.

It's hard to deny that online dating does not provide avenues for diversity in presenting people's strengths. Some people are more appealing in person than they are in text for example. Some people aren't photogenic (even if they are actually physically attractive), some people are livelier or funnier in person than they will ever appear in an online dating ad, some people just don't know how to create "eye catching" dating ads....etc.

It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with those people at all, it just means those sites don't provide avenues for their strengths, which is a problem because people are extremely diverse, but instead these sites create the "meat market" dynamic because it's the only thing they apparently know how to do & it increases their profits to do so.

This piece from the Atlantic back in 2016 touched on what I mean:

Moira Weigel is a historian & author of the recent book Labor of Love, in which she chronicles how dating has always been difficult, & always been in flux. But there is something “historically new” about our current era, she says. “Dating has always been work,” she says. “But what’s ironic is that more of the work now is not actually around the interaction that you have with a person, it’s around the selection process, & the process of self-presentation. That does feel different than before.”


“The thing with design is, at risk of belaboring the obvious, how all of these apps make money is by keeping people on the app,” Weigel says. “Yes, there’s better & worse design, but there is ultimately this conflict of interest between the user of the app & the designer of the app.


But getting as many people in front of your eyeballs as fast as possible doesn’t end up saving time at all. “I have women saying that they spend 10 to 15 hours a week online dating, because that’s how much work goes into producing one date,” Wood says.

So if there’s a fundamental problem with dating apps, one baked into their very nature, it is this: They facilitate our culture’s worst impulses for efficiency in the arena where we most need to resist those impulses. Research has shown that people who you aren’t necessarily attracted to at first sight, can become attractive to you over time, as you get to know them better. Evaluating someone’s fitness as a partner within the span of a single date—or a single swipe—eliminates this possibility.

I don't really give a shit how Incels perceive dating (seriously, no one is "owed" sex), but it's hard to deny that online dating sites, like several other online "experiences", have not negatively impacted their "space" for profits, similar to how sites like Reddit & Facebook were supposedly supposed to "help people communicate & make & keep connections" & only became more & more enshittified to improve corporate bottom lines, resulting in the opposite outcome (E.G. Shit like FB heavily encourages divisiveness instead cause that's what gets the ad views, news sites resort to click bait instead of actually reporting news cause again, profits..etc.).

Of course paywalled dating sites might be better on this, but considering the financial status of a lot of people (especially the younger demographics that are having a harder & harder time even finding the time & money to pursue relationships as one of your sources pointed out, which is also a HUGE part of the problem IMO), it makes sense why many would assume the freemium sites are representative of online dating as a whole (since they do have a larger market share as well)

& of course there are some efforts to address the issues I've listed (like Swan)

I don't know for sure since I'm not a sociologist nor have I personally dug deep enough into this topic, but I imagine that while not the sole reason, these for profit dating sites definitely have a sizable impact on the rise of incel "culture".

But I digress.

This is exactly what I did. I saved a copy of all my content

How did you do this?

My favorite part is the accuracy of all the admin boot licking accounts in the comments never having actually taken part in said subreddit.

Yeah, not sus at all. /s

Try googling your username and Reddit and see what is there (I found hundreds even though your profile was showing only two)

Just did that and holy shit there's a ton still left over. Is there another alternative that will delete properly cause my profile shows it's empty.

Edit: And to clarify, I didn't get my GDPR archive back yet despite putting in the request a few weeks ago, so dunno if I can use any of the tools that require the archive.

This feels like one of two things;

1- Their threats aren't actually working, and they don't have enough quality mods to replace the ones they've overthrown (as evidenced by subs where the mod teams were nuked remaining frozen)

2- PR move to pretend like they're listening and reduce anger.

Seriously, what is the point of this attempt AFTER they've nuked so many mods and users?

Edit: I feel like this comment is right on the money


better yet, they will listen but only in "small groups" of people "they pick" as to curate the the overall mod "response" and then will claim that all mods across all communities will share this same slated opinion.


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Per Reddit's own rules, WE own the content we post there, they just have a non-exclusive license to use it.

I'd say edit every comment/post to include that you revoke the license you gave reddit. Might mean something, might not, who knows.

Does no one remember the "Real Id" saga anymore?


Would you happen to know of any tools that don't require DB access?

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thank you!

It's not about specs or scope, it's about designing a game to be actually FUN.

This is the key point that these publishers and studios are trying to avoid.

  • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on designing microtransaction psychologically manipulative money sinks (dark designs)?
  • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on creating addiction in the player-base so that they keep playing the game (and spending money)?
  • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on bullshit DLC (not actual new content)?
  • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on bullshit to satisfy shareholders?
  • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on shit the devs don't want, but executives do?
  • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on bullshit padding for marketing purposes?
  • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on bullshit DRM?

And keep in mind, by budgets here, I mean both the dollar amount AND time spent by devs that could be spent elsewhere (which is part of the dollar amount since salaries, but I wanted to make it clear that time spent is also important).

Some of the absolute best games in the industry have literally none of that, and people still want to play and buy them years after release because gasp they're actually fun, but these publishers and devs don't want to compare to those, because they WANT the industry to be a bunch of "GAAS" bullshit that's basically a vacuum pushed into people's wallets, cause hey, if it worked for Candy Crush....

Afghanistan was fairly cut and dry. The Taliban refused to turn over bin Laden and the US invaded.

That's incredibly false

From way before 9-11

Before the Invasion

After the invasion.

This has been known for quite some time. Propaganda really is a hell of a drug.

Thank you very much for the informative response, much appreciated!

Thank you!

They're mostly a bunch of neo-colonists that believe in western exceptionalism and won't spend any time learning about the country the west occupied for over 20 years, let alone the complicated dynamics of the country.

I mean legit half the comments are variants of "We need to civilize the savages".

Reminds me of all the crocodile tears against leaving Afghanistan in the first place "Think of the women!" they cried, well what happened when the country was dealing with a famine (which of course impacted millions of Afghani women) and the US stole half of Afghani assets at a time they desperately needed it? crickets.

Propaganda is a hell of a drug.