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Joined 12 months ago

Reno is an awesome town now, you should check it out.

Edge started itself on boot after a recent Windows update. It even had a little pop-up about how "helpful" it was to have it start right when my computer turns on so I can "get to browsing" faster. It's never been set as my default. Uhg.

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Yeah, we really don't notice all the bullshit our parents deal with when we're kids.

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Wait so an actual human person beat the level without TAS assistance? That's insane, I thought that they'd omitted the level because it was uploaded with a TAS, but the fact that a real person beat it is insane.

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His stories are mostly over the top nonsense, but sometimes that's fun. Also, for a "AAA" studio director, he's willing to take some VERY big experimental swings when it comes to gameplay. Death Stranding has it's problems, but it's very unique. That's worth some points.

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Java has a lot of advantages, but that's a crazy statement. I feel like literally everyone complains about basic stuff like public static void main, over reliance on factories and OOP, and just how much code you need to generate for some basic stuff. I'm not a Java hater, but I am glad I don't have to use it anymore.

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Many of the free COVID tests are all expired now. They issued an extension but finding an at-home test has been really difficult. I went to 3 different pharmacies/grocery stores before I was able to find a test.

Isn't a lack of actual governing the Republicans goal? Sure they want to pass a bunch of hate legislation, but they're also always happy to grind the government to a halt.

I think it was a joke, just saying that there's all sorts of ways you can put Linux up and down with this kind of data

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Isn't the price matching requirement only when you're giving Steam keys as part of the purchase from the other store? If Steam is going to permanently host and distribute the games, it's only fair that the price on their store matches the other places you're selling keys

Sure, but Sony has shown that they're happy to release some of their exclusive on PC. The Horizon and God of War games both got decent PC ports.

A huge portion of Fromsoft fans are on PC. It would be a day one purchase for pretty much all of them. That's been the frustration.

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Reminds me of this

Feels kinda presumptuous to assume that horses don't have consciousness.

The world of the first one is 10/10, and maybe the "story" is fine, but the actual writing in the first was awful. The sidequests were especially bad.

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Just out of curiosity, would you feel the same way when people say "fuck Russia", or would you understand that they're saying "fuck the Russian government/Putin" and not "all Russians are monsters"?

Do you wash only a single fitted sheet or duvet cover at a time? Because the problem still happens when I wash my fitted sheet and normal sheets in the same load.

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Messages is the default texting app. It doesn't require any sort of login.

I have the complete opposite experience. Weed removes the guilt of not doing anything, but it usually leads to me doing nothing.

I enjoy weed occasionally because it turns off that hyper critical voice in my head, but it absolutely isn't a magic motivation medicine for most people.

After using pretty heavily last year and taking a break, I've realized that the overall effect is fairly negative, because it just makes me way too ok with doing nothing. Sometimes I need to do nothing and take a break, and it's great for helping me do that, but for me personally, it's a major negative when I'm doing it regularly.

Obviously your experience is different (as is everyone's a little) so feel free to try it, just keep in mind that it can get very easy to get addicted to that "mellow brain" feeling until you realize that all progress on all of your goals have stalled out because it's easy to just be high all afternoon and evening. There are lots of people who can be motivated and productive while high, but I think I've determined that I'm not one of them.

Finally played this last month after buying it on sale 2 years ago. I felt stupid that I waited so long. It's easily the most well written game in existence. I've never had a game make me laugh and think this much.

While it may be reasonable to remove the display of party affiliation from ballots, you can't prevent people from forming political groups. Banning "political parties" would not really prevent the damage that they cause.

The guy in the picture is Jerma, a fairly popular streamer.

The first 5-7 days off meds are the worst. It gets better after a little bit, but I'm pretty worthless for the entire time and definitely irritable. Ride it out, it'll get better!

People seem mad at Discord for how their users use it. Yeah it sucks as a knowledge base since you can't search it from a search engine, but it's still easily the best tool for small, privateish communities.

You've crossed into conspiracy theory territory bud. It's not entirely implausible but it is getting in the direction of "out there."

Allison Russell's album is extremely good. Listen to it.

Publishers are usually the ones in charge of the store page and setting all that up.

I'm convinced that big corporations contract it out to the cheapest "production" company that they can find, and they only offer the training so that they can say that they did to shield themselves from potential liability.

I mean, even with RES, I'd argue that Reddit is also kinda ugly

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It's very, very good. A little bit geared towards young adults, but it deals with some heavy topics and has a lot of great stories. If you like similar animated shows, like Gravity Falls, Avatar/Korra, etc you will likely love She Ra.

Playing a VR game wirelessly from your own PC is not "cloud gaming"

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Pretty sure Cuno straight up says he does drugs.

Fi is SO ANNOYING! Skyward Sword has some really excellent bits but Fi is just way too heavy handed.

I pre order from small studios that have a proven track record. Even if it ends up bad, I'm happy to have supported the studio.

Pre ordering AAA games is always a dumb idea though.

This is a really common experience for a ton of VR gamers. The thing I remember the most is how white text on a black background (usually my phone) made it seem like the text was really 3D and coming out at me. It fades away but I'm sure we're going to find out some interesting things about the brain from this phenomenon.

Way less people want this than this comment implies.. 73% of Americans support abortion early, and it gets a little foggier the further you go.

Republicans just have rigged things so that it requires much more effort to defeat their bullshit.

I do think BG3 is a very impressive game and deserves a lot of the praise it gets.

That said, it sucks how finicky it is to run away from a fight. There's way too many fights that just sort of happen with very little explanation as to why they're attacking you. It's also waaay too easy to accidentally steal things and trigger fights, especially on controller.

You basically do have to save scum a little, because one accident can lead to an entire town being pissed at you. If the game had better ways to de escalate combat and some better signposting of consequences, it'd be a 10/10 game

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It's not a full dedicated gaming console that you're spending hours and hours playing. It's a toy that's great for quick sessions and it's really fun to develop games for. It's very well made and the software is great.

It's not a fair comparison to existing handhelds. It's niche, and definitely not for everyone. Personally, I love it and think it's just a unique toy that's fun to show people. If you'd need to get X hours of gameplay to make it "worth" it to you, it probably isn't your style.

How would a Discord-like application integrate with Lemmy? Are chat logs federated to posts in Lemmy? Do posts in Lemmy get federated to this other chat thing? Can you just sign into chat with your Lemmy username and that's it? Is it just a chatroom that's associated with a community?

I feel like people here are like "everything should be federated" but sometimes I don't really follow the thought process. I get it with Lemmy and Mastodon, but maybe someone could explain what a Federated Discord looks like.

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I've never found similar artists to be helpful. Most of the time it's just a worse version of the thing I like. I don't really like stuff that sounds very samey though.

I know it has a bit of an intense fan base, but Undertale would definitely fit here.