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Just because something is worse somewhere else doesn't mean you should be happy when things only get slightly worse where you are. They are angry because not only they are historically againt pension reforms, and the way the government forced through the bill by bypassing parliament in a legal method, but one that shows they are really just forcing this down despite popular opinion being very, very against it.

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Lifted trucks. My assurance goes up 10x if they have rims and tires meant for the road.

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No, and despite 4 dozen cases (probably more including GOP cases) launched by Trump where there would be an opportunity to present the evidence they have failed to provide anything.

It turns out when it's not facebook or fox news and a lawyer realized they could be in deep shit for lying the evidence just evaporates, presumably to the same place as hunter's laptop.

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John Fugelsang is a pretty well known comedian / actor / podcaster and is definitely liberal. He's been critical like this of republicans for as long as I remember.

The company I work for has a different strategy. They separated when reviews, and therefore raises and bonuses are given from the upper management to the lower level staff. Lower staff go first. When it comes time for lower staff raises and bonuses there's talk of 'tightening belts' and 'bracing for a recession' during communication meetings. A few months later when it's time for upper management it's 'Record profits!'.

Of course the lower level staff are given bonuses and raises based on those poor projections, while upper management gets theirs based on record profits.

If you keep your long term lower staff happy with very low raises and bonuses you not only save the money for your upper management in the short term, but also ensure that long term even a return to normal raises saves them money overall.

This is why I remind my coworkers that it is federally protected to share your wage and discuss it. They only get away with this if the long timers don't speak with the new hires and realize how badly they're being shafted.

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I just went to the site to verify. Goto login, and to the left of the user and password box there is a register link. Select torrent download and complete it from there.

Part of his rambling reply to the GN video was a comment that he was 'looking out for the consumer' and they didn't want to recommend buying it. It was part of his justfication not to use the thing correctly.

Since I'm in an at will state that's always the risk, and HR will always lie to cover the ass of the company given the chance. But they still need people, and distributing that information only erodes their ability to keep people in the dark. They can't fire everyone that has spoken about wages in my case, we're simply too shortstaffed, and if I got fired I could be picked up easily by another company.

I know plenty of people aren't in that kind of favorable situation but it makes it easier to do the right thing. The bonuses I've seen our execs get would easily cover raises for the lower staff with room to spare.

audiobookbay is my goto and has most everything I have wanted to look for.

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Probably for schools with chromebooks. I've never seen one in the wild either.

That's what I'm doing. But if I find a good link via liftoff and want to continue reading on Dex I have to find the post again.

It's a very small criticism I know, and somewhat rare use case, but it's the only one I have.

I like it. My only criticism so far is that I use Dex pretty frequently and it is not very usable through Dex.

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It's invite only now? The last time I used it there was a simple signup button.

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