5 Post – 163 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Powerless to change Reddit, yes, but not powerless to find a new community!

To everyone hanging in the fediverse, I just want to say, I am proud of all of you!

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I knew putting Ubisoft on the blacklist was a good idea a decade ago. Everyone should blacklist them as well, just let them die as a company.

Notice how 90% of that are rich people causing or amplifying those situations to happen?

COVID - Trump sabotage any effort made to prevent the spread and we lost 1 million people due to that.

Climate Crisis - Oil Giants/Automobile industry sabotage the public transportation which would have a long term ramification to reduce oil consumption overall.

Nazis/Fascism - Rich People fund/outright purchase mass media to create chaos in public perspectives and polarize the political parties. Koch Brothers are funding far right politic and pushing hard for nazism. And of course, don't forget about Sinclair broadcast.

Ukraine - Putin and the Oligarch

I could go on. Almost all of the problems begin and end with the rich people. #EatTheRich

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Can't wait to watch the most entertaining stage of enshittification...

This particular condition, which I've termed "Overdose on Red Pills," reflects a paradigm shift akin to the Qanon/MAGA narrative, rather than the philosophical awakening portrayed in the Matrix film. The initial indications of his transformation were subtle, first evident when he began echoing Qanon ideologies during an interview with Joe Rogan. This was a transformation I foresaw years prior.

His expression of hostile views, coupled with the affirmation he received from his cohorts, established a self-perpetuating cycle. This led to him distancing himself from rational individuals while seeking comfort amongst those affiliated with Qanon/MAGA. Unwittingly, he morphed into an unthinking zealot, becoming part of the aggressive collective consciousness. Currently, his rhetoric aligns with the MAGA narrative on nearly every topic, thereby supplying them with additional ammunition to further their cause. He has, metaphorically, confined himself within the walls of his own cognitive prison.

How about a new policy all of us should advocate for:

Every time we bail out or give public money to corporation, the public should own the share of that company. If public own enough share of that company, it should automatically be turned into a utility.

They were bleeding users so they want some ways to tap into existing user pool and they think it is easy to get that by simply federating, but they are about to find out the hard way why it won't go the way they want.

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They rewrote their engine and framework multiple times, this kind of stuff is stupidly complicated to do. I think they originally went with Cryengine, Amazon Lumberyard, and whatever else by now. So yeah, the problem is, they are rewriting everything from scratch multiple times that they fail to make any deliverable. They basically netscape themselves to hell.

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Well corporations can use the given work too, it just that they also have to disclose their derived work of the given code and have it licensed under GPL or AGPL as well. That the general idea of copyleft.

Stuff you post in public could end up staying in public forever... It's like there are consequences for our actions...

Microsoft: "Gotta keep all of the telemetries and AI running 24/7 of course!"

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Oh crap, sorry, I thought uploading picture was separate from the news link so I wanted to make sure it have preview image. I updated the post with the link this time, apologies!

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But it definitely screams the death of a town when corporate find a way to game the system.

Yeah, I actually stop going out for any restaurant or outing ever since the tip inflation went out of control. I just rather spend the money on a cooking class and cook things myself. I really encourage everyone else to do the same, you save a lot of money, and you can add whatever creativity you want to the meal.

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Probably both and Network Effect is still a thing that he would consider.

I would say democracy is less of a problem, the problem is lack of accountability at least on constitutional level. One of the biggest thing I'd add to the constitution is a rule that mandates for every dollar we spent on the military, another dollar must be spent on education.

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History be rhyming like it's Eminem.

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Oh boy, wait until you find out about CBDC (Government's version of cryptocurrency with dystopian spin on it such as deleting your money if they don't like you.)

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How about no and instead we focus on automation?

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I would say Project Zombiod the closest one on that list. Just need a few mods to raise the hunger rate, more comprehensive nutrient stats, and farm difficulty scaling. The game already laid out most of the groundwork.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

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As one would say, "For every projection someone make is a confession."

It goes to prove that billionaires are just as gullible as the rest of the people, all they had was just money and assets, it doesn't grant them wisdom or intelligence.

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And so the global enshittification grows...

Especially when it's extremely rare to find documentation that aren't intended on being too verbose. Documentation with bottom line up front writing style is a rarity.

What comes after the blackout is the exodus. So in time, Reddit will decline and people would hear more about Lemmy as the network effect grows, Lemmy can come out pretty strong.

I don't think it's possible for them to do so, because that would means killing the gaming aspect of Windows. GPU on cloud is stupidly overpriced and expensive, just look at Standard_NV6 for an example, it easily cost $10,000/yr according to this (Just look for anything that have "N" in it's name for GPU enabled VM and they are all expensive.)

If they try to ban everyone from being allowed to use their own computer hardware, I really doubt people would stay on Windows, they most likely would be in the 5 stages of griefs and then contemplate on switching to either Linux or Mac OSX.

Yep, strongly shares that sentiment too for those who refuse to put shopping cart back.

They did a test with microwave to transmit energy from space to Earth. There is some serious drawback in doing it via microwave though, so I'm curious on how they'll transmit a huge amount of energy without heating up or causing residual damage to the environment.

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I would honestly hope you bring it up to your agency to start offering chat channels that are end to end encrypted and have all history wiped clean after certain period of time.

It IS 4th amendment violation, period. It just that we're suffering from the repercussion of the fundamental problem with Common Law (USA and UK) vs Civil Law (Rest of Europe except UK.)

Reference on this. And scroll down and you'll see a row saying "Constitution: Always (For Civil Law) and Not Always (For Common Law.)

In a court of law, they make it a legal-game-scenario where constitutional rights aren't automatically applied to you and you have to explicitly invoked it at the right time. That kind of crap is asinine and why I think we need an overhaul politically.

It's one thing if he died alone and another when he took other 4 people with him. I would still chalk it up to greedy asshole, because he cheap out things that would've saved the four people.

And we have the option to use the paper dollars, by depreciating that, you have no safety net during a bank run. GG.

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You know what, I am going to let you figure that one out for yourself. A lot of us already pointed out Linux, but if you're asking that question, then you're probably reaching the point that you are considering the switch already. Everyone has their own breaking point with Windows, Microsoft will NEVER reduce their ads/telemetries on Windows going forward, it only going to get worse.

Good luck! And we'll see you on Linux in a few years.

Making college education free is what I was thinking. We already funded public education, what one more for college/universities? Our country is mostly operated on high skill workforce, so why not make it a policy in this country?

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It would make more sense if community just set up contracts amongst themselves to pool together with monthly community fund added to the pile and if something happened, then a clause in the contact begins and facilitate the steps to release fund for that person. Contract could set up arbiter (paid hourly) to determine whether the claim is covered by the contract agreed by the subscribers.

The major difference in this model is basically that the perverse incentive is removed whereas commercial insurance have every incentives not to pay out to claimants which defeats the purpose of insurance in the first place.

I don't know much about insurance laws or contracting to say for sure, but part of me is wondering why we haven't popularize this idea yet.

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Haunted Chocolatier for me... The same guy who made Stardew Valley is making a new game. I look forward to it more than I am looking forward to Starfield.

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