TheVelvetGentleman [he/him]

@TheVelvetGentleman [he/him]
0 Post – 4 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

I've been using a hacked Spotify app for years. It takes 5 minutes to set up and I don't have to pay any money to a soulless corporation who will throw a few half pennies to the artists that I enjoy. Oh, and I get to disable the shit ui choices that they try to implement so I get a better experience than a paying customer.

3 more...

I think I had to update twice, maybe three times in the past four or five years? I've never considered that an issue.

I'm not sure. I use xmanager for Spotify.

I know somebody that just recently had to buy another drive for their 32TB unraid media server that runs in a DIY clean box in the basement. Is that small or large? I can't imagine myself doing that much crime.