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Joined 1 years ago

The only reason I use Lemmy less than I used reddit is the lack of content, I was following so many subreddits that every time I sorted by new I could scroll for hours before I hit the posts I'd seen last time I opened the app. Here there just aren't as many communities and a lot of the ones I'm following are dead so my feed is just the same 20 posts every time I open it.

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I just moved into a new student dorm today and every single thing is done by a different app run by a different company and the “help desk” only say “use the app” whenever you have an issue. Only problem is I can barely even download the thing because the wifi is broken and I can’t report that I can’t connect to it because I can’t download the app to report it.

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Pretty sure no one has the legal right to dump sewage in the sea either but go off I guess?

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I just get treatment because I live in a country that actually provides its citizens with healthcare (even if the Tories want to get rid of that).

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Every set of stairs has one step that is slightly taller than the rest

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A) no it’s not supersonic because that depends on airspeed not ground speed

B) this is normal for west bound flights

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Zero hour contracts in the uk don’t actually have to have an actual contract so if your boss says that something is in your job description you can’t argue otherwise because there was never a contract that said what your job roles were to start with.

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Tldr: he had a cough as well as the other symptoms

First person city planner, probably in vr where you can plan something out and then see your city grow as you walk around it

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Because given names used to be pretty much unique in each village and you wouldn’t travel much, that’s why only nobility had surnames and regular people didn’t. There’s no need to differentiate which Chris you mean if there’s only one Chris in the village.

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(Replying from alt instance cause main one is down)

I’m in the UK and it was a dodgy cash in hand job at a chippy with no actual contract, so I didn’t really have any way to fight against it if I had wanted to keep the job anyway.

Even if I had a way to fight against it I was technically too young for the job and my car didn’t have the right insurance to do it because of that so I didn’t want any extra attention. I got through the college year and got decent grades though so it all worked out alright in the end.

Tbf it could always jump to individual humans, the dangerous part is if it can spread from person to person instead of animal to person and the fact that it’s spreading from mammal to mammal means it’s more likely to evolve to spread between humans.

If you just eat egg fried rice using ingredients from Aldi you’re able to bring your weekly food costs down to about £2-£3 a week, I lived that way for about 3 months during the cost of living crisis. Sure it was only 1000 calories a day but I was able to get all the nutrients I needed from the ingredients.

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What’s it like being deaf?

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Spam, off brand spam just isn’t worth it

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I’m in Europe and I still get blinded by modern SUVs with LED headlights constantly, having auto levelling headlights is nice and all but when the headlights themselves are at eye level for drivers in anything lower than a landrover it doesn’t change much

Bird flu has always been able to jump from birds to humans but not from any other livestock because it wasn’t able to jump from mammal to mammal (that’s why it’s called bird flu instead of something else) that’s also why people are concerned because in less than 2 years it went from being a disease only birds could spread to multiple mammal species suddenly being fully susceptible to it.

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If my time working on a zoo taught me anything you’re normally on your own for pretty much your entire day.

Avian flu does regularly jump to humans yes, but usually it’s directly from the birds. The big risk this time is the fact that it’s already spreading between mammals meaning that it’s more likely for it to mutate to allow for human to human transmission.

Inside of the Earth's gravity well I guess, You could probably even say it's just low earth orbit if you consider the moon outer space.

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Wiggle your mouse a bit before you select something, they check mouse movements and if it’s too precise you fail

Putting solar panels and a battery in every house is ok if everyone owns an actual house, has enough space for a battery and gets enough sunlight but it wouldn’t be possible in most cities where hundreds of people share a single roof that doesn’t have the space for all the panels required.

In some countries the houses wouldn’t be big enough to install batteries without taking up valuable living space, most terraced houses in the uk couldn’t fit a power bank inside without filling an entire room’s usable space.

You also have to deal with the fact that many grids aren’t built to deal with the power fluctuation that comes from each house providing power, my university has a solar and wind farm that has to be shut down sometimes because the nearby city can’t handle all the power it produces in the summer and that’s from a centralised source.

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Houses are required to have heating so why shouldn’t we just change it to include cooling as well? Or maybe in your mind we should go the other way and stop requiring heating so we can all suffer in the winter too?

Btw plenty of people in Europe do have AC, it’s just that they usually tend to be portable units that can only cool one room at a time.

Because you can mix in other stuff like frozen vegetables and some meat if you can afford it

Ngl sounds super interesting and I want to host something but idk what I’d even do.

“She says she’s not dead”

“She will be soon she’s very ill”

A blanket ban on social media isn’t going to help shit it’s just going to mean that when kids do get access to social media they haven’t learned how to use it properly, kids already aren’t taught enough about internet safety so why would completely banning them from any form of social media help? It’ll just mean that when they can use it they aren’t prepared and they’ll be worse off.

Not only did they decide to do it in the middle of a religious festival, they did it in the middle of a festival that’s part of a religion that worships nature.

The scary part is that it has been spreading between mammals though, most instances have been between sea mammals like seals but now it looks like it’s spreading between other mammals too

I guess gta V was accurate in not updating that construction site in LS

First time I ever played minecraft it was in 1.2 and I spawned in on a spruce beach, I had a crappy 3x2 sand hut with a dirt roof and a tower sticking out the side that went way up into the air. I wish I still had that world but I haven't even been able to find the seed again let alone a 12 year old save. It was my first time playing anything on PC too so I had no idea how to move and started trying to move using the arrow keys and I thought I had a broken copy of the game.

I’ll do you one better, who is the hell?

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sometimes I still have to do this, sure not for something that's only 20mb but a 1gb file can take a whole night to download in my uni accommodation. The landlord doesn't seem to give a shit though because they're still advertising that the building has "up to 100mb/s" wifi speeds.

Just to be pedantic, trains are vehicles.

GTA 5 especially GTA online, idk how I used to grind that game constantly just to buy a cool car that I'd stop driving a few days later. It got better "recently" (2-3 years ago) with bigger payouts and single person heists but then the in game inflation fucked everything. I haven't touched the game in months because all I saw about it was how glitchy it was and how R* were removing shit that had been in the game for 10 years.

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I remember when I was little I used to hate my grandma’s old tv because there was always a high pitched noise that came from it when it was turned on or off, my grandma was never able to hear it though and I couldn’t understand why till I learned about how we struggle to hear higher frequencies as we age.

This is a super boring answer but two of my favourite T-shirts came out of a charity shop, one of them is starting to get holes in it now because I have no idea how old it is but when they get too big I’ll probably just sew them back up and keep wearing the T-shirt

My own, my battery pack case turns my phone into a brick.

You mind if I have some of whatever you’re smoking?

Driving down the main road from my village to the nearest supermarket and as I was coming around a corner my rear tire clipped a puddle that was in the shadow of a tree and my car started to spin, somehow I managed to recover after fishtailing down the road for about 50 metres but it was terrifying. If I had been slower to react or if I’d hit the brakes at any point I would’ve ended up either in a fence or in someone’s barn.