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Joined 11 months ago

They are both viable options that have different advantages.
VBox has a nice friendly GUI.
KVM is fast & efficient.

Would you prefer "jumps bail", 'skips town", "runs and hides", "flees justice", or "goes on the lam"?

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If I hadn't met my wife 30+ years ago, I can see how I might have become a sort of paleo-proto-incel...maybe just more of a bitter old maid of a man that no woman would want to be around. I do feel for the incels. They certainly aren't happy. There's something unhealthy about a society that produces so damn many of them.

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"Bill O'Reilly", That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. TIL: he's still alive.

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Don't use reddit.

Putin seems to be in a competition with Trump for the stupidest authoritarian prize.

RMS is the patron saint (and prophet) of open source. Like all saints he can be an A-hole zealot.

I want to thank Richard for being the a-hole zealot the world has needed. The whole F-ing world is in debt to his relentless, tireless work.

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Nothing about the Russo-Ukraine war has anything to do with communism.

They are there to document in excruciating detail how their budget is NOT being misspent, because we can't abide waste and mismanagement!

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Liar!! You are are not "Dr. X". You are "Dr. Cog"

Block chain - there's still no legitimate practical use for it

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They are merely recognizing that "gun enthusiasm" is a fetish to the enthusiasts.

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They are made of meat! They blow air through their vibrating meat tubes to communicate. So gross!

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Stable, fast, excellent ecosystem, and it's the ONLY trustworthy browser available.

Doesn't sound like he wants to face the consequences of what he's done.

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They are not afraid of Russia they are enthralled by Russia. They serve Putin because they are indebted to him.

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I think it has more to do with age and experience than generational labels. Kis who "were just born yesterday" or "are still wet behind the ears" have always been, and always will be gullible. Everyone needs to be fooled a few times before they "wise up". We need to stop all generational finger pointing and bigotry.

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If I hadn't read the headline, and just looked at the pictures, my first reaction wouldn't that they changed they changed her race, but that they faked a ton of makeup, added highlights, and "enhanced" the outfit's shoulders.

In the early 90s at the dawn of my programing/sysadmin career. I showed up to my first week of work at "Initech" in dress pants, shirt, and tie. The senior gray beard UNIX sysadmin wore wholey jeans and ratty t-shirts. I don't recall whether he sat me down and told me, or I figured it out on my own that to be taken seriously in a technical field you must dress down. Brilliant people look disheveled (see Albert Einstein, Steve Wozniak, et al). I ditched the stupid tie & began dressing more comfortably.

Anthropologists call this antagonistic aculturation. Us IT geeks intentionally set our selves apart from the business drones & we had to exercise our privilege of dressing comfortabley while working ungodly hours to solve impossible problems.

Now I'm the gray beard and I've mentoed the brighter of the pimple faced youths I've hired in the ancient customs of our tribe. Looking back, It seems that IT's greatest influence on business has not been the increased efficiency of the paperless office, but the casual attire that most office workers now enjoy.

You're welcome, world.

Because I'm Mr Rogers. When I come home, I take off my jacket & work shoes, and put on my sweater and home shoes. I also sing a song.

In other news... I lost the game.

It's so anti-Trump voters will waste their votes instead of voting for Haley.

This is just a negotiating tactic. An extra tax break will solve those problems. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Yes. Now that tech has been refined and turned into fashion appliences, 20 somethings have no curiosity about tech and no desire to bend it to their will. Learning the underpinnings of tech bores them. I'm a boomer and feel like I grew up at the perfect time for a hacker/engineer. Tech was much simpler when I started out. It took work/programming to get your Commodore 64 to do anything interesting.

I don't find this creepy at all. All the "personalities" in my brain are just parts of me.

Chicken or egg doesn't really matter. It's a vicious cycle that reinforces itself and gets worse the longer it continues.

It's a direct response to another comment, not to the article.

The attitude expressed by the article makes absolutely no sense.

Very unpopular opionion: He's a very good orator, even though he can't form a coherent sentence. He gets his points across with out actually speaking them. His followers hear him on a purely emotional level and he inspires their extreme loyalty and devotion.

Approaching kindness or generosity from a biological point of view seems (to me) to lead to The Prisoners' Dilemma. Everyone is better off if we are all generous, but if I can't trust others to be generous, I'm better off being selfish.

IMHO, religion is an evolutionary adaptation to "solve" this problem. It might have worked in small communities, but not in our global society.

I'm rambling...

The combination of heat and agitation are needed to shrink fabric (especially wool). Heat makes the normally kinky, twisty, grippy fibers more flexible and looser. Agitation allows the loose fibers to reach other fibers farther away and grab onto them as they cool, pulling them closer, thus shrinking the fabric.

Heat and very careful stretching can somewhat restore the original size, but restoring the shape is harder.

Cycling is the new golf. There are lots of 50 year old dentists with disposable income out there who think electionic shifting and aero carbon wheels will enable them to drop their "buddies" on their Saturday group ride.

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Once they are back behind the counter you won't see how gross they are.

She's not wrong. AIPAC has had a powerful distuctive influence over the US government for a very long time.

Or just left click to highlight & middle click to paste.

Mines? No, they are needed for the "special military operation".

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I see no evidence that these bike manufacturers are super profitable, so I doubt there is much "massive profiteering". Good bicycles are a high tech but low volume industry.

I spent 1.2k on a lower-end-good-bike 11 years ago. It's the best fun per dollar purchase I've made in my 60ish year life. I wish I'd spent a few hundred more for an Ultegra group set.