1 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh, I mean there's nothing there.

A Court Document shows that Yuzu got a lawyer and will answer within 60 days of 2024-02-27.

The Answer will be the interesting bit. It may indicate if they wish to fight, or if they deem it not worth the effort.

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I2P, the invisible internet protocol allows for anonymous torrenting (getting movies, games, etc. without paying). It's fairly old and robust, but lacks actual people using it. Now a program that many people already use has included the option to use this.
This alone may increase the usage of this system, and make it more useful.

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Well, that's neat.

But where is that really relevant? Typical albedo of anything around a solar panel seems to be like around .2, meaning that these cells which have 23% efficiency on the front, and ~21% on the back.
Solar Irradiance is usually less than 7kWh/m²day.
So this Panel could get around 1.6kWh/m²day on the front and 0.3kwH/m²day on the back.

Isn't cost way more relevant than getting a few more % efficiency?

As long as "we" (as in humanity) can't afford to put solar panels on the top of every/most surfaces that we build, it seems that driving down the cost is more paramount.
Luckily that is happening too though

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Also the price scales wayyyy better. Steam Deck starts at 313,65€ now.

if you have less money, buy that, get an sd card, and if you enjoy it put an ssd in later.

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it can fuck up microsoft office formatted documents

everything can.
That is because Microsoft doesn't follow the 1000 page docx standards they wrote themselves.

And I will defend the decent UI against modern words ribbon-trash to my death.
libreoffice ui can certainly be improved a lot, but microsoft office is definitely worse.

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this could be bad for mozilla / firefox.

if Google can't continue to try to increase / sustain their market share, they may stop paying mozilla to be thw default.

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Those have gotten rather expensive.

But maybe the 4 will become available and cheap now?

I... don't think that's true.

I'd expect to get convicted if I make a (reasonable) confession of murdering someone who vanished, even if there is no single other bit of evidence.

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Specially content creators. PeerTube could get a bit more people.

Youtube pays content creators.
PeerTube costs content creators money.

There's plenty of content creators aware of the issue, which is why nebula, floatplane etc. exist, but those are subscription models which most people don't want to pay.

Sure, youtubes money is not all that creators get, see for example LinusTechTips 2020 numbers. But gutting your revenue by ~25% would hurt hard.
Especially when costs go up at the same time.

... well, then I misunderstood something rather completely

I'll need another look. Thanks!

Then it should not be called “Autopilot.” The AI required to make real autopilot work does NOT exist now and probably won’t exist for decades.

Well, in Aviation, where I believe the term "Autopilot" is most commonly used, at least before tesla, an Autopilot is actually exactly what Tesla offers.
When everything is fine, it can keep the plane going.
If issues come up, it disengages and the pilot has to be able to receive full control

/e: also, waymo and cruise already have completely autonomous cars, which generally work.

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I've seen it recently, when it was still known as crackpipe.

Unfortunately it's not (yet?) available on Linux/Docker.
When it becomes so, I'll want another look at it.

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yeah, but it's not nearly as good as it seems.

ion thruster with a tiny bit of extra thrust snd ISP because of fusion reactions.

I've donated plenty of times, because it makes sense that there is no other way to save lives than to donate.

On the other hand, I've been wondering for years, that while I've been told a million times that "blood reserves are low - donate blood now!", I've not ever heard that a single person died due to lack of available blood.
Why would something like that not be reported if you want to motivate people to donate?

My personal guess is that this comes because "lack of avaiable blood donations" isn't a valid cause of death, the cause of death is whatever else (gun shot wound, knife severed artery / complication during surgery etc), thus it's hard to pinpoint. Also Doctors may try to "save" blood, when they know little is available, and people may die that may have lived if they had gotten (more) blood, but also they may not have and it is hard to tell.

We can reliably screen for HIV (all blood donations are) why the fuck are homosexuals discriminated against over this.

except that the tests are (per cdc) up to 90 days late in detection. So you may get infected and spend 3 months testing negative.

And judging by OPs being german, where the rule (admittedly only since 2021) is "you may only have fucked one guy for the last 4 months", this seems like being on the safe side, but not completely excessive to me.

Google would likely still bid, but lower, so that Firefox may change over for bing, and still get ~80% of what they got from google. Google has an interest to not make it cheap for microsoft, even if they don't want to pay a dime themselves.

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I mean, this is the first implementation in qbittorrent.

Imagine if at some points it ships a complete implementation by default, and everyone using qbittorrent could be reached via i2p. We're not there, and not terribly close, but implementing i2p was an important step to get there.

how is publicising stuff like this not market manipulation?

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slow and steady, sure, but far from nothing.

Curious if this will fix my one issue I have with Finamp.

I have some quite large playlists I'd like to listen on shuffle. Finamp doesn't do that well at all. (It seems it only shuffles what it has cached or something, as it seems to shuffle "only" the first 100 or so songs. of 3000+)

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They do not implement the format standard correctly.

I think it's also important to mention, that they wrote the standard themselves (after being forced to)

That title sucks.
It spoils this reveal (apparently?).

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So is this theory of veganism to not cause pain to an animal? If so what about ethically sourced meat. Like bullet to the head/decapitation. Most of those creatures feel nothing, they just end.

lots (propably most) animals used for farming meat are in pain during their lives.
That's longer than the time they're dying in any case.

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It's possible but is a lot more complicated with later switches.
First gen was super easy. I think current one needs a mod-chip installed to Boot custom Firmware (which you need for ROMs)

Well, I don't trust the companies.

But Lineage without Google gives me a decent smartphone experience with minimized tracking capabilities for 3rd parties. (Yeah, provider can still do quite a bit, but the VPN takes care of a bit more there, still not all though)

Anyone noticed that this was supposed to have already taken place?

Seemingly, it didn't go well, but there still may be a winner?

By a lot of people, this is considered a hoax, as no national body in any way credited this "european sex championship", but the event possibly took place?

I'd say that's a philosophical question.

And worse even, I'd say this is something that changes with the culture of people.

a while ago, gladiators killing & maiming each other for entertainment was considered fine.
Raping and Abducting during wartime was normal.

Currently, I'd say the cultural moral compass has shifted enough, to consider these two examples rather bad behaviour.

But as Tasty seems to have had a nice life and didn't suffer, so had it better than most cows which end up in a similar fate, I'd say that currently this would not be considered "bad" behaviour by most people.

Of course there is a viewpoint already out, that all killing of animals is equivalent, in other words equivalent to killing humans. From that point of view, what you did is rather horrific.
Maybe, in some time, when something like lab-grown meat without any nervous system is commonplace, killing animals for food becomes as horrific as we consider killing other humans for food.
Or, you know, it could also swing the other way, and an apocalypse makes Soylent from dead people completely normal food.

Wonder if benchmarks will switch to a more sustained load profile.

I also hope that Android will get some desktop mode with maybe even linux app support like chrome os (but I of course am dreaming) to actually use the insane power in a more ergonomic environment than in my palm

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Or 1600x1200 when most LCDs were 1024x768.

CRTs really have gotten a bad rep, although they were great for a while still, after LCDs came on the market

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Well, from the EUs perspective, while the US is certainly generally an Ally, it is sometimes a rather tense relationship.

I'd argue, you could describe China pretty similarly, although that would be somewhat disingenuous, as I think EU and US values are more similar than EU and Chinese values.

Anyway, if you don't want the data of your people to go to some questionable other country, you'd have to forbid US social networks as well.

I would expect that to be true as well.
For some reason I can't really explain anymore, I was thinking of a situation where the confession is made, and reiterated at every step in the prosecutorial process, without any other evidence (for or against) being available for the process.

it's nice, but its navigation/route finding can be pretty atrocious

An RX 6600 paired with a Ryzen 5600 would blow the Deck out of the water (3-4x depending on the measurement) for a very similar cost to a mid-range Deck.

those two parts are 330€ new for me right now.
I'd still need:
a Mainboard, AM4 starts at 50€
RAM, 16GB for ~25€
Power Supply, 20-50€
ssd 10-30€

starting at 435€
Actually, that seems reasonably competetive with the 64gb version (420€), depending on the other parts you choose (I'd not want to completely cheap out on Power Supply or Storage, so give that ~20€ more each).

I'm surprised to be honest. Nice.

I don't think so.
But maybe Emulators need to change how they work.
Externalize a small, relatively simple tool to decrypt the ROM.
and a complicated, actively developed Emulator, that can only read decrypted ROMs.

With that, the Emulator shouldn't be attackable the same way yuzu was.

There's also a Lemmy Community !

Well, competition for Valve might not be the worst thing.
On the other Hand I'm not sure if we would have gotten vive or steam deck if valve didn't have a money printing machine with steam.
I'm rather certain that most companies would be worse for consumers, with the level of monopoly (/market dominance) that steam enjoys

I have to say this is extremely encouraging.
I didn't think that the steamdeck would have the raw performance. But it seems to me that it does, but the emulator is lacking optimization (understandably for such an early stage)

Unless they change CPU architectures.

well. there's already winlator (basically box86 / wine-wrapper for android).
Not as polished and far as Proton is, but the bones are there.

A CPU architecture change wouldn't be a deathblow.

why can I not install it?

first time i just get the share button on droid-ify

/e: installig directly from github was no issue

But they also showed with what they will come for you.
If you outsource decryption from emulation, they can't do it (this way) again