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Joined 12 months ago

Because capitalism is burning the earth down for profit and if nothing is done we're all dead soon ?

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No it's because they target children ?

22 more...

I don't know enough about the subject but I feel like pedophilia should be treated as a mental disorder and while I mostly agree with you about pedophiles who don't act on it, I think what they need is psychological treatment and maybe medical. But putting them in the minority group like if they were lgbtqia for exemple, is only going to harm minorities and allow more pedophiles to feel legitimate in their urges, and maybe act on it.

But I might be wrong

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It's not premarital sex if they are already married duh. He's married to god, they have husbands, everything checks out.

Si seulement...

Yeah I never said socially outcast them. But I feel that what you are saying is "we should accept them", and multiple times you have been comparing pedophilia to homosexuality. That's harmful, because there is one big difference : one harms others, the other doesn't.

LGBTQIA should not have to hide themselves, pedophiles should try to not be pedophiles anymore. Simple as. Pedophiles SHOULD fear social rejection, because pedophilia is harmful to society. It's really not that hard. It doesn't mean we should not empathize, it means we should treat them.

And I don't see how one would even think it's unecessary to make people undergo psychological treatment for something as harmful as pedophilia. They need help, they need at the minimum psychological support. Of course you can't force people to go through that, but please don't compare this to anti homosexual treatments, it is not the same.

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Knock nock

Edit: I just realised I'm dumb, you're the one who knocks so let's assume you did

Who's there ?

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Sylvain Durif ?

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Yeah well good luck writing hello world in html by punching holes in cardboard

Climate change, sea level rising, populations moving to an already overpopulated land mass, wars, pandemics... Capitalism is killing us slowly but surely. And "soon" is a figure of speech, it might take a while but compared to humanity span it's soon enough. Some might survive, but on the long term humanity is running head first into a wall. We might have the time to change course and only get a few bruises, but the no return point is way past.

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Pedophilia itself does not harm anyone but the one having to deal with it. Representing pedophiles as a threat to society judges many for the actions of a few. The individuals did not do anything wrong, and they do not deserve rejection for what they are.

Until they do... It's not because they never acted on it that they will never. And I'm pretty sure that if you start to accept pedophilia as "just another minority", pedophiles all around the world will feel more legitimate and act on it more because hey it's normal now.

PLUS if you merge them to LGBTQ for instance, it allows more hate towards LGBTQ because people fear (for a good reason) pedophilia. It already is their main argument, with grooming etc. It's always the children.

As far as I know “just not being a pedophile” is not possible for an actual pedophile? The only result you’ll get with that is that people hide in a closet, without getting the help that they could use. The simple fact that I don’t know that there is a treatment that actually cures pedophilia.

There are actual treatments (for reducing libido for instance, like antiandrogens, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), group therapies, etc. that seems to help :

Here are some interesting resources on the subject

I agree that I'm a little confused about how it should be approached, because it should be a initiative from the pedophiles and not mandated, but I still think it should be done for every pedophiles.

As a parent, pedophilia is a real concern, and you merging it with homosexuality just make me really angry.

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Same it happens to me every night

capitalism too has its downsides and there’s plenty to improve on

No I think you don't understand. Capitalism allows rich people to get richer by exploiting the resources of the earth at the expand of the climate and poor people altogether. It's not something that can be improved, it's something that needs to be stopped ASAP.

And there isn't ONE solution to "replace" capitalism, like communism or socialism or whatever, it's all about solutions to each problems : ban private jets, yacht, and stuff like that ; taxing the rich to stop them hoarding all the wealth, more carbon taxes to force companies into being more eco friendly, banning stuff made by slavery, children, and underpaid workers in far countries, favor locally grown goods, raise the minimum wage, etc.

It's gonna be hard for everyone but it's the only way to stop fucking everything up. Capitalism is a cancer that needs to be removed or it will grow until it kill its host. Only the rich will survive, all of us will die slowly.

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Nice thanks !

I would ask you to take a step back and ask yourself if you are being completely rational about this issue.

I mean I kinda would like you to do the same, because you keep misunderstanding me, and it looks more and more like you're doing it on purpose. Wth are you going on about "preemptive capital punishment" ?I said we need to empathize with them, never talked about punishment, never said we should not treat them as human.

I said we should not treat them as "another minority" because it's a mental disorder, unlike homosexuality... When I said they should try not being pedophiles anymore, what I meant was they should seek help for fighting their urges because it should never be accepted, as you should not accept psychopaths until they are under treatment. They are both disorders and should be treated as such. Saying they face similar issues is not helping, because those issues are for completely different reasons. Some are legitimate, other aren't.

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That's where we shall agree to disagree. We should not discriminate against those who seek help, yes, but if they are not willing to, they should not be near children.

How is that arbitrary ? Harmful => disorder is not that hard to grasp imo.

Anyway I'm not the one that makes that decision :

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I would not go as far as saying it's subjective, there are official definitions like the who's :

But yes it depends on the context and the period so it's not entirely objective either.

They even spelt "I" correctly smh my head

He is a french guy who calls himself the cosmic christ, or merlin (the one from king arthur). He says his mother has been visited by aliens and that he is the son of space god, or something like that. He tried starting his own cult, not heard of him in a while.

If you want, but we need to get rid of the capital, stock markets, and all other stuff defining capitalism for this shit to work. Capitalism is based on infinite growth, it's not sustainable.

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What abundance are you talking about ? That's exactly the problem with capitalism, thinking that resources never end. I'm talking about tightening our belts here, not abundance. And have you seen the wealth some people are hoarding like dragons ? Redistribute some of this, use it towards local sustainable resources and renewable energies.

Yes exactly, well put.

I know I'm late to the party but wtf

Also I'm not sure so much incest makes a viable 12th generation.

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