3 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”

I can't live, if living is without you - I absolutely hate this song. One of the worst sentiments ever.

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You can't rush perfection

I've got a sinking feeling about this


No. I'm 40. Its exhausting trying to give all my personal data away to all these different spaces now.

Time was, a man could give up all his personal data on just one platform. I would rest easy knowing that every goverment in the world had proof that I am not a terrorist, and every buisness knew how much porn I watched.

But now theres so many and I'm just one guy. I can't keep track of them all. It makes me feel too old for this world.

...yeah but like, we're a perfect 10(%) though.

I'm just some words a stranger left for you on the internet, but if it counts for anything at least one person from across the globe is thinking about you at this time and that is meant to sound reasurring like "you are not alone" but you mentioned paranoia and I probably just increased that I mean wtf dude a random stranger says "you are not alone" who could be from anywhere on Earth so now you've got this on your mind too great gee-wizz thanks I guess? Right? But then maybe it'll take your mind off the real shit for a feaction of a second and make it worth it? I dunno I'm just an idiot overthinking things but that should be par for the course here. Um... good luck!

New trade deal with Teyvat on the way

Well I have a hairy back and no one cares 😥

I can't imagine a world where the Honey-Badger is even more angry.

This too, is a conspiracy...

No, I still remain a lousy human

Hi! I was listening to a podcast awhile ago that stuck with me and they discussed a book I am struggling to remember the name of. In it, a religious man travels to a planet of intelligent alien life to make first contact.

All the aliens live peacefully, in harmony with the enviroment. There is no crime, poverty or muder. Everyone is kind to each other. But not a single being on the planet has ever heard of God, or made contact with any divine being. This troubles the protaganists conscious as they found an perfect balance of life without any guide. When he returns to Earth, he is told that the Devil must have invented the aliens to test his faith.

Thats all the details I can remember but it was a fair and unbiased story and it came to mind with all the recent news nentioned above. Thats all.

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Oh this is easy to prove. See life is disapointing. If it were all made up by my brain I'd have all the sex and never be rejected and the bank account would have a lot more zeros in it printed in black.

Also I have no impuse control, theres not a reality where my brain would invent pizza and not let me eat it 24/7.

Its called 'A case of conscience' from 1958!

(Sorry for the late reply I'm at work)

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Thank you!

I'm pretty confident I would not be on Lemmy right now had someone not advertised it.