3 Post – 20 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And as we enter the "Entire cities burning down" part of climate change the world will do... Absolutely nothing.

14 more...

Funny thing for me, is that Beehaw was the first bit of the Fediverse I ever came across. Tried to sign up, twice, didn't work. So that's how I ended up on .world, the first group I found that didn't want an essay to sign up.

18 more...

Exactly. This wouldn't even be a blip in the news if he weren't a former president. Judges lock people up for contempt all the time for way less than he's already said.

Most sane people agree you can't tamper with witnesses or threaten prosecutors (or anyone). He just has a loud cult of rabid defenders who would believe the sky was purple if he said it.

Seems like a blatant violation of the first amendment.

Peacefully assembling to share a meal isn't speech? Who the fuck says all these people aren't my friends and family?

I feel like this would be highly dependent on your resume.

Might catch some looks if your work experience is mostly Dennys and Walmart and you're trying to hide a six month gap behind an NDA.

Nah my job is terrible I'm barely getting the due benefits lol. Thank you though. I figured I'd have to do something malicious for it to matter, but I've never even thought about this stuff.

It is kinda odd that they ask at all.

Any Drew Gooden fans?

Road work ahead

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And in a crazy perfect world maybe even infrastructure for people walking, biking, and taking public transportation.

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She's free to step down at anytime, then she'll never have to worry about any marriages.

Hurt my knee cuz I sat down wrong. Had to add "can't tuck my leg behind me when I sit" to the old man list.

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Someone who's more informed than me, please chime in.

As I understand it Alexis stepped away from the board(?) of reddit in 2020. Supposedly in protest after George Floyd was murdered. I believe he's just your standard "Hey look, I'm woke too!" venture capitalist nowadays. Likely still heavily invested in reddit, seeing as I don't think he's spoken out on the controversy lately.

He caught a lot of heat for firing Victoria back in 2015 iirc.

Most of what I saw about him was from his own website so take it all with a huge grain of salt.

Although as much as I hate to give props to a rich guy, he does put on a much better Real Human act than spez, Musk, or Zuc.

I'd guess they're either advertising to possible dissenters, or sowing distrust.

I doubt anyone but me has even looked at it in years so I doubt I'm benefiting somehow.

It is a strange practice now that I think about it. Never occurred to me that it wasn't normal.

I don't know what the whole answer would be, but a huge part of it would be whiskey.

Yeah all good points, thanks. Why rock the boat. I'll just pretend like I never noticed.

I'm a fan of Lemmy, for the memes and link aggregator aspect of it. And sense of community, there are trolls but it's generally pretty positive.

I also like the Old Internet feel that the Fediverse in general has. I'm going out and looking for things that interest me again rather than hoping for something new to come into my feed. Actually reading articles. Commenting more than twice a year.

We'll see what happens but overall, I think I'm staying.

"But they said they'd help me out if I told my side of the story! They said they'd put in a good word with the DA for me!"


Exactly. I just.. Stopped using it. Everyone else like me wouldn't be part of the conversation.

I could certainly see them gaming the algorithm a bit too, to make it look more active. I think we'll just have to wait and see, if advertisers/investors pull out.

It almost reads to me like he worries how much support he had in Moscow. If the Wagner group is 25k strong and 100s of kilometers away why flee? Unless there seems to be grumbles from the royal guard about killing their countrymen over 1 dude.

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