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Ah yes, the people supporting the leopards eating faces club are once again surprised the leopards ate their face.

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Can you imagine her outrage of anyone said that about any group she is part of? Women. American. Divorced. Military. You name it. “Kill all of them”, “How can you say that, that’s inhumane and you should be locked up in a mental hospital”, but when it’s Palestinians it’s fine I guess.

They have the right to defend themselves against the families of journalists… I guess? Super dangerous people, especially the little kids of course.

/s just to be sure

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So I see it’s going great with an almost non existent CSAM team, who needs them anyway?

Good luck with X buddy, I’m sure advertisers can’t wait to have their ad show next to some good old CSAM material.

But at least conservatives aren’t censored anymore and the democrats were the real groomers anyway, right?

What a dumpster fire… I hope it all burns to the ground. We can live without Twitter just fine.

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The Israeli border police said the security vehicle had come to extricate Israeli forces under heavy fire, and ran over the body unintentionally, Reuters reported.

“Oops ran over a body”.

“Oops, again”.

“Oops, can’t seem to stop. Definitely accidental though. For sure.”

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This is a parody account, right? Right?

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I guess the protests were a bit much for Bibi, so if he can pretend they are winning hard in Gaza, maybe the protests will stop. And in order to do that you can’t have some media cover the danger you pose to the hostages, so banning the media is the only logical option of course… /s

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Isn’t it interesting how Israel and pro-Israel people apply the exact same tactic?! Let’s attack innocent people. Whether it’s bombing innocent civilians or violently attacking peaceful protestors. It’s so telling. They are rotten to their core.

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"It is tragic to see the hate and incitement toward Israel expressed in such a horrific way," she added. "The sanctity of life is our highest value. Our prayers are with the security officer who was injured while trying to prevent this tragic act".

I must be misunderstanding this quote, because uhhh….

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The sad truth is they don’t have to say anything. This has been going on for decades, it’s nothing new really and everyone is turning a blind eye. If the whole world ignores it, you don’t even have to defend yourself, isn’t that marvellous?

And the same thing applies here as everywhere else when it comes to Israel and Palestine. If you’re not explicitly pro Israel you’re an anti-Semite so your “opinion” doesn’t matter (even when there’s ample proof).

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How the hell is desecrating a mosque going to help with anything? Stopping the resistance? Just desecrate a mosque and they will all just magically give up? Holy shit every time when you think it possibly can’t get any worse the IOF finds a way to top its own actions…

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I’ll repeat a comment I made a while ago:

“Please move over there to that big X on the ground, and we will definitely not bomb it.

-Sincerely the IOF”

It’s interesting that this fact check website heavily leans on what the ADL says. The ADL is highly problematic, and definitely biased against anything pro-Palestinian, so not sure what to make of this report.

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"It also confirms for many people in the world the allegation that Israel does intend to commit genocide," he added.

Yes. Yes it does.

Yeah because we all know this all started on October 7…

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Yesterday there was an article by CNN saying they didn’t see any proof of the claims by the IDF. Is there now proof or is the National Post just repeating what the IDF says? I read the article but it didn’t provide any clarity…

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If that isn’t an admission…

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Let’s invade a country, then blame the war on the people for fighting back and tell the world “well if they wouldn’t fight back there would be no war, so it’s all their fault really”.

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Ladies and gentlemen meet “the most moral army in the world”…

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This is absolutely true. Antisemitism is on the rise in many places. At the same time some organizations (like the ADL) mark everything anti zionist as antisemitist. This muddies the water and takes away from the actual stuff some people have to go through with antisemitism. Their stories deserve to be heard and not getting drowned out by claims that have nothing to do with antisemitism.

I don’t think the OP you’re replying to means to say that antisemitism isn’t on the rise, it’s just hard to know how much is actual antisemitism and how much is marked as antisemitism when it’s just criticism of Zionism and/or the state of Israel.

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I knew it! Vacations are killing us. If you value your life; no more vacations!

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It sounds like they had a really bad backup system for this to happen.

No one will ever trust them with their data and email again, so they might as well close their doors straight away. It’s unfortunate but a mistake like this is likely gonna cost you your business.

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Mobs of pro-Hamas students and faculty have marched by the hundreds through Harvard's campus, shouting vile antisemitic slogans and calling for death to Jews and Israel

I’m sorry, what? I have a hard time believing that. Hundreds of pro-Hamas students? Do they mean pro-Palestinian maybe? Which; let’s be clear is not the same thing.

So how about we make sure everyone feels safe on campus. Muslims, Jewish people, Palestinians, black people, Asians, gay people, every single human being. There is enough hate in the world as is, we don’t need to keep adding fuel to the fire.

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A week ago Avi Dichter, a member of the Israeli security cabinet member and agriculture minister, said in a television interview: “We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba.” Netanyahu, warned cabinet ministers the next day to choose their words carefully.

Oops, did they accidentally say the quiet part out loud?

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Good, arrest them all. It’s absolutely horrendous that people use the tragedy of the Palestinian people to be antisemitic.

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The military on Sunday didn’t comment on this attack but said it “follows international law and takes feasible precautions to mitigate civilian harm.”

Bunch of clowns 🤡. Do they even believe this themselves?

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Who wants to place a bet if Israel is going to give a shit?

My vote is on “keep going and keep denying”.

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Good, do it! I hope this will be the start of a flood of countries following suit. All some of them need is the realization “wait, we can do that?”.

And I know a lot of these zionist supporting countries won’t change, but one can hope.

“Please don’t look at, or talk about what’s happening over there, you might recognize we’re copying some things from their play book. We would like to oppress Muslims in silence please, thank you.”

Sincerely, India

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During Thursday's news conference, he said Israel must have security control over all land west of the River Jordan, which would include the territory of any future Palestinian state.

So… from the river to the sea? I thought that was anti-semitic Bibi. You using it means it’s not, right?

Here we go then: From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.

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Good if nothing ever happens, at least he’s afraid. I hope he is in fear until he dies.

Yeah, we obviously can’t have them surveil for free. But if we’re making money off of it, it’s fine. That’s just smart business. /s

It’s always the freakin same with these people.

Must be the same intelligence that had evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

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“If you have empathy for Palestinian people, you’re a terrorist”

  • Also Israel

because we (have) no battle with patients or civilians at all," Netanyahu said.

That’s an interesting statement considering the fact that there have been at least 137 attacks on health care (hospitals, ambulances etc). Source

Now is exactly the wrong time to halt funding for UNRWA … We should not collectively punish millions of people for the alleged deeds of a few,” Norwegian foreign minister Espen Barth Eide argued

Norway gets it. I don’t understand how this is even up for debate. Say these claims are true, how does that justify punishing the whole population of Gaza? But then again, that’s what’s been happening since forever so it shouldn’t surprise us… it’s just so saddening to see so many countries callously pulling funds as if it’s nothing. Wtf it’s wrong with these countries?

Oh look, one genocidal country helping the other, making genocide easier…

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According to the World Health Organization at least 39 health facilities, including 22 hospitals, have been damaged since the war began.

The list of atrocities grows and grows but it seems like none of that matters. Israel still gets massive support all over the world. It is absolutely unbelievable how people can defend any of that.

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I’m happy to see this finally being covered in more mainstream media. They have imprisoned over 800,000 Palestinians since 1967, including children (!) and all we have done so far is shrug and move on. I hope this will lead to more people realizing how bad it actually is.

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Didn’t you know you can only commit genocide against Jews?

/s just to be sure, we’re on the internet after all