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Common mistake, AirTags don't work in space because there is no air.

I mean shooting randomly is always dangerous to someone. People get hit by stray bullets literally every day in america.

I'm the only person I know who buys their phones unlocked. I think a lot of people rely on the store where they buy the phone to set it up and get all their stuff transfered over. Just getting a new phone in the mail is a recipe for disaster for like a solid 60% of the US population.

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No it's not, because conservatives don't think micro plastics are a problem. Pretty soon there will be truck bros making tiktoks competing to see how quickly they can destroy a set of tires just to "trigger the libs".

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I mean most of the issues have been from the assembly process and not the fundamental design. However I would argue designing something you can't reliably assemble is just as bad. Adhesive needs to be done right on every unit and it's impossible to visually inspect it in this application. Clips are a pain in the ass but I'll take them over glued on trim any day of the week.

Pussy in bio box

I remember when they switched from 30 pin to lightning when I was in highschool. It was the best time to be a little shit, whenever someone asked if you had an iphone charger you could ask what kind they need and then say you have neither.

I actually looked into this back when it was originally happening and the rules were fairly strict. It specified background color and wording but it didn't give a language so this guy did about the best you could given the rules.

However it would be a shame if someone printed a poster with UV reactive paint that changed to something else over time while it hangs.

In short, this is one of those questions where if you have to ask the answer is no. It may be possible but unless you have a spare TV laying around that you don't mind breaking it's not a good idea to try. The best advice I have for any modder is to have multiples of whatever you're modifying on hand.

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Trump has all of Bidens issues AND he's a fascist idiot. Trying to say he's in any way better than Biden just shows either how uninformed you are in American politics, or you think people like Trump are attractive candidates. If it's the latter you may want to take a look at the type of people who, in your own words, are making your country a "political shithole".

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B&H Photo Video is a decent place but stock is always iffy. More of a consumer electronics store than newegg in my experience.

Given that Isreal is calling everyone and their mother (extra ironic in Judaism) anti semitic for not agreeing enthusiastically enough to ethnic cleansing/genocide, I am pretty confident they're the ones who made the term meaningless. They litterally called the UN a bunch of Nazi sympathizers who would have supported the holocaust while at a UN meeting. Like my dude, why don't you go sheckle heckle some actual nazi sympathizers and see if you walk out of the room.

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Reddit is old enough to vote and has several orders of magnitude more users. You can't create that much content organically overnight. As more content gets added it will attract more people who are interested in that content. In turn those users will contribute even more, even if it's just in the form of engagement and upvoting posts they like.

Lemmy is already experiencing some growing pains because the decentralized, user hosted nature of the platform will never be able to react quickly across all instances. We deal with it because we don't want to be controlled by one overarching entity and this is the ONLY alternative. Are there issues? Yes. Are there fewer issues than other social media sites? I don't know, but the problems are at least different and potentially more fixable in the long run.

Yes, and different materials will have different rates of thermal expansion. That's probably why the pixel 7 camera glass was cracking for no apparent reason when winter hit. Imagine coming out in the morning and finding all the glass in your car shattered because it got cold overnight. Or even worse you take it out of a heated garage on a cold day and the glass shatters while you're driving.

I just finished repairing my dads old head unit because even though he had a new unit from audi, it needed go to the dealer for pairing. You used to be able to do it over the phone with them for free but now you have to bring it in and pay.

I get that they have a code to deter radio theft but charging for something you used to do over a free hotline is BS. It could even be one or the other, like I'd pay to use the hotline or bring the car into the dealer if it was free but not bring it in AND pay.

Let them have as much screen time as they want, just disable the GUI and force them to operate it via terminal.

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So poor people shouldn't have kids, got it.

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If that means I don’t ever love again then so be it

Either this is a typo or very dramatic lol.

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Second edit: It turns out that I’ve been misinformed about progressives supporting hate speech censorship. Sorry about the confusion. Have a good night.

No, you were LIED to by malicious actors trying to turn you against people who are, at least broadly speaking, more aligned with your goals than against. There is a reason communists historically kill social democrats before going after fascists, because they're afraid of diluting power between similar parties. They want sole power so badly they are willing to risk fascists getting it if they think it gives them a better chance.

Then here you come with "sorry I've been misinformed" like it was an innocent mistake. Either you know you're acting in bad faith or you're uncritically regurgitating what others have told you in bad faith. The people telling you that stuff are not your friends, they are just manipulators who want to stir shit between two groups fighting the same enemy.

So you weren't misinformed, you just fucked up, try taking some personal responsibility and go back to figure out where you went wrong and who you should be trusting.

Us power lifters over here looking around nervously while double fisting big macs lol.

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It's probably internal fogging because the units aren't well sealed.

Honestly I would rather see a large company like Microsoft build their own OS from the ground up. Without play services you wouldn't be able to use a lot of play store apps even if you installed the apk file. I think Google provides a lot of baked in services to developers to lock their apps into the google ecosystem. Microsoft wouldn't really add anything of value to android in my opinion, we already have one big company looking over our shoulder, I don't think we need a second. I think the Amazon Fire phone proves that even with a lot of money to burn it's hard to break into google's market.

Microsoft making their own platform that is not UNIX-like would probably get a lot more interest than just modifying android.

And just reading about it doesn't either... being informed is important but letting negativity consume your world view isn't healthy or productive, it's just angsty.

No, they just have a complete lack of self awareness. They all think they're the "good one" and other people doing the same thing are somehow different and bad. I think the clearest example is food stamps. Why will a group of people who disproportionately rely on food stamps vote to cut funding for them? It's because they feel like they work hard and deserve help, but through a total lack of self awareness and/or empathy they think other people on food stamps are lazy. Usually this is just lightly veiled racism because usually the "other" is a racial minority and it's a way to call black people lazy.

No there aren't actually, there's a huge shortage of medical personnel nationwide.

It's ok, it'll take Mark a few hours to unhinge his jaw and swallow Elon's corpse whole. Then he's gunna find a nice warm rock to lay on and digest.

With a hot air rework station anything is upgradable, laptops, phones, babies... ok not babies, but like lots of other stuff.

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I don't think the vast emptiness that is the US translates well to the UK. By area, New Mexico is almost the exact same size as the british isles, and it's only the 5th largest state. I've done 400+ miles in a single day of driving many times. The furthest I've driven in a day was close to 800 miles.

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Yes but the part of this you keep dodging is that any Republican is worse. They have all the negatives of Biden plus a bunch of additional terrible stuff. You may not like the system, none of us here fucking do, but it's either Biden or someone worse. When gay marriage and divorce are illegal, and bibles are the only book allowed in school, try to remind yourself how Biden would have been just as bad. Both sides are not the same, they're both bad sure, but one is so much worse than the other, it's ludicrous that people can't wrap their minds around this.

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You've heard of RAID but have you ever tried SEIGE?

I find that it can be hard to tell when a car ahead is stopped, maybe the visual system on the tesla has similar limitations. I think autopilot is controlled by the cameras alone but I'm not super up to date on tesla stuff. I would assume even a basic radar set up could tell something was stationary from quite far away.

No you just put a cut on the end of their pointer finger on their dominant hand. That way every time they touch something it reminds them who their money belongs to. You save kneecapping for someone who you've lost all hope of paying you back and now their value to you is as an example for others.

A gun is not a guarantee of safety against other people with guns, otherwise war would be pretty anticlimactic.

You should also invest in getting some t-shirts made that say "GOOD GUY" in big letters, that way the police know you're a good guy with a gun and don't kill you like they did to the last guy who stopped a mass shooter.

Is arbitrary busy work a good answer? Because that's the system we have now. Also production costs would drop dramatically after the initial investment which would make things cheaper. Of course none of the companies would actually lower prices unless they were forced to but that could be arranged.

This is brain dead, we have plenty of green energy storage methods available. We just need a big enough green energy surplus to store.

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You know what, you're right, we're all fucked, there is nothing we can do, let's gather round and jerk ourselves off about how miserable we all are until the warm embrace of the ocean washes over our heads. Thanks for helping me finally see that.

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Yup, real solutions usually aren't sexy and don't make good sound bites. Lot's of people are unhappy with life and the idea of being able to fix it themselves with direct action is a very appealing concept. Telling someone their problems are causes by a complex mixture of cultural factors and government policy doesn't give people the instant gratification of hearing that it's the "others" fault.

A guy in a lambo yelling about how women and jews are the real issue is always going to get more attention than a well constructed and reasonable argument on economic policy.

I originally heard this idea about why so many big start ups end with massive fraud but I think it applies here too. The start ups that create reasonable goals and timelines don't get funding because someone else is willing to lie and promise more. By the time it's clear they can't deliver on the promised results, the honest company is out of business. Same in politics, one side is honest, the other side is willing to say whatever they think will win you over no matter if it's true. Obviously one will be more appealing because it's designed to be, but that doesn't mean it has any merit.

This reads like a sponsored post

They made a big deal of being the first manufacturer to officially offer parts through ifixit, but a replacement kit for the internal display on the Pixel Fold is over $900 USD. It's almost the same price as a brand new 512 GB Pixel 8 Pro, but that will have a warranty and is guaranteed to be waterproof, unlike a repaired phone.

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Cuz kids don't like having their parents asking questions about their life... how is that even surprising to you? It's ok to ask but if they aren't forthcoming you can't just say it's stupid. That's how you get a kid to start doing things secretly.