3 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Would help if users spread out over all the running servers because problem is just a few lemmy servers have all the users. For example the instance I run would be a simple proxy to use for all the content and then would mitigate issues when a big server had problems since just parts of the fediverse would be affected from the users pov.

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Just make a second account, the one I run, is so underutilized its a joke. Smaller instances like mine basically have to beg for users and the server goes unused while bigger instances struggle under the constant traffic.

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Yes obviously the barrier to entry is high. But nobody knows for the big servers either since they are basically just small instances that happened to get big. Thats why just died one day due to domain seizure. End of the day all you can do is look at how long a server has been around and if it has be online a reasonable amount of time. That kind of reputation just increases slowly and nobody can make it happen faster.

Wow what a chilling story, never knew about this. How anyone can think they can get away with this is beyond me.

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If anyone wants to help spread the load I would appreciate people helping me with my instance that is small still and needs testing and help to grow. Its - will be updated to 0.18.1 when it releases soon.

This is a god damn embarrassment.

Thank you for your help. It is appreciated.

Ultimately I am the one paying the bill currently so if I die nobody elses credit card is being charged.

In terms of other admins, this is actually happening. Some smaller instances like mine are in the process of setting up a sharing admin work between instances so that if someone is on holiday, the instance still has an admin who can login. This was only just started and is in the process. We have to create a lot of documentation and basic stuff to get it fully functional where another admin can login and fix something. Its not at that stage yet and will be a couple more weeks before it is. We did a test last night where another instance admin ( could connect to my instance via ssh but without documentation on what to do and check anything more than the basics of rebooting or restarting something isnt going to happen. Eventually we will get it to what to do if site has a critical vulnerability or is being attacked but not ready yet. Its a work in progress unfortunately.


Actually it is patched already, but thank you for the concern.

Either a local SMTP server (less used) or an external service (more common). The SMTP is configurable but I believe most used option is ssl smtp over port 587.

We have loads of space at if people want to spread the load.

You are correct. A lot of the internet is built on trust. This is no exception. I suggest having an account in more than one instance so that you are not too vested into 1 place.

No its not really as bad as that at all. The disk space is linear in that way but disk space is cheap. All the rest is not taxed heavily by federation. Do the big costs like CPU dont scale up like that.

nominative determinism

Yes but only if you have a lot of users eventually. So your server can serve up hundreds of requests from several different federated servers (eg: maybe some content from beehaw, other content from instead of 1 server (maybe having to serve that same content 100 times from all over the place.

If its only you and no other users, then not.

I setup a server that does not store any data so as to keep browsing fast for people using it. Its at and you can try it. Nothing really is posted there so it’s basically just so you can no overload another instance like

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Necromancers hate him! Healer discovers this one weird trick that delays the inevitable.

I run a lemmy server and its actually very hard to encourage people to sign up and use the server as they have to resubscribe to their communities manually or with a script and people just dont want to do it for basically very little gain for themselves individually even if when hundreds of people do it collectively it helps reduce load on popular servers. Its kind of like the climate change issue. One person doing it on their own doesnt change much and incurs a lot of work so why bother? Even if it is true that 1000 people moving would make a measurable difference.

Https:// if you do want to join, however.

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Actually all the instances were from just removed some recently for some reason (unknown to me) and I havent removed them from my list yet. I normally just sync the lists every now and again. I dont have any personal views, i just pull the list from and let them decide. If there is a difference it was because eith er my list is slightly out of date by a few days, or the bot script found something ans was run at a different time than they ran it. Essentially I dont host any content so there isnt much to moderate, thus my views are largely irrelevant.

I read this whole thread and didnt find a single person who uses teams inside ferdium like me.

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Agree. Kubuntu is easy. Then you move on once you get going. Super easy.

But why in the shower? Can you not do that out the shower? Unclear why shower is involved.

Hey copilot, what is that is on my desktop.

One way I have reduced my subscriptions is by using control d. I know vpns are popular on lemmy but I found it an annoying to have to have a vpn for each device I wanted to bypass a country lock. Moreover it was annoyyng for some devices like apple tv that does not support a vpn. Establishing a vpn on the firewall broke other services that I needed to work locally in my country.

Control d on the other hand is a dns proxy tunnel so you just alter the dns on the devices you want to use it, and in their control panel you can have different countries per service - so if you browse youtube that can go via a country that does not allow ads. Bbc iplayer can be told to go via uk and so on. This is a lot more convenient and allows you to retain your country for all services except the ones you want to tunnel.

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Actually a good point. He should have just done that.

I understand the logic but its actually backwards. A small instance like mine is easily paid for totally out my own pocket and requires no outside funding or maintenance because I can do everything. If too few people donate to major instances then the costs starts to run away from the owners. In some ways becoming too large is a problem.

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I asked admin about the missing ones and he is going to add them later tonight. They went missing due to the recent breach and have not been added back yet that is why there is a difference.

There is a script the admins of various instances have shared to block instances that have bots, as well as the normal making new sign ups harder for bots. If there is anything suspicious I normally make registration require validation as well until it can be resolved.

“i understand that, but think about it - its a random instance from a random stranger on the internet. you don’t know that person, and don’t know if he is actually serious interested in that project of running that instance… or if he will shut it down maybe a few day, weeks or months in the future.”

Have to be honest with you, that is how all yhe instances started including

“so it feels safer to go to instances who are more “trustworthy” in the longterm security of a stable operation.”

There is no metric by which to know this yet as lemmy is new. Its not like there are 5 servers that are 10 years old and al the rest are just starting up. Just how it is.

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I feel like you have missed the points im my previous comments but if you just want to feel safer because in your heart of hearts this instance or that instance just feels safer then go for it.

My advice does not change. Make a backup account on another instance to avoid being burned. If you dont want to, then its now on you.

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I used this and the developer is very helpful. Works great. Helped me even upgrade to 0.18.0.

Has anyone ever actually benchmarked = 0? Makes no sense to me to suggest a cpu is so bottlenecked that disabling read-ahead would actually help. If anything it would mitigate the decompression time if it guessed correctly as the work would already be done if left at the default of 3. Normally cpu is not bound when using zram because its quite low cpu anyway.

Pretty much. Yes its hosted in a datacenter for a monthly fee.

Set your country to Albania, Moldova, or Myanmar and you wont get ads on youtube.

You font make any communities and clear the database of cached content thats no longer needed after reasonable amount of time (as its hosted on the other instances the data came from) eg: PGPASSWORD=password psql --dbname=database --username=username --command="DELETE FROM activity WHERE published < NOW() - INTERVAL '7 days';"

Does stop top month or top year since you dont have data going that far back. Obviously if you keep it then you need more disk space, memory and so on and so on.

Thanks :)

The IP of this account matches and will be banned. (Both accounts).

Unsure. Also unsure hat unofficial client you use.

Yes I do use opnsense and it was more annoying than control d. I tried both options.

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