Holy fuck, thank you for that laugh
Holy fuck, thank you for that laugh
Gameplay wise, FlipWitch is a fun metroidvania from that side of steam. There is also Take Me to the Dungeon and Tamer Vale, both of which are decent Slay the Spire knock-offs.
This country makes me want to scream.
I never quite understood emotions until I started hrt at 32.
I couldn't manage the stress. Thankfully I used the G.I. bill, so I have zero debt from it, but wow is it not for me.
I had a 2002 Ford ranger that I named Strider.
I carried the same weight until I came out at 32, and let me tell you, it's heavier than you'll ever realize until you put it down and start unpacking it. But the change in my life in just over a year has been literally unbelievable.