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Joined 1 years ago

I don't get why people still use that platform. It's so hostile to the users. This is an election year and we're just going to give him all this influence? Society is a big dumb animal.

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I'll never forget, a few years into the war I asked what my Afghani colleague thought of the war. He told me "I hate the Taliban. When I was a boy they came to my village and slit all the men's throats. NOT a few of the men. ALL of the men." Leaving those people to suffer that regime was a greater crime than any we committed in the 20 years of occupation.

It's going to depend on the severity of several pending scandals and what the Saudis decide to do with oil prices between now and November. Democrats should have an astronomical campaign warchest while the GOP is blowing their wad on the candidate's legal bills. The Democrats game to lose and that's their expertise.

When it comes to misinformation I always remember when I was a kid I'm the early 90s, another kid told me confidently that the USSR had landed on Mars, gathered rocks, filmed it and returned to earth(it now occurs to me that this homeschooled kid was confusing the real moon landing.) I remember knowing it was bullshit but not having a way to check the facts. The Internet solved that problem. Now, by God , the Internet has recreated the same problem.

I think the conservative justices will be happy to see his demise and the rise of his more competent successor. I doubt he can count on them for any favors.

So pretty much inevitable then. :(

This message keeps being spread. Wonder how significant it is or if it's like a handful and propagandists are making it out to be a trend?

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Imagine living in India and witnessing American consumption intimately is your job. That's a special kind of cruelty.

If we're just making comparisons to justify murder, do you know what's worse than murdering 7000 people? Murdering 30000 people. But being better by comparison doesn't make you right. There will always be someone worse to compare yourself to.

Handy for Israel to get to exterminate them within their own borders and everyone else is to blame because they won't take them as refugees. Both those things are bad, but one is at least a bit worse.

Christianity emerged out of rumour and legend to grab the minds of fools and it transformed the world in very chaotic and destructive ways. Q Anon is setting up to out do Christianity. The numbers on Q's growth are terrifying.

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It's an ethically shitty and exploitative funding model, but if you look at the gameplay, you'll see the appeal of buying the $45 game package. Very few people stop at though. No matter how much you hear that spending more is unnecessary, they've built a system of incremental spending and incentives that draw people ever deeper.

The insane thing is that the supposed final vision sounds incredibly tedious in a way that I doubt most people would ever actually play it. For the sake of immersion, you will have to physically move every item from spare sets of armour to bulk cargo for transport jobs. There is a light survival mechanic of hydration and nutrition, but personal hygiene is also planned. Upgrading ships will mean physically pulling components and replacing them, but the real gains will be in the subcomponents!

Maybe that sounds fun as a vision statement, but I assure you, after losing that hand loaded, hand upgraded ship to bugs or exploits for the third time, the joy will all be gone.

I suppose it's lucky that none of their vision or promises ever come to pass. Anyway. You want my referral code?

He can't appeal without bonding the full amount and nobody was willing to bond the 5 million he got hit with last year. Looks a lot like he just has to put up the cash.

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I always thought it it was frightening enough to realize, if you were born in the 80's, every year of your life had been the hottest year on record. Will stacking hottest days consecutively hit harder? I get the sense that it won't hit all that hard until the capitalists can no longer keep off-loading the cost of climate change on the public. The outcry at that stage should be something to behold. I'm really sorry to the younger people watching us all give up, but every year of our lives has been the hottest in history and nobody has done anything about it no matter how willing we've been to do our part.

Don't kid yourself. Smartmatic is in it for a payday. They're not interested in justice or even revenge. Might make Fox temporarily uncomfortable, but there won't be any pressure for journalistic reform and if they have to stop short of bankrupting them to ensure maximum payout, that's what they'll do.

He has a monitor overseeing him. Too late for any shenanigans.

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Didn't they use an illegal scheme to avoid taxes when he got his dad's money?

More than that. They own the content and relationships and can use them in ways you cannot predict. LLMs gobble up human produced content because we entrusted it to corporations. What hit hardest for me was when Facebook published a study where they found they could influence users attitude by prioritizing certain posts in their feeds.

Imagine it. Corporations owning your relationships and using them to get a profit out of you

Regardless. He cannot appeal without putting up the money or a collateralized bond.

There are exceptions to the notion that competition is good. If we attempt to map out all the exceptions, we will be left with mumbo jumbo. Economic libertarianism is the true death of the brain. Some monopolies are good and any threat to the monopoly is a threat to the consumer.

For the courts presumption of innocence is important, but as people, we know this guy. Trump University, Trump Charitable Foundation, Trump Org. All have been found by the courts to operate fraudulently. We don't owe him any benefit of a doubt.

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Listen. Some of us have our life savings in our Steam library. If competition ever drives Steam bankrupt, we go down with the ship! We take Steam's health personally and very seriously. Your mumbo jumbo about competition doesn't factor into it.

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I really don't see there's specific evidence for what motivated Jesus, what his goals were or even anything he actually said. Maybe he was a real specific person, but for sure he would have been much less than how the stories portray him. We can say this for certainty because the gospels contradict each other in the specific events of his life.

You seem to be creating your christian narrative out of wishful thinking just because you want to see it that way. Very normal Christian thinking on your part.

I hate this need to for legend and superstition to justify value systems. It's so easy to manipulate people with this mentality. Look at Qanon. Just believing anything that affirms their prejudice fears. When the leader comes along who can codify and canonize the belief system it's going to be a disaster for civilization.

One coin, two sides. What agenda has you looking up and responding to my 2 month old comment? Makes me think all these cries of "Russian bot!" Are projection of some kind. But you know, I don't think your shit resonates with any human.

It's his job to milk the rest of us for all he can get but I'm still sick of him coming round with his hand out.

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I still can't wrap my head around the case for genocide in China. Political and religious oppression is evident, but aside from grainy photos of some prisoners, but I haven't seen evidence of genocide. People are saying it though so... I guess it could be true?

Remember when Wagner Group accidentally found out they had wide open roads all the way to Moscow from Ukraine? That's what Ukraine is to Putin. Along with natural gas and some other economic factors. None of it inscrutable.

How irrational is the idea that Russia won't stop at Ukraine? These guys don't have the logistics to extend 100km from their border. You lying or a bot? What you're saying is a plain contradiction of reality.

I hate the internet where people say the most obvious lies with complete conviction. This stuff has to be fake content produced by somebody with an agenda. It's on both sides. Sure. This is war in 2024. But here we are, the small people trying to eat and pay rent while our masters are telling us it's worth sacrificing it all for some country that doesn't affect us. Why? So Haliburton et al can get another trillion? But the cost is that we're cut off from honestly discussing the life or death issues of our class.

I'm poor and it sucks! It sucks more when gas prices go up and nobody hears me because I'm under a mountain of propaganda and botted down votes.

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Your reasoning is very flawed on this. Dishonest and misleading are synonymous. And I never said they are a puppet of anyone. They are very far from alone and they obviously have the greatest interest. Their military assets amount to many billions with more constantly flowing in. When it comes to the means to make war, Ukraine is wealthy and applying any other measure is dishonest, a lie, misleading and propaganda.

Ukraine is worth our help but not worth lying to ourselves over.

It's dishonest to frame this war that way. Ukraine is some kind of proxy for a global alliance against Russia. We are good at lying to ourselves. Not as good as Russia, but the more we do it, the less certain we can be of anything.

Maybe you propaganda lovers need the lies for some internal reason? I don't personally feel that if I'm justifying my decisions with lies, I should resolve the inconsistency in my value system.

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Why do you guys keep calling Ukraine the poorest nation in Europe? They must be burning enough money to compare with a top 10 military expenditure. It's gone impressively well for them, but the way they are glorified like this is blatant propaganda. It's another front in the fight, but with the dishonesty, it makes it hard to judge the nobility of the cause.

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Down here, at the bottom of this thread, it's just us. One of us farted and I know it wasn't me. Who you going to convince? It's just us here. You gonna call me a fake person when it's just us? I get you can't rationally disagree with my position and be consistent with you purported values. That's a tough spot. But trying to convince me that I'm not real when it's just between us? That's a lost cause. As big a waste as sharing a dissenting opinion here. So let's shake hands on the fact we both wasted our time.

Those casualties sound kinda miniscule for the war that's supposedly marching on to Berlin. Hard to give a damn when it's half a dozen deaths.

Jesus Christ... What an absolute godforsaken NSA cesspool Lemmy is. The frustration of not being able to talk to real people who don't assume you yourself are not a genuine actor. This is the darkest forest.

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You are not making sense. In what bubble does what you said sound like English? [Edit: it was this bubble all along! Looks like I made a wrong turn on my way out of Reddit And landed on a State Department website. Is my karma still good or did they wipe it?]

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We didn't need proof that they're all the same but here we can see Democrats voting to keep a christofascist in power so Israel can continue a genocide. America, your vote really does not matter but maybe you feel good "participating" in this reality show? We all deserve a little something to make us feel good every few years.

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