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I have a 2017 bolt EV - bought used, not one that is advertised as having great mileage even in 2017. I routinely take it 400-500mi plus drives with one or maybe two charge stops for vacation and family trips. Middle of ME to the southern tip of NJ. My home is somewhere in the middle.

Charged off my 110 outlet since I got to car (about 4 years) up to last month Oct 2023 when I got a 220v outlet installed as part of another project. One charge was enough for the week. Occasionally I'd plug in at work or at a friends. Worst case actually pay $5-9 for a DC quick charge if I know I'm doing a long drive. All that is way easier if you just have a place to plug in consistently at home.

I don't get the negativity most people have twords EVs. Everyone is astounded when I say I just plug it into the wall and have to plan longer trips slightly more, like that's not news anymore.

And there's a bunch more DC chargers than when I first started driving an EV - so it's wayyy easier for new folks to adopt.

I'm going through this right now with my state (MA). After a lot of talking and finding non-shit vendors and quotes and stuff I've got an application into the state program. About $28k total to remove oil from my home completely in favor of heatpumps and a new water heater. State will give us a 10k rebate and a loan where they pay 7 years of interest. So that works out to 10k upfront we get back and then 7 years of $225/month payments.

We pay $300/month for oil. And that price is always getting higher.

Edit: worth mentioning that we are going for a full whole home rebate - to get the full 10k we are required to heat the same areas to the same heat load to qualify. We could have gone for a partial rebate and done a hybrid oil heat pump system. (Which didn't seem to be a good idea long term with oil costs)

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Well Ive not quite made it to 100000mi on the odometer. It's likely I'll be able to take it to 200000 with the same sort of range I have now... So that's about 10-12 years of life for me without a worry. Maybe it goes more, maybe I get in an accident before 2029 (10years of use and I'll be around 150000mi or less).

Ive heard people are scared of the batteries. But that fear doesn't match what I've experienced. I had a recall on mine that was not big deal. it's really not as concerning as it's made out to be. I'm mostly hoping there's a better recycling system in place when I do actually need a new battery, just show I know the old one is taken care of properly. But likely the rest of the car will wear out first.

Ps I don't drive much during the week, longer weekend drives, and then long drives a few times a year.

Oof you really trying to get others to die on that hill with ya huh?

Ehhh he's fairly spot on. When I didn't have insurance I had to go to the ER or try to find a doc that would write a prescription "under the table" - which never went well. No urgent care would see me.

Now that I have insurance I've only been to the ER for a real emergency once.

Still going to the ER with insurance wiped out my savings though, so I don't really see all that much difference.

68f is for sure t-shirt weather. 86f is for sure T-shirt weather.

Who TF bundles up if it's 86 deg.

Super confused, you bundle up at 68f for normal ideal summer temps? Or is 68-86 Gigantic enough you need long sleeves? Or like just low keyed afraid are you of the outdoors at 20c? Spoiler alert... It's nice?

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5 indoor units, 2 outdoor units, new water tank, electric work, boiler and oil tank both got to get chopped up safely before being brought out. Went through several vendors to get the project under 30k.

And it's New England so the heat pumps have to be hyper heat units that function in winter. We are getting units that will heat to 70 degrees inside at -13deg outside and functions down to -22. (All F)

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Not nearly as hard as you are working to represent F in chat about personal preference

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Yes and his new content will be released as fully ramblomatic, realsed under second wind instead of escapist...

Zero Punctuation for me. He has a similar taste in games to what I like and a so so positive ZP review is usually a solid buy for me.

I guess the name is changing soon to fully ramblematic? There's drama with the owner of the ZP IP right now and the folks who actually own the IP are 100% gonna fuck it up. Creator is starting fresh after a walking from a bad deal is how I understand the situation.

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I got our oil removed and heat pumps installed through masssave last fall.

I ended up getting 5 quotes that varies from $20k-50k. Two of the installers wanted to do ducted systems and eventually we ended up around $30k with a good installer.

We paid the 10k as a down payment in November. Got the 0% interest loan about $150/month. We just got the rebate check in the mail. And 150/mo plus the new electric rate is still cheaper than oil. Long term I'm hoping it will pay for itself.

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Oh yea I think I do agree with you that the C scale is objectively better.

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Lol can't tell, is this 85% stupid or closer to 100?

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Ps I'm starting think Fal is losing it in this comment section...

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Odd I got the site and not a rick roll. Try rejecting the cookies?

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For reference the cheapest heat pump water heater I was able to get quoted (4 companies quoted) was $6k. We elected to get a non efficient water tank at $1900. 2023.

I think covid drove up the cost for sure. And I think certain contractors are inflating the price for the rebate. 2 of 4 companies gave me 50k plus quotes even without duct work. Maybe that was the fuck you we don't have the people to do it please go away price though I dunno.

Ehhhh conviction isn't super admirable if it's something stupid.

I don't think a flat earther's conviction is admirable.

But at least theyre less stupid than flat earthers... So far...

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Okay we can all go home. Fal says "C is MUCH better." Argument over

Yea it's basically a not mini mini split.

We looked into doing a ducted heat pump through the attic for the top floor. But it quickly brought the project into the 50k range for what amounted to a slightly better looking design.

Oh I gotcha now, agreed

We get a fall and 3-4 months of winter.

MA already has a program in place. Look up MassSave. Bet case scenario you could qualify for a 10k rebate and a 7year 0% interest loan.

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Ya that sounds rough. Maybe they ran higher gauge cable and skimped on the breaker?

I know electric work can be included in the loan for whatever that's worth.

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Exactly what I'm doing right now. Oil tank is rated for 30 years, and it's 32 years old.

Start here and get an energy assessment done. Took about 90min, we did it on a video call.

MassSave Home Energy Assessment

They are also going to upgrade our insulation to current standards. $3000 job but through them we are paying $526.44. Also we got some free power strips and shower heads and a smart thermostat upgrade.

If this whole heat pump install goes well I'm going to be telling literally everyone in MA to contact them...

68 is shorts and T-shirt weather in my part of the world. No one carries a jacket around if it's that warm. Maybe it's cold to you if you live between the tropics? I can't speak to that

20-30c is a cool shortcut that F doesn't really have. The original comment is just a decent guideline and "I just don't believe that you can't understand" what a guideline is.

But if you need all this stuff to exist outside in nice weather maybe a quick guideline is not for you...

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68-80 are similar temps. I'm comfy at both. I wear the same thing outdoors at both temps.

I'm sorry you don't I guess and are offended that someone else is different than you.

20-30 is easier to understand than 68-80 for most people (obviously there's an exception)

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Yes obviously.

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Yes I mistyped 80vs86. but that percentage of 100 is similar enough that I can't really tell the difference.

I was agreeing that 68 and 86 are both T-shirt weather. Still is to most folks. I get it you're not most folks.

I'm imagining your place as just filled with coats and thermometers that you care about this to such an extent.

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Correct I literally can't tell the difference. That's 100% what I'm saying. (Yeap that was sarcasm)

I'm saying 68 and 86 are both T-shirt weather. And 20-30 is more meaningful to me than 68-86. That's it. That's all.

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Meaningful to you. not to most folks.

After all that you're fine with "eh it's just translation." then why not try a system that has some meaning to it at all instead of arbitrary numbers. At least that's what literally everyone else is saying to you in the comment section.

And hey you can decide 20-25 is not T-shirt weather for yourself and 25-30 is. Crazy right?

Paid to go thru hiking in eaither case

Check your direct messages

1000 people surveyed.

This a meaningless number of both gen z and zoomers?

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