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Joined 1 years ago

My next OS will be some kind of Linux. I just had to reinstall Windows 11 because it corrupted it's install after some time. I had to uninstall so much crap and regedit so many thinks just to get it back to where I was before. I don't want Bing search in my windows search results. I don't want your stupid widgets and I don't want your browser or 90% of your default apps. And no I don't want office 360 or onedrive. So stop forcing it into my face. When Linux gets Plasma 6 and HDR support there is only holding me back my Nvidia GPUs Linux compatibility. While I hah to install windows 11 again I played a lot of games on my Steam Deck! It's is awesome and only some games with obscure anti cheat don't run. (well some times they don't run on windows too)

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Just deleted my Instagram Account for good. I have no need for any Meta App on my Phone or any other Stasi like Institution

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Wish full thinking but maybe now more products will use less sugar. A lot of brands use way to much sugar in all different kinds of food. For example most cakes we bake at home are at least as sweat as the ones bought for the store but have way less total sugar in them.

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Lately I bought a lot of AAA Games from the past couple year's for 12€ up to 20€. It is such a better experience. They work (almost bug free) and you get 30+ Hours out of them on the first run. And when you only get 10 Hours or so out of them and don't feel like investing more time into them, I tend to not have the big buyers remorse effect like with games that cost up to 100€ plus 20€ every other month or so for the next DLC/Battle Pass that should just have been an update or part of the main game from the start.

You do as the SCRUM Master told you or we will take away all your Fruit Baskets and free Tap Water! /s

Tipping should never be the Majority of the Income of Anyone. Pay your Employees fair and ban Tipping until the Mindset has changed. You should tip how ever much or little you want as a thank you for the Service provided and not with the forced Thought of "If I don't tip this Person has not enough money to live".

Very Nice! - Borat

Good for Canada. Being more aktiv and critical in reading and searching for news is good and way better than getting "presented" with the news Meta selectively wants you to see.

Something like the Russian Window disease? Where people tend to become disoriented and want to clean windows and fall out of them, sometimes when they are still closed, after criticizing the Government, the holy Bear rider himself or one of his friends?

I came too because off the newest anti user behavior of reddits CEO and Admins. Made an Account on and now have access to all Communities in the Fediverse.

I was using Infinity for reddit most of the past years and would not switch back to the awful reddit default Android App.

The official lemmy App is not perfect. But all ready good enough to be used with mostly no bigger issues. Mostly lacking in some features compared to infinity.

This I assume UAV has a impressive good camera with great resolution and zoom. But it makes sense to use the best UAVs for JDAM Strike BDA.