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Joined 1 years ago

Subscribe to different communities. Most posts I see are politics, racecars (until I blocked it) and non English communities (until I block them)

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That's horrible. It would be bad for public health to leave corpses rotting in the street. Bodies need to be properly disposed of to avoid breeding dangerous bacteria.

But didn't this recent influx of burnings start when an Iranian refugee burned the quaran in protest against the government he fled from? This doesn't seem to have anything to do with skin color.

Gross an apple user.

Sucker punch.

It's also entirely possible that someone just really doesn't like that such content exists. Stop drinking is meant as a support group for alcoholics. But it's messaging sounds a bit like moral crusading against alcohol. And that sounds like the sort of thing someone scrolling through a front page would take objection to.

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Is this company public? The company I work for was like that pre IPO. And then it got a bit worse afterwards but we still got good answers to hard questions at all hands. That lasted for idk 3 years? But now 6-7 years later our all hands have been reorganized to split them up, people who used to ask the hard questions were let go or encountered to leave etc.

But hey, are you hiring?

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In bodyguarding, army, protection, etc

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Yeah ... No. Ubuntu is way more stable for me than win10. And much lazier to use. This argument was true ten years ago but Ubuntu and friends are really just install and click browser just like most people use Chromebooks

Same. I wrote a ton of pages about his work as governor and lost points bc it didn't cover his achievements as president. I asked the teacher if she could name one, and she told me that was my job. She was forced to retire after that year.

Peter also had a great legacy of modernization and westernization to Russia. Nearly every political leader has a complex legacy. People do a lot of things good and ill in their lifetimes.

You mean having an iphone in the chat drags down the standard. Apple implemented a worse protocol and refuses to use the modern standard AND claims it's Android that's dragging things down. Androids can all use thr updated protocol.

This doesn't seem like a bestness of fit test. What type of statistical test did you run?

Don't say that. When they identify themselves it's easier to pick them out. I love me nazi armbands. Much easier to tell at a glance who's the nazi.

And it's surprisingly good

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I remember back in 2015-16 when his prospects were such a joke. I thought to myself I hope he wins the primary bc it will completely destroy Republican chances.

Well that didn't turn out as we expected.

Poke about in registry, Google problems where the solutions are for the wrong version of windows, wade through driver problems, find that the issue is in a toggle that used to be easy to find in control panel but now is buried under layers of crap

Guess I'll have to name all of my iterators "it" instead of "I". That will fix things.

Definitely a hot take though. Bc there are definitely times when it is totally acceptable.

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Does this really hold for higher values? It seems like a pretty good way of searching for primes esp when combined with other approaches.

I think you have that analogy backwards. The point was that the industrial proletariat stayed underground while the bourgeois regressed into the eloi bc they had built the overworked utopia and had no need to do anything. This is the literal way the rich.

Yup. Plenty. I haven't proven it for every game I own but I know it works for Titan quest and other random ones I've tried.

Great game. Totally worth the money. But not long and grindy like OP asked for.


Is a great program and should totally be valid cpp. White space sucks.


I watch all of my shows from laptop personally (not the person you are replying to). I don't care super hard about the big screen. And it means I can do other things on my other monitors at the same time.

Well it's more of a state in a specific place and that maybe everyone should go there.

No way she's upper class. Upper middle at best and that's pushing it.

The advice is meant to mean processed foods. It comes from the omnivores delimenia which is a pretty good book. It isn't meant to mean "don't eat exotic foods"

Some parts are slightly unbaked. Like parts of the map that are missing fast travel points. But the gameplay loop is sane. And it has way more pals than I would be expected. Like dozens and it's worth getting them.

No. They are effectively the same statement.

(A <=> B ) = (A=>B AND B=> A)

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I don't think you know what a loss leader is bc it doesn't precisely apply here.

Also Google isn't that hot of a place to work tbh.

Reverend Insanity is probably a strong contender. The world building is super well done. The characters actually plot against each other. Not just the protagonist. It feels very lived in.

Princess bride the book. Indigo and fessik backstory. Parentheticals. The author tone and style is so much fun.

When was that written? If it was long enough ago that was actually a lot of money.

Isn't his comp mostly in stock? So if they cut his salary it wouldn't really affect the profit margin so much as the valuation of his salary

Yup. There is technology to deal with this. But does every piece of hw have that tech? No. Does every piece of sw run eccs for this purpose? No.

I don't see the word removed.

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Great game unfortunately it's finishable in about 40-50h. And there isn't much to do after that. You can overnight farm gold but it doesn't really get you anything

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It's souls lite for like 30min. I wish I could go redo just the teshin mission. But honestly it's 1 not that hard 2 not that long.

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It's been a while since I read the comic but since neither are wearing horns or have grey skin, it's either a bad troll cosplay or very likely a kid. I feel like I'd notice say mspaint or postman.

Ok so there are 8 kids possible. Do any of them wear red? I want to say Jane might sometimes? But no props make it obvious. The guy on the right might be wearing the dirk/Dave glasses but I remember those glasses being angular.

How did you come to the conclusion this is a cosplay? It has so few props to make it clear which character is which.

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And you think they did it correctly? Every large SW project has bugs. I assume this one would as well.

Since someone is going to be elected pretty much no matter what, "practice shooting if a tone is elected" is logically equivalent to "practice shooting".

Banning proponents of 2A is a bit weird for a politics sub but I like it. Gun nuts are crazy.